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It seems like quite a bit of people are going to spoil themselves... If this game came out...

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Came out in the west a month later than the Japanese release, would you be willing to wait then or would you still spoil yourself silly?

Note this is a hypothetical scenario, I and others know this game won't come out in the west till 2016.

Came out in the west a month later than the Japanese release, would you be willing to wait then or would you still spoil yourself silly?

Note this is a hypothetical scenario, I and others know this game won't come out in the west till 2016.

Personally, I would like to go into this game blind and fresh but I wouldn't be able to resist the spoilers so I would give into it. If the game however comes out a month after the Japanese release, then I can totally wait.

Edited by Kamui-of-Nohr
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^ im not planning on spoiling the story but I'm most likely going to look at the weapons, max stats ect, so when the game comes out doesn't really change that.

I wouldn't do that. When Awakening was about to come out, I decided to look at all of the new classes and skills... while encountering major spoilers which ruined the game for me. Be really careful with that.

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Even as early as a week I'd still look up spoilers.

Depending on the situation, I have varying degrees of dislike to the unknown.

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I don't even understand how people find it so hard to not go out and spoil the game for themselves. It's the opposite for me. You'd have to put a gun to my head to force me to spoil the game for myself.

The delay could be five years and I still wouldn't spoil it for myself. I'm only going to follow pre-release info until the Japanese release, then I'm steering clear until it's in my hands.

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I don't even understand how people find it so hard to not go out and spoil the game for themselves. It's the opposite for me. You'd have to put a gun to my head to force me to spoil the game for myself.The delay could be five years and I still wouldn't spoil it for myself. I'm only going to follow pre-release info until the Japanese release, then I'm steering clear until it's in my hands.

I totally understand you. I'm personally not too worried about spoilers this time since my Japanese has tremendously improved since Awakening was released in the West. My brother also just told me that he ordered both the Nohr and Hoshido edition so we'll be playing together in late June.

I won't be around here that much in Late June and July. I'll be willing to give out spoilers (Of course, I will tag them) if people want demand it.

Strangely, although my Japanese is pretty damn good now, I've still prefer Western releases of games. I don't know why.

Edited by Kamui-of-Nohr
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I have no self-control when it comes to spoilers, and I don't really consider them a big deal for myself. I still enjoy the story even if I know what is going to happen, I don't need to be surprised.

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I don't even understand how people find it so hard to not go out and spoil the game for themselves. It's the opposite for me. You'd have to put a gun to my head to force me to spoil the game for myself.

The delay could be five years and I still wouldn't spoil it for myself. I'm only going to follow pre-release info until the Japanese release, then I'm steering clear until it's in my hands.

I'd guess it depends on the individual and the case.

For example, in this very case, it'd be for a game you have to pay to own it. The money isn't something you can easily get back, unless the place you bought it has a return policy or something. Or can find someone to sell it to. Or the money is money you can just spend on a non-essential good like a video game. So in those cases, you'd want to know what's what and decide if you really want to own it then.

Or if you don't plan to get it but still don't want to be left in the dark.

Or if you're not sure you can get the game on launch or in the forseeable future of that and so might as well know now than just avoid places that talk about it for weeks/months/years, specially if it's not the only thing they talk about.

Or you want to prepare yourself and plan your playthrough beforehand and thus need to research first.

And whatever other reasons there could be. Besides, it's not like it's a bad thing in itself to look up spoilers. Bad is to spoil them to people who don't want to know yet.

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I'll probably just ignore this forum section when the game comes out in Japan. I may have a few questions though.

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I'm the kind of guy who waits for a game and wants it really badly, but I'm lucky because I'm also the type of guy who in the meantime as he waits buys a recent game and plays it for a long while forgetting about the original game I really wanted until I'm reminded via my calendar one day in advance.

Although I'm also pretty unlucky so when I'm craving to know information about Sothe, I keep clicking through links until I eventually stumble upon say Saizou's page and stay there to read.

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I'm not going to spoil myself for story stuff (I'll probably leave SF forum again once this game releases in Japan) but I'm going to get all the gameplay stuff I can. I'll also probably see about trying to find an LP/play-through of FE IF of the Japanese version that doesn't translate the story and just focuses on the gameplay (or just mute one and skip to the gameplay portions) so as to see how the game works. And I'll probably look at growth-rates and stuff like that as well.

So I'm going to spoil myself on the gameplay but not the story.

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I don't really care about spoilers since I really don't really consider them a big deal for myself and I can still enjoy the story and the characters even if I know what is going to happen and whatnot.

Edited by December Knight
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I will not spoil the story. This happened to me with Awakening, and it ruined my gameplay experience. I want to read about the classes, skills, and weapons, but NOTHING related to the plot. I guess I want to see how Kamui can be customized so I can design my avatar.

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I usually actively search for spoilers before anything, whether it's a movie, game, book, etc. I recall when I first played Awakening I managed to make it to Ch 4 before going on the wiki and looking at everything, so regardless when the japanese versions are released in a month I'll be searching for anything plot related about it.

I don't know, I know a lot of people are bothered by spoilers and I would never spoil it for anyone else, but I'm the opposite and I love finding spoilers. I do this with completely story-driven games like Ace Attorney or Danganronpa and I still find it enjoyable, and for Fire Emblem I can still look forward to the gameplay when it comes out.

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I will study the game thoroughly before playing it, so the spoilers won't be spoilers.

That said, I generally still enjoy playing the games simply because it fills in a lot of the blanks which people fail to adequately explain in wiki articles/forum topics.

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