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I will buy everything available to me like a careless fanatic.

Pretttyyyy much sums me up too, ALL THE THINGS, all the dlc.

I actually didn't get Awakenings DLC though.

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Pretttyyyy much sums me up too, ALL THE THINGS, all the dlc.

I actually didn't get Awakenings DLC though.

You heathen. Get out of here!

Just kidding, we love you.

And, yeah, I'm gonna buy everything too XD

Except the 16 booster packs for the Minerva DLC. That's just cruel.

Edited by VincentASM
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You heathen. Get out of here!

Just kidding, we love you.

Haha! I regret it actually. Never did get bride Say'ri or get to play those cool future DLC's or the funny beach one :P.

Edited by Jedi
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Although I'm going to get the English version (or versions) when they come out, I am heavily considering whether I want to get a Japanese 3DS and the Hoshido version. Not sure if it would be worth it, but I might have some extra money to spend on it if I don't waste it on anything trivial.

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The trailers so far have been exactly the same, but the Japanese trailer has an extra part about the separate versions right at the end.

I do think NOA/NOE are only going to release one version, but there's a chance they're not ready to announce the separate versions yet--Japan is ready because for them, the game is coming out in a few months. Us, half a year at the very least.

With the advent of the internet, this is kind of pointless since everyone already knows the Japanese style of release. I wouldn't put it past Nintendo to simply not consider such a thing, but it does lend credence to the idea that the non-Japanese release will be different.
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With the advent of the internet, this is kind of pointless since everyone already knows the Japanese style of release. I wouldn't put it past Nintendo to simply not consider such a thing, but it does lend credence to the idea that the non-Japanese release will be different.

I think it's more about the timing, regardless of whether it's two versions or one if the game's releasing in the west in 2016 I wouldn't see much sense for NoA or NOE to set into stone how the game will be sold by revealing it so long before the release date.

They'd be best off using that extra time to seeing how the two versions perform in Japan and detemine how they'll sell it, what special offers, quantity and promotions they could run for each version or special editions. Because nothing is officially announced they're free to change their plans anywhere from now until close to the release, whereas if they did say how it would be sold in the direct and opened pre-orders they'd be a lot more limited.

Edited by arvilino
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Yup add me to this buy everything like a careless fanatic train, i did it with awakening i'll do it for FEif too.

Though maybe i can extort some money from my little sister this time for dlc since we will be sharing the game.


Not really

Edited by goodperson707
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I don't really get the whole 'forget it, not buying because seperate games' thing, especially since the american version will have both.

This isnt confirmed and its also the reason so many people are on edge about the marketing. Its actually too risky to market the game like it is in Japan, internationally. It works for Pokemon because it has always been marketed as separate. FE14 carts/copies not containing both routes, asking to download one for extra coin, and paying more for third path...that is a gamble i doubt Nintendo (international) will take. But...we cant rule it out yet. One thing i know for certain we will get internationally: Nohr and Hoshido box art. Cuz thats just a lot of fun. In that case, im getting the Nohr one cuz yes.

Now, if we are stuck with the Japanese style marketing, i might spring for both physical versions. Maybe...

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I don't really get the whole 'forget it, not buying because seperate games' thing, especially since the american version will have both.

The American version has no confirmation yet. I doubt they screw over their Japanese fanbase as such either.

If we only get one physical copy it's gonna be White due to it being most like Awakening while Nohr and third route are dlc only.

Edited by Pretty_Handsome
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The American version has no confirmation yet. I doubt they screw over their Japanese fanbase as such either.

If we only get one physical copy it's gonna be White due to it being most like Awakening.

After their marketing, they can't just give us one side.

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I hope we get all in one cartridge. I really don't like how Nintendo deals with digital downloads. My 3ds unexpectedly broke and it's such a hassle to get my downloads back.

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I actually think ~$60 for 2 games or ~$80 for 3, each giving you completely different gameplay experience, is a really fair deal (I'm not even talking about the amount of content yet, since different experience alone is worth it). Hell, if this game (or games) turn out to be even better than I expected, I'm more than willing to pay over $100 for them.

While I hope NOA will release both in one package, that's merely for convenience and has little to do with pricing.

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The only way I won't get this game is if I'm deadbroke. I like this series, it's new to me, but I don't plan on investing time on older games because there are always great new games coming out, with the possible exception of radiant dawn. So it's only new games in series for me, and this is the next one up so I'm on line. I don't believe it can possibly be worse than Awakening in terms of what Awakening does poorly, but if it's as enjoyable as I found Awakening to be, and I think it will, yeah I'm reserving my physical copy for both games as soon as I can. Only issue really is how it will be released here, separate games or one, but that will be known in time.

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