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Will there be a "cordelia" in this game too?

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It could be hinoka or the 3rd unconfirmed Pegasus knight as they're 3 Pegasus knights in every game.

True, however, there were only two playable pegasus knights in Thracia, Karin and Misha. They could be doing that again in this game.

Anyway, I kinda liked Cordelia's predicament in Awakening, however it should have been written better. She obsessed about her affections for Chrom in almost every support. I feel that her unrequited love would be more touching if she only had brought it up once.

I wouldn't mind a character like that returning, however, the "so-and-so doesn't love me!" trope shouldn't be overused, like it was for Cordelia.

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They kind of pushed it in your face in Persona, especially in P3, It's very awkward, especially when they force you to do stupid things, like Social Link-cheating, Though I do a agree that Aigis is the best waifu, but Eli is not bad either.

I don't think much about wish-fulfilment, even though the devs seems to have that in mind, in fact, I don't care. It's more along the line of good writing and common sense, a Cordelia is in love with the Lord. The Lord is Kamui. Kamui is you. I just find it stupid that they would ever think of 'lolnope' that kind of pairing entirerly, especially after the tone of support Robin had awakening.

In my mind Chrom/Cordy not being possible was stupid enough, but in If's case ? Oh boy.

... Hopefuly, they won't give the personality of either Chris or Chrom to Kamui.

If the Cordelia of If want to bang someone else, she can do it. It would be another issue completely (Hint: Shipping war. :p)

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Somehow, I can see Camilla being this (and crosses with incest... so it's kind of like Priscilla, but with no blood relations). "I like Kamui so much, Ill even kill for Kamui, but alas, the opposite just isn't true... which part of 'I'm not a blood sister' does my dear, precious Kamui not understand?"

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They kind of pushed it in your face in Persona, especially in P3, It's very awkward, especially when they force you to do stupid things, like Social Link-cheating, Though I do a agree that Aigis is the best waifu, but Eli is not bad either.

I don't think much about wish-fulfilment, even though the devs seems to have that in mind, in fact, I don't care. It's more along the line of good writing and common sense, a Cordelia is in love with the Lord. The Lord is Kamui. Kamui is you. I just find it stupid that they would ever think of 'lolnope' that kind of pairing entirerly, especially after the tone of support Robin had awakening.

In my mind Chrom/Cordy not being possible was stupid enough, but in If's case ? Oh boy.

... Hopefuly, they won't give the personality of either Chris or Chrom to Kamui.

If the Cordelia of If want to bang someone else, she can do it. It would be another issue completely (Hint: Shipping war. :p)

Persona 3 is an awkward game in general if you stop to think about what's going on and why. An extracurricular high school club consisting of highly attractive teenagers (and Junpei), a dog and a kid and a smoking hot robot, all with tragic pasts, climb a neverending tower of doom during a hidden hour of the day fighting suppressed human emotions given form with physical manifestations of their ego summoned by shooting themselves in the head because a rich man became a nihilist when he wanted to create a time machine.

And then they also have to study for exams!

This is without talking about Strega and a certain other character I won't name in case someone wants to give the game a go, who are the worst villains I know of in gaming alongside Nergal.

Anyway, as for Fire Emblem, I really hope Kamui gets a personality, which I doubt, but it would be nice. I've never liked the "YOU are the character in this game" sort of thing; no, it's not me, it's still a character, just usually a much more silent one and as a result a lot more boring. I love it when I get to make choices which DEFINE the character, but it's still not ME, you know?

Edited by Thane
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Persona 3 is an awkward game in general if you stop to think about what's going on and why. An extracurricular high school club consisting of highly attractive teenagers (and Junpei), a dog and a kid and a smoking hot robot, all with tragic pasts, climb a neverending tower of doom during a hidden hour of the day fighting suppressed human emotions given form with physical manifestations of their ego summoned by shooting themselves in the head because a rich man became a nihilist when he wanted to create a time machine.

And then they also have to study for exams!

This is without talking about Strega and a certain other character I won't name in case someone wants to give the game a go, who are the worst villains I know of in gaming alongside Nergal.

Anyway, as for Fire Emblem, I really hope Kamui gets a personality, which I doubt, but it would be nice. I've never liked the "YOU are the character in this game" sort of thing; no, it's not me, it's still a character, just usually a much more silent one and as a result a lot more boring. I love it when I get to make choices which DEFINE the character, but it's still not ME, you know?

I'm pretty much expecting an expanded approach to Robin, which means the MC has a better predetermined personality and character development with little to no choice beyond the development incurred during each of the 3 paths, you just get to customize him/her.

I hope Cordelia's tropes don't return or at the very least have some improvement. But I get the feeling she was supposed to be Catria 2.0. Awakening essentially being a fanservice game to basically try and incorporate as many of the tropes and themes from the various FE games, does make it difficult to see what IS has for this game. I think they're legitimately trying something different to contrast Awakening's reuse. Let's hope that applies to the supports and character development.

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I hope not. Cordelia was annoying with how perfect they tried to portray her as. Everyone praised her. And the poor guys who S supported her...

I agree. At first I liked her design wise, but when I got into her supports I got annoyed by how "perfect" she is with her only "flaw" being that she has inadequate breast size.

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Persona 4 is like that too, only more happy-go-lucky. Strega, I remember them, and oh boy, they're pathetic. :/

Personally, I have a lot of fun with having a lot of dialogue lines, it's not me yeah, but it's freaking fun to have that. Not like persona of SMT, no, more like DAO or Baldur's gate.

I love a Link to the past/between world/Majora's mask because of the opposite, barely any backstory, you kick back, do stuff, it's awesome. Mute, but not to the point of being stupid or even lampshaded constantly.

I see you're point, and it's a great one, and in fact, I never named my Robin after myself precisely because of that.
I've heard the same kind of things about pokemon, before, you could name your rival, but, Green will always be Green and Silver will always be Silver. arrogant jackasses who become nicer later one.

I got the impression that they will screw up no matter what with Kamui, like Chrim and Robin.

For Cornelia, one thing that irked, was the Cordelia/Robin support, most of it is about how she was a 'genius', but it annoyed her to be called that because she has a hard time with her comrades because of that, then suddenly 180, apparently her comrades loved her, it was only teasing. What. The support was nice until that point.

Edited by B.Leu
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I think people often exaggerate how cheerful Persona 4 was. A lot more than its predecessors, yes, and Golden included far too many anime fan service scenes, but it's still about people dying and a bunch of social issues handled fairly tastefully. The difference is that the writing this time around is a bit more...how should I put it...subtle? Refined? In Persona 3, everyone was/became orphans or had other trouble with their families only to further emphazise the point that yeah, occasionally living can be pretty tough. However, the game was also a lot more prone to spontaneous awkward nonsense that comes from nowhere:

About the newspapers twisting the story of how the head of the Kirijo family died:

Akihiko: Huh, it's never the truth.

Ken: Nope.

When the bloody hell did the game start talking about criticizing media? Like, there had been like one other incident 10 years ago which the newspaper covered up, but they just throw it out there to sound cool, I guess?

Fuuka: Jin is pretty famous on the internet.

Ah, so that's how he managed to convince THE ENTIRE CITY to follow Takaya's doomsday cult. Then again, nothing makes sense regarding Strega, they're just sort of there. Good thing Fuuka tells us this near the end of the game, that this has any bearing on the plot or will be mentioned ever again.

And everything Ikutsuki says, which also comes from nowhere and doesn't affect the plot in the slightest. A prophecy? A prince? Where did this come from?!

At least Persona 4's writing is a lot more consistent, even if it falls off a bit after Naoto joins the Investigation Team. Not to mention that the villain, while a bit uninspired in terms of motive, at least has a personality, a backstory and provides some semblance of being relatable, even if it becomes very pretentious towards the end.

And just because I love talking about it: the romance in Persona generally sucks, but Persona 4 is friggin' Shakespeare next to Persona 3. The latter is just plagued with wish fulfillment and just ridiculous, laughable scenarios: a super cute, intelligent junior becomes dependent on you because she has a phobia for men which somehow doesn't apply to you? A genius, gorgeous, by-all-accounts-perfect heir to a multibillion dollar company wants to go out with you because...well, it's never really stated, but she's totally into you, and you have to explain to her how to eat a hamburger because lol she's rich and therefore has no idea what that is!

Back to the topic at hand, then.

Cordelia's supports in general are pretty awful, which is why I don't like using her. I think her best one is with Frederick when he tells her how she freaked out once over Chrom. It's just such a strange trait to give to a character in a game where shipping is so important and actually part of the plot in a way...they could at least have changed some of her event quotes.

I suppose what makes it more difficult for self-inserts in a game like Fire Emblem is that they talk. They have to say SOMETHING, but if they say something too strange, people won't be able to relate to them. I hate that limitation since it restricts the writers from even daring to make him or her likeable. Occasionally though it seems like they just threw caution to the wind, like with female Robin and Lucina, where Robin brings so much sass.

Anyway, I've said it before and I'll say it again: the thing I fear the most with this game is probably that Kamui will be the main character and lack a personality - we might luck out and Aqua turns out to be amazing, but even if that's the case it'll feel a bit hollow if the real main character is a complete blank slate; I hope they're not afraid to give him something that helps define him, like a hobby or character quirk that doesn't end up becoming his whole personality.

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I hope not. Cordelia was annoying with how perfect they tried to portray her as. Everyone praised her. And the poor guys who S supported her...

I agree. At first I liked her design wise, but when I got into her supports I got annoyed by how "perfect" she is with her only "flaw" being that she has inadequate breast size.

If the pair of you had actually bothered to read her supports, you would know that she hated people describing her as "perfect". :facepalm:

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If the pair of you had actually bothered to read her supports, you would know that she hated people describing her as "perfect". :facepalm:

But that only makes her sound even more perfect, though.

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I would like to see a Catria that can actually support the guy she's in love with!

This makes me wish that they would've added supports to Shadow Dragon/New Mystery of the Emblem. Yeah, I know, Caeda is canon regardless, and yeah, they were trying to keep it as original as they could, but it still would've been fun.

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I'm under the impression that Catria and Cordelia cannot have supports with their lords is because they're too shy or nervous to talk in the first place. If they can't converse at all, they can't support.

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I'm under the impression that Catria and Cordelia cannot have supports with their lords is because they're too shy or nervous to talk in the first place. If they can't converse at all, they can't support.

Well, I don't think Catria was ever shown to be shy. It's a bit hard to tell because Shadow Dragon lacks a modern support system, so it's never really known if she ever had a realistic shot.

Cordelia's situation sounds worse, especially in the Summer Scramble conversation where she just admits that "he's in love with someone else" despite the possibility that Chrom might not have a single support at the time. For crying out loud, he can potentially marry Olivia and he didn't even know her until the last Gangrel chapter.

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This makes me wish that they would've added supports to Shadow Dragon/New Mystery of the Emblem. Yeah, I know, Caeda is canon regardless, and yeah, they were trying to keep it as original as they could, but it still would've been fun.

I would have loved it if Shadow Dragon had a modern support system, especially since I just like pairing characters regardless of what is "canon".

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For the first question, the general public doesn't know yet as the game doesn't come out in Japan for another month.

For the second question, it's just a case of gameplay and story segregation. Many video games use copypasta messages.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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Oh, I sure hope not. I loved using Cordelia as a unit, but her characterization sucks. The whole "omg I hate everyone calling me perfect and a genius all the time" is a Mary-Sue shoved in your face, and the unrequited love thing was incredibly annoying, as well. Based on Chrom's S-supports, he is very capable of realizing his romantic attractions for a girl, so it's not like he's completely oblivious. He just doesn't like Cordelia that way; doesn't seem so hard to accept to me.

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Cordelia doesn't mention Chrom at all in her S-Support with Kellam, at least...

It would be sad, though, if there was a person who liked Kamui who couldn't support with Kamui.

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Cordelia doesn't mention Chrom at all in her S-Support with Kellam, at least...

It would be sad, though, if there was a person who liked Kamui who couldn't support with Kamui.

and Robin and it gets BETTER with the scramble DLC.
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Oh, I sure hope not. I loved using Cordelia as a unit, but her characterization sucks. The whole "omg I hate everyone calling me perfect and a genius all the time" is a Mary-Sue shoved in your face

I think you missed the point on her characterization. She doesn't like being called perfect because people mistake her drive for personal improvement with arrogance. Her team mates mock her and are more critical of her because of her natural talents. So it's not "Aaagh! Why am I so awesome!?", it's "I'm bummed that my team mates dislike me, even though I didn't do anything to warrant it. "

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I think you missed the point on her characterization. She doesn't like being called perfect because people mistake her drive for personal improvement with arrogance. Her team mates mock her and are more critical of her because of her natural talents. So it's not "Aaagh! Why am I so awesome!?", it's "I'm bummed that my team mates dislike me, even though I didn't do anything to warrant it. "

I think you missed the point on her characterization. She doesn't like being called perfect because people mistake her drive for personal improvement with arrogance. Her team mates mock her and are more critical of her because of her natural talents. So it's not "Aaagh! Why am I so awesome!?", it's "I'm bummed that my team mates dislike me, even though I didn't do anything to warrant it. "

oh agreed completely
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I think you missed the point on her characterization. She doesn't like being called perfect because people mistake her drive for personal improvement with arrogance. Her team mates mock her and are more critical of her because of her natural talents. So it's not "Aaagh! Why am I so awesome!?", it's "I'm bummed that my team mates dislike me, even though I didn't do anything to warrant it. "

Meh, maybe that is the case. But as far as I know, none of the characters actually shown mocked or criticized her, we just hear about it indirectly from Cordelia (unless I missed a support where this happened. If so, I would love to know). All the Shepherds seem to genuinely appreciate and compliment her talents. Maybe if they had some playable characters who actually had this kind of interaction with Cordelia, I would believe it. It's just that I have seen way too many Sues with this problem to not be wary of it.

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I actually really liked Cordy and Vaikes supported because they meet thanks to Chrom but then grow to love each other and Chrom isn't any part of it at the end.

Her aside lines not counting.

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