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Nintendo Direct 31st May: Possible FE if info?


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You've already claimed contradicts the goals of Nohr. Which was to give the player a more challenging campaign with limited resources. From what we've seen nothing we've seen in the footage really does that.

Here's what we know about My Castle:

1. It is present in both Nohr and Hoshido.

2. Units can train for experience and gold.

3. Units can purchase items and weapons in advance. This includes many weapons that can be purchased without limit.

4. Capsule Monsters can be fed, trained, and used in battle.

5. Supports and character bonds (powerful from a gameplay perspectives) can be facilitated here.

All of that contradicts Nohr's design goals. It makes limited resources much less of an issue. It significantly reduces challenge. It undermines the linear feel of traditional Fire Emblem progression.

The one thing to hold out for is that My Castle functions very differently in Nohr than it does in Hoshido. Which, as of writing, we have no reason to believe.

Edited by feplus
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While the face petting is weird, the rest is slightly emphasizing elements that were already present in the series prior. Arguments on which pairings have been a thing since FE4.

...Still WTF is up with the Pikemon Amiie stuff.

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The Marriage system has been relevant ever since FE4. It's just not since Awakening that they brought it back in full force. The only thing different now is the developers are embracing that side of the fandom.

Also, I've been playing FE ever since Blazing Sword came out in America. I have a waifu for every FE game (best waifu ever is Marcia).

While I admit a lot of this stuff is hilariously silly, there's not enough information here to make a justifiable assumption.

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Here's what we know about My Castle:

1. It is present in both Nohr and Hoshido.

2. Units can train for experience and gold.

3. Units can purchase items and weapons in advance. This includes many weapons that can be purchased without limit.

4. Capsule Monsters can be fed, trained, and used in battle.

5. Supports and character bonds (powerful from a gameplay perspectives) can be facilitated here.

All of that contradicts Nohr's design goals. It makes limited resources much less of an issue. It significantly reduces challenge. It undermines the linear feel of traditional Fire Emblem progression.

The one thing to hold out for is that My Castle functions very differently in Nohr than it does in Hoshido. Which, as of writing, we have no reason to believe.

Actually, the alleged arena seemed to be dropping items, not gold or exp. Said items would probably be used for other stuff.

We don't know how much support bonuses have been changed in this iteration.

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It just looks... what!? Face rubbing? Dressing up Camilla in a Jester hat and Fox tail? Bathinghouses? I really, really don't get it. But limited/more expensive weapons and raids are cool. But as people have said, this is looking more like a social game and less like a Fire Emblem game. Granted, I like social games, but I play FE for the strategy. Either way, amiibo support is cool and we may find out more on the strategy aspects by Tuesday/Wednesday.

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Here's what we know about My Castle:

1. It is present in both Nohr and Hoshido.

2. Units can train for experience and gold.

3. Units can purchase items and weapons in advance. This includes many weapons that can be purchased without limit.

4. Capsule Monsters can be fed, trained, and used in battle.

5. Supports and character bonds (powerful from a gameplay perspectives) can be facilitated here.

All of that contradicts Nohr's design goals. It makes limited resources much less of an issue. It significantly reduces challenge. It undermines the linear feel of traditional Fire Emblem progression.

The one thing to hold out for is that My Castle functions very differently in Nohr than it does in Hoshido. Which, as of writing, we have no reason to believe.

I dont think we really know if it is exactly the same between the games we moslty saw footage of Hoshido i believe.

Also are you really complaining about unlimited basic weapons? The game would have pretty much that anyway as everybody would have their default equipment anyway, all it really seems to be doing is letting you not use somebodies higher rank weapon.

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I dont think we really know if it is exactly the same between the games we moslty saw footage of Hoshido i believe.

Also are you really complaining about unlimited basic weapons? The game would have pretty much that anyway as everybody would have their default equipment anyway, all it really seems to be doing is letting you not use somebodies higher rank weapon.

We don't know if the versions are the same. We also have no reason to believe the versions are drastically different.

Yes, unlimited basic weapons are a problem. They make weapon management a non-consideration. This was one of the high points of Genealogy and Gaiden's systems.

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We don't know if the versions are the same. We also have no reason to believe the versions are drastically different.

Yes, unlimited basic weapons are a problem. They make weapon management a non-consideration. This was one of the high points of Genealogy and Gaiden's systems.

I still don't see how it is a problem. Weapon management for basic weapons is nearly always a non consideration, gaiden you always had a weapon, 4 the only downside to using a more powerful weapon is the cost to repair it, As long as you have money your fine plus you normally stuck with what you got or started with anyway plus if presumably has free trading which the lack of that was one of the reasons 4s system worked well imo. And no fire emblem game that i have played have i ever ran out of basic weapons nor a conceivable chance of doing so. Edited by goodperson707
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I will repeat the question i think somebody asked asked you earlier. What series have you been playing?

I seem to remember marriage in fire emblem before.

I don't mind that marriage is in fire emblem however the causal fanbase loved it and now IS is adding in many features that appeal casuals and is now a big focus for the devs. Furthermore, what concerns me is that before fire emblem awakening, there wasn't any MU's which were pretty much you in the game and the MU could marry ANYONE that wa the opposite gender. In other words now you could have yourself in fire emblem marry anyone you wished. Unlike fe4 which let you marry off the characters in the game. Edited by Thedeathby2
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I don't mind that marriage is in fire emblem however the causal fanbase loved it and now IS is adding in many features that appeal casuals and is now a big focus for the devs. Furthermore, what concerns me is that before fire emblem awakening, there wasn't any MU's which were pretty much you in the game and the MU could marry ANYONE that wa the opposite gender. In other words now you could have yourself in fire emblem marry anyone you wished. Unlike fe4 which let you marry off the characters in the game.

FE7 had Mark (the only person relevant to Lyn).

FE12 had Chris.

This is not a new thing.

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Honestly, what is up with the dreadful reading comprehension in this thread?

"Furthermore, what concerns me is that before fire emblem awakening, there wasn't any MU's which were pretty much you in the game and the MU could marry ANYONE that wa the opposite gender. In other words now you could have yourself in fire emblem marry anyone you wished."

Did you just miss this part? I don't recall Mark or Chris being able to marry anyone you wished.

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Kris has a terrible reputation and Mark is hardly a thing, if course fanfiction is an exception. Also the village in fire emblem if doesn't feel like fire emblem. Going around giving accessories to your soldiers, feeding a pet dragon, petting people's faces, and making new shops,isn't things fire emblem should have. All this village stuff makes fire emblem if feel like it isn't a fire emblem game.

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This is amusing, I love that there's an actual base in the game with actual purpose. As for the fe amie whatever, I'll just ignore it. But the baths with group supports and stuff is cool. It definitely has a different feel to the other side of the game, I think I can appreciate it for that.

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FE12 female MUs could marry Marth, and other characters, the number in awakening is likely due to the fact it was ment to be a cap stone on the series. So yes, something that was present before Awakening that was present in the series.

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