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Favorite Characters So Far?

Mr. Myrmidon

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On Hoshido:

Oboro, 'cause he would probably be the successor to the oft-maligned Soldier class

Linca, because of her design and finally a Female Axe(-ish) user

Saizou, he looks pretty cool.

On Nohr:

Garon, not sure if I'm the only one, but he could really be a nice change of pace for kings of nations like Nohr being evil

Gunter, I'm a sucker for old bad-asses, plus he's a nice change of pace for the mainly (in my estimation) 15-mid-30's that the Fire Emblem army has been, I will make him amazing

The Blonde Guy, forget it, can I call him Bob the Hero? I will, he looks awesome, I hope he ends up as a jovial sort who acts so to raise the morale of those around him

Camilla, good Aversa could be cool, no other reason, none at all.

Personally, I have the feeling I may prefer the Nohr characters, but eh, que sera.

Edited by Persoon56
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Kagerou is Camilla's rival in terms of body types, but Kagerou is a flippin' Ninja, so I automatically think she's cool.

???? There is someone with appearance that rivals Camilla?! I thought she was the only and only sexy well endowed lady.

Edited by PenguinPrincess
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Holy crap, with all these new characters revealed I have to update my list O_O

Still the Favorite: Elise

Possible Husbando Tier: Suzukaze, Joker, Cyrus, Hinata

Loved Her As Soon As I Saw Her Portrait: Elfie

Other Favorites So Far: Fem!Kamui, Takumi, Kazahana, Tsubaki

Honorable Mentions: Ryouma, Sakura, Marx, Camilla, the unnamed woman who is presumably Queen of Hoshido

Making a Good Impression: Oboro, Rinca, Tsukuyomi

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My favourites keep on piling on top of each other that I honestly can't decide if I like them or not. But current waifu-tier is definitely Rinka, Oboro, Tsubaki and Cyrus. I thought Cyrus was Avatar at some point, but oh well...

Also I like Cyrus. We have no dialogue, we dont know his personality and his status as a unit in both sides is debatable but I still like him. He gives me a Franz-like vibe.

This (from the second trailer)


makes me believe that at some point he's your enemy at least. I'm pretty sure that is Cyrus anyways.

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With the new Famitsu info out, I have to say that I definitely like Oboro. So I guess my current favorites are Takumi, Leon, Oboro, Hinoka, and Tsubaki? Most of the characters are cool though.

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everyone, literally everyone

standouts though are probably CAPTAIN HAROLD, DEFENDER OF NOHR and Oboro the baraest female

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Rinka's abs are my new hero


My current favorite is Oboro if only for her class, since I'm a sucker for lance infantry.

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I'm the complete opposite tbh. Nohr isn't doing much for me at all aside from Marx but I love all of Hoshido's designs. Plus Rinka. (dealwinner on her own though tbh)

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to me

Harold for Nohr

Hinata for Hoshido

i really love there looks

with Harold looking freakin' Captain Gordon and Hinata with that samurai look and black purple color scheme

everyone else is ok too, but Harold and Hinata stand out for me



wow that stuck with ya, huh poly?

Edited by Shockmaster
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I'm adding Hinata to my favorites list if only because the Weapons Master class sounds awesome. He also seems a little cocky in some of his pictures, so that seems interesting.

Is anyone else reminded of Gordon from disgaea when they heard that Harold wants to be a hero of justice?

I was thinking more of Shirou Emyia. That phrase might as well be his nickname the way I associate it with him.

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As of the most recent info.

  1. Rinka, her muscles are amazing and I love the rest of her design. I would love to see some more of her personality.
  2. Elfie, I love her hair and armor and she seems to be interesting.
  3. Takumi, I'm really glad he isn't trustworthy of Kamui and plus he is an archer and presumably a magical archer.
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My current favorite is Oboro if only for her abs, since I'm a sucker for abs.


On a second note, yesssss! The Soldier class was one of my favourite classes because of this.

I would like to update my list to add Rinka on the grounds that she looks like she can lift a truck and is also perfect. I really hope I can give my Kamui a similar body type.

Kamui wears full body armour though...so don't know how that would work out. :/

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