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Do you want auto promoting to return?


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Since PoR was the first (and only atm...) FE I completed, when I played Awakening I was surprised when Sully reached level 21 and didn't automatically promote. I'd played Sacred Stones and FE7 before and was aware of the promotion items but I thought the Tellius style promoting was the norm...

SO! What's your preference? Do you want it to come back or not?

Edited by Dragoncat
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Yes, auto promotions shall return, because

  • no waste of money for promotion items
  • no waste of experience, if an unit is level 20 and has still no promotion item
  • no waste of time to find the fitting promotion item for a certain character
Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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I'd like it to come back. It was a really convenient mechanic and...

  • no waste of money for promotion items
  • no waste of experience, if an unit is level 20 and has still no promotion item
  • no waste of time to find the fitting promotion item for a certain character

...are great reasons to bring it back.

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Don't like it because I think promotion item resource allocation is interesting, and autopromotions sort of make the game biased to level 20 promotions.

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I actually DON'T want it back.

Honestly, auto promoting combined with BEXP completely trivilized both POR and RD for me.

What if they brought it back WITHOUT bexp? To me that seems like a happy medium. Course, they'd also have to include grinding...

Don't like it because I think promotion item resource allocation is interesting, and autopromotions sort of make the game biased to level 20 promotions.

With auto promotions you have to decide: "do I use this now, or do I save it and get them to level 21 instead?" It adds another layer of strategy/choice.

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What if they brought it back WITHOUT bexp? To me that seems like a happy medium. Course, they'd also have to include grinding...

With auto promotions you have to decide: "do I use this now, or do I save it and get them to level 21 instead?" It adds another layer of strategy/choice.

On the contrary, grinding is a concern that I have about it.

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With auto promotions you have to decide: "do I use this now, or do I save it and get them to level 21 instead?" It adds another layer of strategy/choice.

That's a much less meaningful choice though. If there's always a secondary option to promote at 21, then the only limiting strictly factor on a promotion is how much EXP there is left in the game. Comparatively, if you can't, the limiting factor is how many promotion items are available throughout the game. Admittedly, you tend to get more than enough, and can just buy them from Secret Shops later as well, but it's still more imposing on the early to midgame sections, when promotion timing is the most important.

It's possible to make a more agreeable "promote at 21" system via fine tuning exp gain and having an appropriate amount of items, but going by past evidence of Tellius games, there's a tendency to make promotion items more sparse and design the game's exp curve around promotion at the level cap instead of the range of levels below it.

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Yes, auto promotions shall return, because

  • no waste of money for promotion items
  • no waste of experience, if an unit is level 20 and has still no promotion item
  • no waste of time to find the fitting promotion item for a certain character

^This. So yes, please, IS. xP

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Yes I want it back because I liked being able to not have to worry about not having all the promotion items to make the team I want, because while I love SS and it was my first FE every time I play it I get mad that I can't promote all my magic users and cavilers because I love paladins and mages.

Edited by EricaofRenais
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we would all love for fire emblem games to be super easy and not force the player to make meaningful choices, and then we can all bitch about how easy it is afterwards.

It's possible to make a more agreeable "promote at 21" system via fine tuning exp gain and having an appropriate amount of items, but going by past evidence of Tellius games, there's a tendency to make promotion items more sparse and design the game's exp curve around promotion at the level cap instead of the range of levels below it.

this is very true and actually extremely annoying when i want to quickly promote a unit and the only way that i can do so is to BEXP them up to L20. this is even more annoying in FE10 0% growths where i can't use BEXP to level up because it would cause too many stat gains.

FE9 had like 3 master seals total; granted that game was a marcia stomp and threw enough BEXP at the player for him to basically elevate 2 units to promotion by the halfway point.

Edited by dondon151
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Oh, please no. If there is one feature from the Tellius games I don't want back is that one. Saving your promotion items and giving it to your best units is what makes promotion worthy IMO (With the exception of FE4 who has a unique promotion system).

Besides, wasn't that a Western-only feature? IS probably doesn't even know it exists.

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Master Seals exist in FE9 Ana. <_<

And they aren't really entirely useless either.

Besides, wasn't that a Western-only feature? IS probably doesn't even know it exists.

That was only to Tier 3 in RD IIRC. Level 21 promotion was in FE9 and 10 for Tier 1.

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I'm pretty sure they don't. I've played PoR many times over, never have I found a Master Seal in it. Not in chests or Aimee's shop. If they're there, they're VERY well hidden.

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Does FE9 remove Master Seals on Easy Mode or something?

Because they are most certainly there, and all the site data attests to it too, and I've used them before.


Here's video footage of a boss dropping one. Go to 7:50.

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That was only to Tier 3 in RD IIRC. Level 21 promotion was in FE9 and 10 for Tier 1.

You're right about that, although it's not like there are that many Tier 1 units in FE10. I honestly wish they would have kept it how it originally was in the Western release, as it makes your Tier 3 Beorcs more valuable. It also seems that IS wanted you to bring Mist to the Endgame, since she gets her own promotion item (and can only promote like that in the Japanese version).

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