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Picture from Famitsu's 27th of May showing. [New and Exclusive Characters!]


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Maybe the parallel seal only allows you to class change into already promoted classes and you gain the skills simply by being in the promoted class if you have the right level(so if I let Felicia turn into a brave hero and she is already level 20,then she'll instantly learn all the brave hero abilities even if you learned the ability at level 15 and not 20)

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It's cos she's thinking about Takumi's hot bod.

Either that or she just really loves killing Nohrians. I for one wouldn't mind another Henry as long as she gets some character development out of it.

Resists urge to rant about the localization...still resisting.

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What about an # of levels per skill system instead of getting skills at a specific level point? For example, a unit might automatically get a class's starting skill when they switch to that class and then gain the class's second skill after gaining X level-ups in that class. Not sure how well this would actually work in practice, but it was the first thing I thought up.

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Harold is the most America character in Fire Eblem, ever! Hero of Justice! That epic chin! That epic smile! Even his armor resembles Captain America's suit! God!

Edited by Magical CC
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since we already have the name Tsukuyomi out, who do you think have the names "Susanoo" and "Amaterasu"? There is no way they can throw one out without throwing the others, japan likes their Shinto too much. My bets is that the not-Emmeryn Hoshidomom is called Amaterasu.

Isn't Nyx also the Greek Goddess of the Night? I don't know if there were any others.
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Harold is the most America character in Fire Eblem, ever! Hero of Justice! That epic chin! That epic smile! Even his armor resembles Captain America's suit! God!

His smile seems so forced though. It makes me fear Elise put a spell on him or something.

If it does prove to be genuine (in spite of all that bad luck), I'll probably use him in my Nohr playthrough; I can't stand forced smiles, no matter how epic the chin.

Edited by Thane
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What about an # of levels per skill system instead of getting skills at a specific level point? For example, a unit might automatically get a class's starting skill when they switch to that class and then gain the class's second skill after gaining X level-ups in that class. Not sure how well this would actually work in practice, but it was the first thing I thought up.

What if people class changed at level 20? If the levels don't reset, then the second skills won't be learned.

Maybe the parallel seal only allows you to class change into already promoted classes and you gain the skills simply by being in the promoted class if you have the right level(so if I let Felicia turn into a brave hero and she is already level 20,then she'll instantly learn all the brave hero abilities even if you learned the ability at level 15 and not 20)

I'm hoping that this is the case if levels don't reset.


Edited by Magician Lugh
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What if people class changed at level 20? If the levels don't reset, then the second skills won't be learned.

I'm hoping that this is the case if levels don't reset.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but this week's Famitsu confirmed that promotion resets your level to 1.

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Sorry to burst your bubble, but this week's Famitsu confirmed that promotion resets your level to 1.

He's talking about raising a character to level 20 then parallel sealing to a new class.

So if the system worked like say you had to gain four levels as a Hero to learn Sol (this could be any 4 levels such as going from 1 to 5 or even from say 7 to 11) then using a parallel seal on a high level character would be useless as far as skills are concerned.

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Isn't Nyx also the Greek Goddess of the Night? I don't know if there were any others.

It's either that or sort of the 'embodiment' of the night, mother of Hypnos (god of sleep) and Thanatos (god of death), iirc. I also think she was one of the few gods Zeus never fucked with (in all senses of the word). All in all, it's certainly a fitting, and powerful, name for a dark mage.

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Speaking of parallel seals, man I love that idea. I love it because some skills like Luna which are learned at level 5 can be obtained and you can then class change over to a class where you only want to get the level 15 skill. This setup is really great for having a char not hit the hard exp cap and having to grind out the rest. However if you want to go for anymore skills you gotta second seal over to another class which resets your level so you can get the other skills, but that's if second seals can still do that at levels 10+. Now with parallel seals I fear IS will consider the reclassing capabilities of the second seal nil because we have the parallel seals now, thereby taking the reclass part off and then just have it level reset. If so then that's going to suck hard because then from 15 you're forced to get to 20 to SS to 1 in that class then take a parallel seal over to the class with the next skill you want. Could also just SS down to an unpromoted class, but then that's taking up even more levels for a quicker hard exp cap. Honestly if they keep second seals as they are,we can basically have a really streamlined classing system. And it makes me wonder with parallel sealing whether or not we can parallel at a level where you acquire a skill and you get that skill when moving to the other class. Essentially meaning that you could parallel at 5 for every skill you want and parallel at 15 for every other skill. That though in my opinion is probably a bit too streamlined as it essentially means extremely easy skills without coming close to the hard exp cap at which point you can then grind everything else out in the final class of that unit you built. Granted it's great for maximizing the stuff you want, but it's too great in that regard. Hopefully though they'll just make the skills only obtainable on level up rather than simply on level that way the parallel system won't be abused too greatly.

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And it makes me wonder with parallel sealing whether or not we can parallel at a level where you acquire a skill and you get that skill when moving to the other class. Essentially meaning that you could parallel at 5 for every skill you want and parallel at 15 for every other skill. That though in my opinion is probably a bit too streamlined as it essentially means extremely easy skills without coming close to the hard exp cap at which point you can then grind everything else out in the final class of that unit you built. Granted it's great for maximizing the stuff you want, but it's too great in that regard. Hopefully though they'll just make the skills only obtainable on level up rather than simply on level that way the parallel system won't be abused too greatly.

This situation could work quite well if you simply limit the number of parallel seals. If they aren't buyable until the final few chapters of the game or even postgame, then the only way they can be practically abused is for lvl 15 promoted skills. Before then, parallel seals will be a resource that has to be spread throughout the army evenly if everyone wants the best class/skills so this system can be balanced if done right,

Edited by Aurath8
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Harold looks to be ready and able to use a Master Proof in, what seems to be, fairly early in the game, if the earlier screenshot is during the same chapter. So.....wow.

It is the same chapter, I'm pretty sure.

But Kamui is Level 11 there, so it's not that much of a stretch : P

My guess is that Harold is the Master Seal tutorial guy.

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Maybe it would be an in base arena like New Mystery but then again that lends itself to abuse. Not that FE hasn't had methods of abusing things (looks at BEXP and other things)

Well if the only reward is skills, then they could simply limit the amount of times you can fight in the arena between chapters.

His smile seems so forced though. It makes me fear Elise put a spell on him or something.

If it does prove to be genuine (in spite of all that bad luck), I'll probably use him in my Nohr playthrough; I can't stand forced smiles, no matter how epic the chin.

Maybe it has something to do with his bad luck? Like he has some kind of stupid curse where his default face is big smile?

He's talking about raising a character to level 20 then parallel sealing to a new class.

So if the system worked like say you had to gain four levels as a Hero to learn Sol (this could be any 4 levels such as going from 1 to 5 or even from say 7 to 11) then using a parallel seal on a high level character would be useless as far as skills are concerned.

That sounds more like a player error. If you're intentionally using Parallel Seals to get skills and (using your example) used the seal on someone after level 17 then would just be player stupidity as long as the game made it extremely clear you have to gain 4 levels in a class to get a skill and using one after level 17 is useless.

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Well if the only reward is skills, then they could simply limit the amount of times you can fight in the arena between chapters.

So it would be like FE4's except limit arena times in general and not just by character.

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It took me like 3 days to recognize this, but no 2nd seals could mean there's no way for promoted units like Felicia and Gunter to have anything but turtle-speed exp gains.

Hopefully there's some way to salvage them, like you could with Frederick in Awakening.

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It took me like 3 days to recognize this, but no 2nd seals could mean there's no way for promoted units like Felicia and Gunter to have anything but turtle-speed exp gains.

Hopefully there's some way to salvage them, like you could with Frederick in Awakening.

Perhaps Second Seals do exist, but haven't been introduced yet? If Sir Smarmy's stat screen is any indication, he's got a long way to go before he caps!

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Thank you for the awesome scanlations, Kirokan!

If there is a unit that fits the army's needs the best in one class (Tiki as Mantake, my game's Henry!Brady as a trickster) and can't bring yourself to change their one-true-purpose class, I'd use parallel seals on them in a heartbeat to get the other wanted skills and just have them level over and over again in the same one-true-class throughout the game.

Again. We might not be able to buy Parallel Seals. Even if we get a fair good amount of them, they might still be limited to the point that they can't be abused.

Maybe it would be an in base arena like New Mystery but then again that lends itself to abuse. Not that FE hasn't had methods of abusing things (looks at BEXP and other things)

A possibility is that you fight a certain amount of battles in the arena for a skill. Each skill would have different rankings, so for example: you would have to win 5 battles in a row for Vantage, and 10 in a row for Astra.


Innes is prince-bae. Ignore the proletarians.

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Perhaps Second Seals do exist, but haven't been introduced yet? If Sir Smarmy's stat screen is any indication, he's got a long way to go before he caps!

Either that or we got ourselves some Shadow Dragon style of shops and tons o boosters.

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Either that or we got ourselves some Shadow Dragon style of shops and tons o boosters.

That reminds me.

The devs said there's an arena of sorts where you fight not for exp (or gold?). Stat-boosters maybe? XD

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That reminds me.

The devs said there's an arena of sorts where you fight not for exp (or gold?). Stat-boosters maybe? XD

Yeah I mentioned that a few pages ago and thought maybe skills.. I think your hypotheses is more likely though.

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