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Overrated Units

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Disagree, they're pretty much immortal once they have that support with each other going and they ORKO most generics. Ch.7 Wyverns are the only real threat to them.

If anybody from FE6 is truly 'overrated', it's Rutger [who is still pretty good, mind you].

They are most certainly not immortal in the earlygame dude. They have 20/21 base hp and 6 def with 20/25 growths respectively, and unless you like sitting around for a long time to raise supports they're only going to be at C until the midgame anyway. The western isles maps are easy and they do fine there, but that's nothing special. Miledy shows up to manhandle C14, 14x and 15, and Percival joins her to manhandle C16 and the post routesplit maps. Then you skip most of the lategame with Niime and Yodel.

I mean really, just look at the enemy stats for earlygame Cavs or Fighters or Mercs. Average level 5 or so Alan or Lance at best can get to about 50 avo vs most fighters, and get 2 to 3HKO'd, and the same goes for Mercs. Chapter 6 offers some breathing room due to the lack of doubled HM bonuses and abundance of Soldiers, but they're nowhere near as capable of being able to take on large enemy phases like Marcus can, and even a level 10 Alan (highly generous) 3RKO's Chapter 7 Cavaliers, and gets 3HKO'd back as well.

It's only after this point where either of them start to pick up and double most enemies that aren't Soldiers, perhaps ORKO enemies with a Steel Sword and a promotion.

Now the thing is, they're still undoubtedly near the top of the list for units that are going to be capable of taking and should be getting EXP early on, but they are miles behind other similar Cavaliers due to the increased difficulty of their game. Their preformance is similar to FE11 Cain and Abel on H5 in that they are helpful early on, and are not a hinderance to keep deploying/promote, but are not very centralising. But everyone treats them like Luke and Rody in FE12 who have extremely high potential later, and have high usability early on.

Edited by Irysa
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I'd say Cain and Abel are better actually, for being able to Ridersbane and Armorslayer at the same time. Not many people can do that!

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Yeah actually I take the Cain and Abel comparison back upon reconsideration. Abel in particular gets to Ridersbane pretty fast.

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Oh, this is the overrated unit thread, so:

FE10: Haar (because of Titania's presence) and Volug (just all around meh, but he's considered godly by noobs like smashfanatic)

FE13: Cordelia (I think the only reason people think she's better than Sumia is because she's prettier and has red hair, while conveniently ignoring that Sumia has availability and time to establish supports)

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Characters don't exist in a vacuum, you know.

Of course not, but the characters do function independently from one another. But really, this type of thinking is what made me apprehensive to use units like say... Kieran because people are just like "he's not as good as Oscar and Titania and isn't worth it." Stuff like that. The reality is that Kieran was a good unit, and was good enough to use in PoR. And people doing that whole "____" is bad because "___" exists sucks for the growth units versus pre-promos, because it severely underrates the growth unit a good portion of the time. No one would say, how good Pent is, but Erk is no slouch either.

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Ehh, her speed is the only thing really leading over Henry tbh. Even with a level lead, Tharja's defense is not matching Henry's. I guess after a point and sticking Nosferatu on both, its hard to tell the difference.

Tharja has access to the Great Knight and General classes, which give her the Dual Guard+ and Pavise skills that she can use in order to avoid/reduce the damage that she takes. Henry doesn't have access to any of that.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Those two skills are also completely inconsistent in their activation and require a reclass out of Dark Mage and a large amount of experience to obtain. Nosferatu provides more concrete survivability for Tharja than Dual Guard+ or Pavise ever will.

Edited by Carmine Sword
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Those two skills are also completely inconsistent in their activation

Assuming Tharja is paired up with her husband, Dual Guard+ should activate very frequently. Also, it's still more than Henry can do.

a reclass out of Dark Mage

Briefly, yes.

and a large amount of experience to obtain.

Well then, it's a good thing that Awakening allows all units to earn an unlimited amount of EXP, isn't it!

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Assuming Tharja is paired up with her husband, Dual Guard+ should activate very frequently. Also, it's still more than Henry can do.

Dual Gurard's activation rates are tied to DEF and RES. Neither of which can give values that can make a noticeable difference so early on even with an S support and Dual Guard+. Adding to that, Dual Guard+ requires its user to reach Lvl 15 in the Great Knight class. Which Tharja ain't reasonably doing at least until late in the game. Second Seals or not. Edited by Just call me AL
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Ike, in both games. Yes, he "can solo FE9", but then again, a lot others can as well (or better, see: Titania, Oscar, Boyd, etc.). In FE10, he's pretty great. Better, even. But people make it seem as if he completely turns the the game around, when he doesn't. He can only do so much to 1RKO when his Spd is really easy to screw up, and you'd be giving him a Speedwings others can use much better. Not to mention his lack of good 2-range all the way up to Ragnell.

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FE9 Stefan - Aside from being in a game where mounts dominate, his luck is awful to the point where he's crit susceptible.

And as to Soren, I don't think he's THAT much better than Ilyana in FE9.

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FE6: Alance. They're really not anywhere near as good as some people hype them up to be. I once saw a tier list with them on the top...*cringes*

FE7: Raven. He's not awful but he's not really all that, either.

FE9: Boyd. I've used him a lot and he always disappoints. His str is often overkill since Hand axe forges and javelin forges often let higher move units ORKO anyway. Though I found him very useful in Maniac Mode, where his str did let him ORKO stuff the others couldn't.

FE10: Shinon. He's alright but i've seen people say he's a godlike unit when he really isn't. He contributes for like 4 chapters and then isnt really useful.

FE11: Wolf/Sedgar.

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Raven's only "problem" is that he isn't mounted and that he doesn't get 2-range until promotion (5 levels to go, though, he has good bases/growths). Similiarly, Shinon's 1-ranged forever (where it matters, at least).

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I'd say Aira is quite overrated. She's powerful, but overkill is just as good as kill, and Holyn can do most things she can and is generally better defensively. Still good for a foot unit in FE4, but not the goddess some people hype her up to be.

Unless you saw the Ayra in my playthrough, she was way better than Holyn!

I would say people like Ayra more than Holyn because Astra is more likely to kill than Luna despite it being overkill. Also because she has little more availability, for whatever that does. The lack of a horse really hurts her though, so I think she was downrated to where she should be.

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I would have guessed that was more because she easily ends up stronger then Holyn because the combination of her higher speed and Astra allows her to effortlessly defeat all arena opponents, even if she has to start the battle with a single HP a few times until she gets lucky enough. As a result, while she is not mounted, she does end up strong enough to avoid being a liability on the battlefield.

Besides, Astra always does a nice job to show what the engine for the battle animations can do. Also, Ira ends up in a stronger class then Holyn.

Edited by BrightBow
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Mareeta is more highly rated than Ayra anyway from what I've seen. Female myrmidons have a strange power to attract a lot of fans. I can't say if she is overrated or not since I'm not very familiar with Thracia.

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Mareeta is more highly rated than Ayra anyway from what I've seen. Female myrmidons have a strange power to attract a lot of fans. I can't say if she is overrated or not since I'm not very familiar with Thracia.

She comes in somewhat underleveled, but she has a powerful prf that, along with Thracia having low caps and probably the most balanced cast in the series. She's solid.

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