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Overrated Units

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Sothe, Micaiah, Shiida and Lena.

I agree with Soth, Micaiah, and especially Shiida, but I really have to disagree with Lena. The way she comes in chapter 3, and her amazing base stats make her one of the most useful characters in the entire game. And if we bring warpskipping into the mix she breaks the game in two.

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Erm, I'm not entirely sold, personally - Tharja's awful skill and luck make me cry. Especially the latter. Granted, I have issues with Henry's speed, but I'm not sure I'd consider someone who not only can't hit the side of a barn, but also faces crit chances regularly better.

Pair Up, Anathema, and Hex negate any accuracy or crit issues Tharja may have. If you actually think Tharja has trouble hitting with non-Ruin tomes while paired, I'm going to think you don't ever use her.

Ehh, her speed is the only thing really leading over Henry tbh. Even with a level lead, Tharja's defense is not matching Henry's. I guess after a point and sticking Nosferatu on both, its hard to tell the difference.

Tharja wins Speed by a good amount and they essentially tie Magic, she has multiple chapters before Henry exists to get a good lead on him stat-wise, and Nosferatu negates any defensive advantage Henry might have had. Henry's only real advantage is basically his Skill, but since Vengeance is Skl x2 even that isn't a very notable difference.

If the dude could double, he might have a chance of being as good, but he has no significant advantages.

Gee, maybe its because people are actually attempting to use the actual definition of overrated instead of "character i dont like" :P: Cuz replies are actually Characters Who Are Hyped To Oblivion And Opinions On If They Live Up To Said Hype. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯[/size]

A few, but I'm definitely seeing more of "character I don't like" in here.
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Speaking of Percival, he's the only GBA Fire Emblem pre-promote I've never seen anyone claim to be bad.

Pent and Eirika!Saleh are universally agreed to be great units, aren't they?

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I agree with Soth, Micaiah, and especially Shiida, but I really have to disagree with Lena. The way she comes in chapter 3, and her amazing base stats make her one of the most useful characters in the entire game. And if we bring warpskipping into the mix she breaks the game in two.

Caeda and her great bases and wing spear also break the game in half so.. ????

Looks like this is turning into a "Characters you hate the most" threrad

Well that's usually what the word overrated is used for instead of its proper usage, the thread was dead on arrival.
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Pair Up, Anathema, and Hex negate any accuracy or crit issues Tharja may have. If you actually think Tharja has trouble hitting with non-Ruin tomes while paired, I'm going to think you don't ever use her.

Tharja wins Speed by a good amount and they essentially tie Magic, she has multiple chapters before Henry exists to get a good lead on him stat-wise, and Nosferatu negates any defensive advantage Henry might have had. Henry's only real advantage is basically his Skill, but since Vengeance is Skl x2 even that isn't a very notable difference.

If the dude could double, he might have a chance of being as good, but he has no significant advantages.

I do, it's just that her awful hit rates, at least if she isn't using anything that isn't wind or fire, and her luck being as awful as it is cause me trouble every now and then - especially her Luck (and tethering Robin to her is a flat-out no go for that). Also, I don't use pair up (and even if I did, only the lowly Villager boosts both skill and luck).

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Every Pair Up gives +Hit though. Henry probably has even more issues in no Pair Up, since not many ways to fix that super low Spd base.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Tharja has 13 base speed. That's the difference between doubling soldiers and barbs in the next chapter to get her going and not doubling them. She has 2 auras at base that amount to +25 hit. She is significantly better than Henry, because Henry's base speed is irredeemable at the point you get him. I can forge +Hit. I cannot forge +Spd.

everyone saying Sumia needs to git gud pls

Anyway, I spend a lot of time at the fire emblem subreddit these days. Nephenee is still overrated after all these years. Female myrmidons as usual (except RD Mia, she really is that good). Lowen too. That's all I can think of. Other characters that are stated to be good have rightfully deserved it (Florina, Titania). MoogleBoss's FE9 0% growths is more or less proof of how ridiculous base level Titania is.

For the record, these are not characters "I don't like". That accusation is silly. I actually like these characters, but statements about their performance relative to their actual performance is disproportionately positive... Aka overrated.

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Do you mean her Path of Radiance version? Because her Radiant Dawn version is indeed considered to be one of the weakest characters in the game.

Yeah I mean Radiant Dawn. From what I've seen of PoR, she's actually good there. But in RD, she's just...terrible.

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Every Pair Up gives +Hit though. Henry probably has even more issues in no Pair Up, since not many ways to fix that super low Spd base.

The dual system and pair up are mutually exclusive - and you're referring to the former.

Tharja has 13 base speed. That's the difference between doubling soldiers and barbs in the next chapter to get her going and not doubling them. She has 2 auras at base that amount to +25 hit. She is significantly better than Henry, because Henry's base speed is irredeemable at the point you get him. I can forge +Hit. I cannot forge +Spd.

True. Though personally, I generally find forging Hit to be a waste of money. Oh, and in general, I consider Hex more of a non-factor unless she's either getting attacked by a melee fighter or she's attacking an archer.

Also, I agree with Nephenee - she has a slow start in both games (in RD's case, without a transfer).

Edited by Levant Caprice
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everyone saying Sumia needs to git gud pls

She's not worth the RNG abuse. I don't hate her, I just think that Lucina's going to have to get Galeforce on her own, should Sumia marry Chrom.

Anyway, I spend a lot of time at the fire emblem subreddit these days.

Oh, so THAT'S where you've been!

I'd give my two cents about Nepheenee, if I ever bothered to use her.

Edited by eclipse
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You don't inherently need rigging to achieve dodges. If Sumia can get the enemies down to ~30 hit and can survive a couple of hits, she's more of a good dodgetank than a unit that gets RNG abuse for self-improvement. You probably do need RNG abuse if you consistently rely on dodging 50-50s that 3HKO you, but it really depends on the numbers how reliable your strat is.

Edited by Gradivus.
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You don't inherently need rigging to achieve dodges. If Sumia can get the enemies down to ~30 hit and can survive a couple of hits, she's more of a good dodgetank than a unit that gets RNG abuse for self-improvement. You probably do need RNG abuse if you consistently rely on dodging 50-50s that 3HKO you, but it really depends on the numbers how reliable your strat is.

RNG abuse her growths. I've had some pretty bad experiences where Sumia's Strength/Magic are sub-15 upon obtaining Galeforce, and I also don't feel she's worth a +5 MT forge.

Is it even possible to rig the RNG in Awakening anyway?

In Casual Mode, it's somewhat possible.

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Also, I agree with Nephenee - she has a slow start in both games (in RD's case, without a transfer).

Nephenee is a victim in both games:

In FE9 she starts with weapon level E. She cries for a forged weapon.

In FE10 in part 2 she starts with having a steel greatlance for some reason, which reduces her AS so much that she can double almost nothing in hard mode. And she only does very few damage with her javelin. To my mind 2-1 in HM is the hardest chapter in the entire game, if she doesn't have any FE9 boosts.

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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30% Str, Spd, AND Skl? No thanks. Decent tank though


Just never got the appeal over Eliwood. Probably just me.


He's a good unit... once he promotes. I sometimes have trouble getting him going. I WILL say he's one of the best units in FE6 in spite of that.

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She doesn't require statistical RNG abuse. She highly appreciates a partner that can pull off DSes reliably, which will lead to ORKOes well enough. I don't know where you got the stat rigging thing from. Does that happen frequently? Also, I highly doubt she's likely to sit at sub-15 at Lv16/15 or whatever pre-promotional level she hits.

Edited by Gradivus.
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Also, I don't use pair up (and even if I did, only the lowly Villager boosts both skill and luck).

"I don't use the mechanic that every character has easy access to and makes them all a lot better, and my results say..."

Do you see the problem here?

The dual system and pair up are mutually exclusive - and you're referring to the former.

This is a worthless distinction in this situation. Pair Up just adds to the dual system. The statement "Every Pair Up gives +Hit" is absolutely true.

For the record, these are not characters "I don't like". That accusation is silly. I actually like these characters, but statements about their performance relative to their actual performance is disproportionately positive... Aka overrated.

Congrats to you for not falling into the stereotype, but that doesn't mean anything about everyone else that people have actually been accusing of such.
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She doesn't require statistical RNG abuse. She highly appreciates a partner that can pull off DSes reliably, which will lead to ORKOes well enough. I don't know where you got the stat rigging thing from. Does that happen frequently? Also, I highly doubt she's likely to sit at sub-15 at Lv16/15 or whatever pre-promotional level she hits.

For me. . .yeah. Sumia is really fast, and hits like a wet noodle. 45% Strength growth means that she's pretty close to the worst standard deviation, and I seem to get the wrong side of the coin. The worst is that she's not supposed to be sub-15 in both offenses at Galeforce time (rough estimate is that she should be at 12 Strength at around level 14ish unpromoted). Normally, I'd write it off as "LOL RNG", but it's fairly consistent.

Cordelia, on the other hand. . .all the offense, winds up at average or worse Speed. Like, if those two exchanged their tendencies, one would fail forever, and the other would be godly.

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"I don't use the mechanic that every character has easy access to and makes them all a lot better, and my results say..."

Do you see the problem here?

This is a worthless distinction in this situation. Pair Up just adds to the dual system. The statement "Every Pair Up gives +Hit" is absolutely true.

Well, there isn't much for me to say other than I prefer to play the difficulties where it's essentially needless overkill.

Okay, so pair up is part of the dual system, that's true. But it's not the other way around (ergo, it's possible to use the dual system without pair up.

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Personally? PoR myrmidons are overrated. Mia is just... Lame. Nothing but attack and she's not even great at it, and lame durability. Zihark isn't much better, and has a weakness to magic to the point that even Wyvern units would be shocked by how much damage he takes from magic. I liked them in earlier ones, but I just feel that the swordmasters got overall weaker as the series went farther after FE4.

Pre-Promotes in general now. I remember when people used to not like them a ton, but now people praise pre-promotes a bit too much at moments and fault growth units in the most bizarre ways. For instance, Hawkeye not being bad doesn't somehow make Dart this absolutely abysmal unit to use. Sure, the Ocean Seal is a huge fundings hit, but most people don't even play for ranked, so how is this a problem outside of finding the seal in the desert? And why can't I want to use two berserkers? Ugh. Yeah, it kinda bothers me.

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Sumia might just be the most polarizing unit since well, ever. Either you think she's top 5 or bleh. Though an average 10/1 Sumia + S Chrom support pulls like 30-40% displayed from most enemy types for quite a while. Barbs and Fighters end up with like 10-20%. It's a bit of a gamble, but facing low hit rates while being 2-3HKO'd is still pretty "durable".

Oh, so THAT'S where you've been!I'd give my two cents about Nepheenee, if I ever bothered to use her.

I'm here now :P:. Mostly just to post updates on my casual Lunatic run where Stahl is more or less the best thing ever. His bulk is just way too good. I want to do more runs to see how good the Shepherds are, since a lot of them have gone under the radar in the shadow of Robin.

Is it even possible to rig the RNG in Awakening anyway?

Sort of. It's really hard to manipulate Awakening's RNG. Casual mode is nowhere near as abusable as RD battle saves.

She doesn't require statistical RNG abuse. She highly appreciates a partner that can pull off DSes reliably, which will lead to ORKOes well enough. I don't know where you got the stat rigging thing from. Does that happen frequently? Also, I highly doubt she's likely to sit at sub-15 at Lv16/15 or whatever pre-promotional level she hits.

She'd a appreciate a rigged point of Str or 2, but honestly she's fine for the most part. She's comparable to FE12 Caeda in that her AS + flight alone makes her valuable. If only pegs promoted to Draco in FE13 >_>

She will like sit at 15 or so Str post promotion, but the good thing is that she'll also have around 10 mag and enemy resistance is in the shitter (literally no unpromoted enemy has more than 7 res or something aside from mages and myrms). She'll like, 3HKO shit with a basic thunder tome and dual strikes makes that into pretty easy ORKOs.

Congrats to you for not falling into the stereotype, but that doesn't mean anything about everyone else that people have actually been accusing of such.

You'll make me blush. But I think the comments about character are falling into the stereotypes, while the comments about gameplay aren't. Edited by Ownagepuffs
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that is true, heck in my comments i rarely discuss character personality, hell in soren's i said i LIKED his personality, but i kept getting bad sorens.

is Calil overrated in 10? i can't remember but i vaguely recall people saying she's more useful then sanaki, who at least forced so they don't take up a slot. unless she gets double transfers i'm not seeing her as any better then the typical magic user in that game, which isn't very high overall in the first place.

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