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In an ironic twist of fate...


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Because fate just loves to deal with irony.

this weekend I, MusicBeat, a musician, amateur music producer, and musical lover, was diagnosed with neurofibromatosis type 2. If you're unaware of this disease, which you most probably will be since it's somewhat rare, it's a genetic condition that makes the person predisposed to develop tumors in the hearing nerves, among other nerves in the cranial area and spinal cord. This means that, given enough time, I will almost certainly become completely deaf.

this sucks. one of my ears is essentially gone by this point. my other ear is on its way, too. there is not much that can be done besides stop or slow down their growth, because surgery is rather aggressive and can damage the ear. I will be on some medication to slow down the tumors' growths, but of course, depending on how i progress, my ear could end up becoming damaged even if the tumor doesn't grow any more.

I will be having a surgery on my right ear, though, since that ear is useless now, and the tumor is large enough that it's starting to press against my brain. i will be having a brain stem implant installed so that i can have some degree of sound detection, but it will be nowhere near what my ear could do.

I will also be stuck by an MRI machine for the rest of my life, since I will have to be having regular check ups done to make sure that the tumors are stabylized and aren't growing.

and, to end off this thread of absolute shit, I may even end up dying young. whoop de doo.

sorry if i'm being a downer, but i've kept all my frustrations to myself, and I need to vent out a bit before I go crazy.

if you want to give suggestions as to what music, movies, games and such I should experience before my hearing completely goes, that would be awesome. I'm trying to make a list of things to check out, before my hearing goes to shit.

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Good god! I wish you all the best, you got a bad hand of cards dealt IMO :(

if you want to give suggestions as to what music, movies, games and such I should experience before my hearing completely goes, that would be awesome. I'm trying to make a list of things to check out, before my hearing goes to shit.

IMO, you should try and give some ideas of what sort of things you like already, which may give people a better idea of what to suggest. That being said, here are some things I suggest:

-Historias Extraordinarias (the argentine film)

-Ikiru (by Akira Kurosawa)


-Faster Than Light (FTL)

-Final Fantasy Tactics

-Metroid Prime

-Shadow of the Colossus

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Gee that really sucks.

As for really cracked out music to experience:

Einstürzende Neubauten. A German experimental project that helped pioneer Industrial music.

By the same token, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds.

Skinny Puppy cuz yes.

Covenant for some nicer synthpop

Front 242 is just gr9.

Anything and everything, i would ingest, mate. From Roy Orbison to Nicki Minaj!

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Japanese math rock is pretty great.

I hope lots of people suggest great things so you can get the best of stuff before your hearing goes.

thanks for the suggestion! and yes, i can only hope that I can find some gems thanks to the people here.

Good god! I wish you all the best, you got a bad hand of cards dealt IMO :(

IMO, you should try and give some ideas of what sort of things you like already, which may give people a better idea of what to suggest. That being said, here are some things I suggest:


-Historias Extraordinarias (the argentine film)

-Ikiru (by Akira Kurosawa)


-Faster Than Light (FTL)

-Final Fantasy Tactics

-Metroid Prime

-Shadow of the Colossus

yeah thanks, I will have to deal with this issue, and keep it at bay for as long as possible.

as far as interest goes, i'm a lover of musical theater, jazz, electronic music, upbeat pop, rock, and anything experimental really.

for games and movies, i tend to prefer thematic with elaborate storylines and rich soundtracks.

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Sorry man to hear for your disease and I hope that God may help you, for you to be better, but don't be a downer and believe in yourself that you will live, you don't have to think right from the start that you will be going to die, that is not a good thinking at all.

As for music I also listen to a lot of EDM(almost all of the genres and sub-genres) if you want something relaxing you should listen to Chill/Chillstep and zen music(or whatever is called, I don't listen to much to this).

As for movies and games, my personal favorites are Interstellar soundtrack for movies and my favorite soundtrack and in my opinion the best for games is from Deus Ex: Human Revolution from Michael McCann.

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Is there anything you don't like?

Sorry to hear man, good luck on the surgery, i'm always up for some venting if you ever need someone.

The Blade Runner OST (and Blade Runner in general) is amazing at night.

and i probably shouldn't be encouraging this but try listen to your favourite music "under the influence"

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Damn, that's tough. :( I hope that you're okay.

Recommendations for music? Xenoblade Chronicles, Etrian Odyssey, Final Fantasy Music (especially X and Type 0) and Radiant Historia.

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Man, I have some songs I usually listen to when I feel down, I hope they can help you.

_Sajin no Katana He.

_Sayonara no Natsu.

_The song of the golden dragon.

_Tooku Kimi E.

_Unstolen Jewel.

_Could you be love - Bob Marley.

_No woman no cry - Bob Marley.

_Dont worry, be happy - Bobby McFerrin.

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Ugh, sorry to hear. As someone who has been somewhat deaf in both years all my life, as well as somebody who enjoys music quite a bit, I can definitely say I'm sorry about your loss.

I will say I suggest learning sign language asap.

Music wise, I would suggest a bunch of rock music, like Led Zeppelin, Tenacious D, Kansas, etc.

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i'm the type of person who must have music everywhere i go, with everything i'm doing, no matter what. it's my little bit of solace in life, and i cannot imagine what i'd do if i were in your place.

i am truly sorry.

i am going to link you music sets & mixes i have uploaded for other friends over the years.

clicking on the picture in my signature will also redirect you to my eclectic custom built EDM Pandora station (you will probably have to sign in to enjoy more than a few tracks without ads though.)

goodluck in life and stay strong.

Treasure Fingers Live At D.C. Muse District Ignition Snatch Rewired

Laidback Luke Club FG 10-25-2008

Laidback Luke Club FG 10-16-2010

Bassnectar Freestyle Mixtape

Bassnectar BBC Mixtape 2010

2 Many DJs Live At Sudoeste TMN 2010

2 Many DJs Live At Hard Haunted Mansion 2011

Kaskade Essential Mix 2011

Diplo Moombahton Mix 2011

NT89 FBI Radio Show 2011

Beataucue Winter-Spring Tour Mix 2012

Fatboy Slim Brasil Warm Up Mix 2014

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That sucks big time I hope that you get good doctors that know how to help. As to Music I would recommend H.I.M and Drop Kick Murphys, as to video games I would say A Link Between Worlds and Unchained Blades, and movies I would say Rough Riders with Tom Berenger and 13th Warrior with Antonio Banderas.

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My condolences on your loss. I would perhaps suggest trying to develop your musical sense to the point where you can look at sheet music and visualse how it wouold sound, so that you don't have to give up your hobby entirely. (i don't know if that's realistic in the time alloted.) Perhaps i could recomend beethoven. He continued to compose music in the last 10 years of his life despite being deaf. His ninth symphony is one of the most popular popular pieces of classical music ever written (i guarantee you have heard some part of of it). Beethoven himself never heard it, despite personally conducting the premier. I hope you find it inspiring. Here is a good public domain recording (which allows free, legal, downloading): https://archive.org/details/BeethovenSymphonyNo.9choral

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since I don't want to waste your time linking the originals of most of these songs I'll be linking my favorite/the ones I think are the best(not all of these songs will be in english)









I hope you enjoy some of these songs it really sucks what happened to you I'll add more whenever I think of them

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Fuck, man. You've got my sympathy. It's all I can offer since I'm totally powerless to help. It's made even worse when your life revolves around music and sounds, and I can't comprehend how shit that would make me feel were I in your position.

I'd suggest you play through Metal Gear Solid 4. The music and every sound within it is great, and the game (movie?) itself is great. Failing that, MGS3 is also worth it if MGS4 is impossible for you to play.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is so horrible that this is happening to you. I truly hope that you have either a good medical insurance or live somewhere with free healthcare, since it sounds like you might otherwise be drowning in debt from medical bills soon.

I have a few music recommendations. Those all fall somewhere in the metal genre, here sorted from most to least heavy.

The last one is from a Christian Rock band, but I still hope you will give it a listen. I am atheist myself, and I love this song.

I would also recommend trying out traditional/folk music from all parts of the world. I am personally fond of Russian and Japanese traditional music.

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Yeah, sorry for basically echoing what other people are saying but that's really rough dude. I can't imagine what it'd be like to be in your place. Anyways, as far as game recommendations go I'd say...

Castlevania Symphony of the Night- As much for the gameplay (which is brilliant) as for the music (which is just as brilliant).

Cave Story- A story about caves. And it's a really well designed game or something.

Mega Man 2/X- Pretty much the same philosophy. I know you said you preferred story heavy games more, sorry about that!

Mega Man Legends- Also another winner. Has some hokey voice acting (without subs ;_;), but it's still worth playing regardless.

Phoenix Wright (uh...all of them)- You don't really need the music to play through the games at all, but it adds so much to the experience.

Suikoden (at least the first two)- Dunno what to say about these games sorry. Probably the most well designed JRPGs.

The World Ends With You- This game is so good, everyone should play it at least once.

Valkyria Chronicles- Really gorgeous game that sounds like what you're looking for? It's pretty anime at times, but nothing cringeworthy.

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why not immerse yourself in a world of sound, bad or good? a last hoorah of sorts, i dunno. i can support you in any way you might wish. good luck with surgery! :)

merzbow -- pulse demon

i imagine you, more than most anyone, can appreciate this...maybe? it's pretty bad imo, but hey, why not?

varese -- ionisation

it's an interesting piece of music, for sure

yo la tengo -- the fireside

it's one of the most beautiful songs ever written, i think. so peacful and calming.

black sabbath -- black sabbath

heavy metal breh. \m/

phil ochs -- draft dodger rag

add some satire to your catalog? great 60s folk singer

isaiah rashad -- heavenly father

one of the best rap songs i have ever had the pleasure of listening to

bob dylan -- all along the watchtower

my favorite song of all time

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  • 2 weeks later...

Man that sucks. I've had hearing issues throughout my whole life and all, but that really takes the cake.

Noone's listed classic movies so far, so....


Guys and Dolls

South Pacific

West Side Story

Wizard of Oz.

And any of the Gilbert and Sullivan stuff.

Here's a bakers dozen of classic movies that I recommend

The Quiet Man

The Maltese Falcon

The Searchers

Rear Window

Stairway to Heaven

Sands of Iwo Jima

It Happened One Night

The man who knew too much

North by Northwest

High Noon


Key Largo

The Ox-Bow Incident

and obligatory mentions to Citizen Kane and Gone with the Wind.

my list has a lot of film noir/westerns, but that because there aren't a lot of them in more modern times.

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Sorry for you man... I kind of understand how you feel since I also have a rare illness but to the eye... I also performed a surgery not long ago and all, but the risk of me being blind seem to be very lower than you being deaf...

As for music, I don't know what you already know andI'm no good at counselling people on it so I'll advise you to try out nano's song as Nevereverland or Hysteria (and few others)

Since you have an anime-ish avatar and I suck at finding movies even more than songs, I guess you should try :
- Angel Beats / Clannad

- K-on

- Psycho-pass

- Mekakucity Actors (Your profile pic is sooo much looking like the main charater, if not)

- Hamatora

Well those are more or less related to sounds so I apologize if I made you feel down.

And you can try out the Ace Attorney games, it's very nice, you'll see. Also the Danganronpa, it's the same genre (trial + visual novel) but not the same style.

I'll tell you later if something pops in my mind and might catch your interest, but right now, I have no idea, sorry for being so useless...

Good luck with all :)

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