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2017 NFL Playoffs - Super Bowl LI Confirmed! Atlanta Falcons vs New England Patriots!

Lord Raven

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Then you're selfish. I'm pretty sure those players' families and friends DO care about after they retire.

In plain terms, I don't care about after the player retires for the purpose of this argument.

With regard to injuries while a player is active in the league, a torn ligament is more serious than a concussion.

Reading comprehension.

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Well, the NFL obviously does care about what happens to players after they retire, seeing as they did that study and all. I think this should be a part of such an argument.

Why don't we also include their philanthropic efforts too into this argument? And where their mothers grew up? Because those are also relevant, right?

For those of us who are not impaired when it comes to critical thinking, a concussion usually means that a player is out for a week at most and a torn ligament is about a season.

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Why don't we also include their philanthropic efforts too into this argument? And where their mothers grew up? Because those are also relevant, right?

For those of us who are not impaired when it comes to critical thinking, a concussion usually means that a player is out for a week at most and a torn ligament is about a season.

Finished pulling shit out of your ass? Good. Any person not impaired when it comes to critical thinking should also know that player health should always be relevant seeing as it actually affects their whole lives.

Anyway, seems like Polamalu didn't like retiring. But it was for the best. He can still be a part of the NFL if he really wants though, I wish he'd think about that. He could make like Ed Reed and get hired as a coach (Steelers DBs could really use a good coach right now too) or do like Hines Ward and Jerome Bettis and be in among those discussion guys on TV or like Ike Taylor and become an NFL.com writer.

Edited by Anacybele
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Heath Miller is retiring too now, noooo. :(

He was only with us for 11 seasons... Hines Ward was around for 15! I'm really surprised here. But thank you Heath! You were an awesome TE! Let's hope Jesse James can fill your shoes. And that you're a Hall of Famer someday!

Ben's gonna miss him though. Heath was his favorite target not named Antonio Brown.

EDIT: Aw, Ben said Heath was the best teammate he ever had! Poor Ben... :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Peyton Manning has officially retired.


♫ Riding into the sunset ♫

Football won't be the same. When the day comes that Brady retires, it will truly be the end of an era.

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And Ben. He's part of this era of elite QBs too.

But is anyone honestly surprised? I'm not. :P I fully expected Peyton to retire at the end of this season, Super Bowl win or no.

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Yes, we have talked about this numerous times, so I don't know why I even bother. You're the one that's bad at accepting facts and biased against the Steelers. I'm already accepting one.

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Then what's your argument for Ben being elite? We will retread this and you will once again not accept any facts in favor - Ben has had two years of being basically Top 10 QB by many metrics and it's ridiculous he's considered elite.

Rivers is better than Ben and none of them can catch up to the Rodgers/Brees/Brady/Manning elite four we had going on since 2006.

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Yes, we have talked about this numerous times, so I don't know why I even bother. You're the one that's bad at accepting facts and biased against the Steelers. I'm already accepting one.

It can't be a fact when both numbers and the vast majority of people (we're talking everyone not a Steeler fan) don't agree with you. Especially when you have Warren Sapp saying flat out "he is not there" when referring to elite QBs.

It's a bad sign when I think that OJ is more believable than you.

​Stop passing your opinion off as fact.

Edited by Pharoahe Monch
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Wow, one person says he's "not there" I'm totally wrong.

Oh, so you know the vast majority of people and have asked all of them for their opinion? Also, if my belief that Ben is elite is just an opinion, then Lord Raven can't call his belief that he's not a fact either. Which means you can't as well. So how about you stop passing off YOUR opinion as fact?

I've argued why I think Ben is elite before and I don't feel like doing it again for the millionth time.

And I'm asking you nicely to stop flaming me and being rude.

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Mine is actually a fact, yours isn't an opinion on the grounds that you can use fact to prove it wrong.

I think ignoring all facts and previous discussions and saying "I'm done discussing this" is more rude.

Don't treat this thread like your hugbox to preach your opinion. That is not the purpose of this thread. It's to have a discussion and accept when you've lost an argument if applicable. You have proven yourself incapable of all these things and throwing a fit. I don't know why you bother either, because your purpose in this thread is incongruent with my intended purpose - as well as the purpose of others' - in this thread.

Besides the Top 20% of QBs during Ben's career has included Ben only two of those years. 2013 and 2014, and even 2014 was arguable. Over the course of a decade, the top 4 were Manning/Brady/Brees/Rodgers. Rivers was a solid #5. The sixth spot is hard to gauge, seeing as the only QBs to have a majority of starts in the past 10 years were Flacco, Ryan, Palmer, Romo, Stafford, Eli Manning, and Roethlisberger (and I am missing someone here). And most people would take Romo (and Flacco but with the added caveat that this is actual and complete homeristic bias towards my QB) over Ben Roethlisberger.

And in the playoffs, people would take the Elite four, Eli, and Flacco.

Ben is Top 10 - maybe not even that during early parts of his career (do NOT underplay that Steelers D - those Steelers teams are what we would be if we had competence at QB) - but not elite.

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No, it's not a fact. How is "Ben is not elite" a fact and "Ben is elite" an opinion? You make such little sense that I want to burst out laughing. LOL

I'm not ignoring any facts. Why would I be saying Ben is elite with no facts to back it up? I can use fact to prove that right, I'm just tired of arguing it over and over.

Also, you must have a weird definition of rude. He was pretty much bullying me.

Edited by Anacybele
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The whole 'elite QB' thing is a pretty arbitrary line with low game relevance anyway so I don't see why people care so much.

Here's to hoping Peyton really retires and doesn't pull a Favre.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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I would be genuinely surprised with that. Keep in mind that Favre did that retirement shtick from like 2005 until 2010 when he actually retired, and he still had an excellent arm. He had an excellent year with the Jets until that injury (so excellent half year) and the best year of his career in 2009. Peyton Manning is legitimately spent and his last three playoff games prove it. Manning doesn't have the physical ability to start another game; Favre did in 2005.

No, it's not a fact. How is "Ben is not elite" a fact and "Ben is elite" an opinion? You make such little sense that I want to burst out laughing. LOL

Ben is elite is not an opinion. It's a false fact.

Ben is not elite is not an opinion. It's a true fact.

I'm not the one claiming it's an opinionated thing, because it isn't.

I'm not ignoring any facts. Why would I be saying Ben is elite with no facts to back it up? I can use fact to prove that right, I'm just tired of arguing it over and over.

Because you just did, you keep doing it, and you literally just ignored the numbers I threw at you. Half the time this is exactly how you respond to this argument too.

Do not ever quote this bullshit about me teaching you how the game works when this response is all I get when I bring up anything that contradicts your viewpoint - a viewpoint that isn't really so much a viewpoint sometimes as it is a lack of knowledge. It's clear I'm not teaching you shit because you refuse to actually talk about this shit.

Oh and you said you had some huge analysis last year about how Ben and Cam Newton are the best QBs playing right now - yet you didn't post this analysis nor did you respond to anything people said to you about how untrue it is. You have a history of saying inane shit without backing it up without even the simplest of fact. This is not exclusive to this thread, considering the presidential election thread I read just yesterday.

Also, you must have a weird definition of rude. He was pretty much bullying me.

Lacking social etiquette is rude, at least in the way you are doing this. Just because someone else is being rude doesn't diminish your rudeness.

My point had entirely to do with stones and glass houses.

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(and Flacco but with the added caveat that this is actual and complete homeristic bias towards my QB)

And see, this is why I ignore much of what you say and can't take you seriously. You're admitting right now that you're completely biased here.

I might have some bias towards Ben myself at times, but I'm not using that to say he's elite. And there's a difference between losing an argument and outright trying to AVOID one. I'm doing the latter.

Also, I never said he was elite his whole career (even given that he went pretty much undefeated when he started as a rookie), he's only fairly recently become elite. 2014, 2015, maybe 2013 too, those have been his best years.

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so if he hadn't admitted bias when selecting flacco, you'd be more inclined to believe it? that he included the caveat calls for you to take with a grain of salt his placing of flacco, not the others. even then, flacco and ben were last in the list (ie, not top 5)--and also that most would pick romo. come on, ana.

similarly but for another topic, if i said the world's best physicists (based on contribution) are newton, dirac, planck, einstein, and marie curie cause she's one of my favorites, does that really call into question my rationale for the list in general? i don't think so. maybe if i had put her first, but neither i (nor raven in his example) did.

overall i agree with cynthia, 'elite qb' is just another way to say "really really good qbs based on stats," which ben doesn't fit into. it's not a relevant thing.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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Yeah, I'd be a little more inclined to take what he's saying into consideration.

And I could argue all day that Ben has gotten great stats these days that equate to an elite QB, I just don't feel like doing that anymore because I'm tired of doing it.

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