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Who is the nicest and friendliest Lord in the series? *Series Spoilers*

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Well, this topic is about nice and friendly Lords. Not about kind Lords or responsible Lords or whatever. Most people are very nice as long as things go their way. It's when they get kicked out of their comfort zone or their desires conflict with those of other people, that they show their true colors.

Fortunately, Eirika is all of these things anyway, so she is a fairly easy pick. That is, if you exclude her "Champions of Yore" incarnation, who is a violent psychopath and definitely not one for a pleasant small talk.

But the real Eirika stayed sincerely friendly and kind and despite all the things she lost and all the people who betrayed her trust, her greatest wish was always to restore the relationship between Renais and Grado.

Edited by BrightBow
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That doesn't excuse the fact that he left Plegia to rot and practically handed it over to Validar.

Well, can't argue with that.

But Eirika would be.

Which would, in all likelihood, phail - after all, those two types of baddies have no rhyme or reason for what they do, for the most part.

That being said, I say Eliwood.

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Marth. Dude can trust everybody. Even Medeus and Gharnef.

Jokes aside, he can trust you enough to the point it's not very hard to betray him just like that. I'm actually not sure about Eirika, since I haven't played FE8 in a while, and I'm still halfway through Ephraim's route.

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Got to jump on the Eirika bandwagon. She's so nice that she's almost TOO nice as it can backfire.

She's also the nicest looking

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Yeah, Eirika is naive and gets taken advantage of because of her kindness...

I have to say Ike is the most trustworthy and best at making friends and allies though. I mean come on, as said earlier, he's very honest, and the dude won the friendship of the same guy that tried to wipe out all of humanity with a single spell (Reyson in Serenes Forest). I can see now how "I fight for my friends" is such a fitting line for him, even if it's cheesy. XD

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Yeah, Eirika is naive and gets taken advantage of because of her kindness...

I have to say Ike is the most trustworthy and best at making friends and allies though. I mean come on, as said earlier, he's very honest, and the dude won the friendship of the same guy that tried to wipe out all of humanity with a single spell (Reyson in Serenes Forest). I can see now how "I fight for my friends" is such a fitting line for him, even if it's cheesy. XD

Meanwhile, he goes out of character when they'll get no sympathy from him

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Meanwhile, he goes out of character when they'll get no sympathy from him

Actually, I think there is one part in RD where Ike says something along the lines of giving no sympathy to someone, so that's probably where that came from. :P See, Brawl Ike is really a mixture of his PoR and RD selves. Appearancewise, he's PoR Ike, but his taunts and lines are from RD. His side taunt is the same as his animation for when he enters a fight against an enemy in RD. And RD Ike actually says "prepare yourself" or something like it once or twice. I think I also saw a line about him fighting for his friends somewhere in the game too.

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And maybe even a fencing competition! But ya, one of Eliwood or Eirika.

In FE land, fencers are nice people. I think I might ship Eir and Eli now.

I'll call it... The friendship.

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I'll call it... The friendship.


Seriously though, Eirika was Emmeryn before it was cool. She only snaps when a shaman threatens the lives of a helpless family, while Eliwood loses his temper with Queen Bern over a political matter. Splitting hairs (though admittedly, very fine hairs), Eirika wins.

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Holmes obviously

Echoing what others have said about Eirika and the Pherae boys. Marth too, I guess.

In FE land, fencers are nice people. I think I might ship Eir and Eli now.

I'll call it... The friendship.

Eiriwood best ship

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Eirika is the lord I'd most like to be friends with in the series (along with previously given reasons), so uh...yeah.

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Got to jump on the Eirika bandwagon. She's so nice that she's almost TOO nice as it can backfire.

She's also the nicest looking

"Can" backfire? More like "DOES" (Case in point: Willingly giving a MacGuffin away to the Big Bad... in spite of L'arachel's statement that Lyon was essentially dead at that point, which happens to come at the beginning of said chapter).

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Actually, I think there is one part in RD where Ike says something along the lines of giving no sympathy to someone, so that's probably where that came from.

I believe he says he'll show the Dawn Brigade no mercy if they really want to fight.

And on the subject I'm going to say Micaiah since no one seems to have brought it up. She gives up so much for her county and is practically in tears when she has to resort to the oil+fire tactic.It'd be so easy to run away from a situation like that and her best friend is near constantly prompting her to do so. The chick literally gives up her own health to benefit others. And despite having suffered the same kind of oppression as Soren (and spending a ton of time homeless) she just doesn't hate anyone, Laguz or Beorc, and she has very realistic reasons to being raised in a super bigoted country and being aware of all the atrocities committed by Beorc both from her nation and in the oppression of it. I know a lot of people think she comes across as very Mary Sueish for all this (along with the praise she gets, which she doesn't let go to her head) but point for point she's got a great resume.

Edited by Jotari
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