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Do you like or dislike Aqua?



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  1. 1. Do you like Aqua?

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No. She's irritating me already.

Nope, I only hate Aqua, for 2 reasons.

1. You have no choice whether to her tag along

2. Additionally, since she is on both sides, you most likely can't kill her off, which I always do to characters I don't like.

I agree with this except for the second point. The only character I purposefully kill off is Tharja.

I would bench her, but she'll still be showing up in cutscenes all the time. That's going to be annoying if she really does turn out to be a bland character. I hope there's more to her than being a pure, mysterious, perfect princess that follows the main character around like a little pup.

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Well, I got a good laugh out of the fact that after I called her Aqua ironically, they actually went as far to actually call her just that, as if it wasn't obvious enough already that they ripped the design right from Kingdom Hears, down to the purple, x-shaped straps across her chest.

Other then the name (and same colored hair), I don't really see the similarities in design between them.


I don't really see how KH Aqua (above) and FE Aqua (below) look all that similar


I just don't see it.

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I will only have a problem with her if she is a "lord" character that you have to have in every battle, cause I do not want to have to be protecting some weak dancer every level

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Other then the name (and same colored hair), I don't really see the similarities in design between them.


I don't really see how KH Aqua (above) and FE Aqua (below) look all that similar


I just don't see it.

I actually do see a similarity or a few in outfit design now that I see those side by side. The straps that loop to hold up a strange symbol, detached sleeves, face shape, similar glove ends and such. I still respect KH Aqua more. Though it looks like they'll both deal with their fair share of DARKNESS

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Yes, I like her since she first revealed. What's there not to like about the prettiest girl in the game anyway.

That she has the novelty class

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Other then the name (and same colored hair), I don't really see the similarities in design between them.


I don't really see how KH Aqua (above) and FE Aqua (below) look all that similar


I just don't see it.

I was referring to her initial palette.


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Nope, I only hate Aqua, for 2 reasons.

1. You have no choice whether to her tag along

2. Additionally, since she is on both sides, you most likely can't kill her off, which I always do to characters I don't like.

Basically, one of your reasons to hate her is because you dont like her? Are you kidding me?

Seriously, what with you people? Hating a character even when you havent played the game yet nor know any details about her? You hate someone simply because she will join you no matter what? How about the other characters who also do that? You hate her because she is bland and all? Should I ask you which team will be the champion of the next Worldcup? A novelty class? You knew her class mechanic already? Does your uncle work for Nintendo? And you dont want to protect a weak forced character for many chapters? Then I bet you hate FE franchise too?

Dont be a joke!

Edited by Magical CC
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OP no you're not the only one. I dislike Aqua the moment I saw her too but I just can't figure out why...

But if she's a well written character or a good unit maybe I'll like her.

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It's hard to get me to not like a character before I know about them, I can like a character on ascetics alone but hating a character is a personal journey that has to go much farther than skin deep.

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I was referring to her initial palette.


I still don't see it. The only simmilarity I see is same hair colo (but different shades) and I guess thos strap things (which aren't all that uncommon to begin with). Everything else is pretty different. I still have no idea how you came to the conckusion that FE Aqua is just a direct rip from KH Aqua with only a few similarities, of which are pretty common in games (and anime).

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Yeah I am pretty neutral about her,although I doubt that I'll like her when I play the game.

Judging by looks alone she is one of those characters that I won't really care that much about,but I probably won't mind her either.

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to be honest, i've got no opinion on her as of now. she's pretty neutral in my mind.

however, i am suspicious of her. i understand that she's basically reverse kamui, and i'm willing to bet she's not in hoshido by choice at all (and likely would leap at a surefire way to go home), but like...

i'm seriously suspicious about her. i don't really trust her, to be totally honest. i wouldn't be surprised if she turned traitor, or was masterminding an ulterior motive.

Edited by falcoknights
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Fun fact: most if not all characters whose name is Aqua, Umi or anything relate to water have blue-ish color theme. (I hate you, Aquaman)

How dare you. He is an impeccable character with many great qualities. HUNKamV8_2.gif and bulging character development 2488474-aquaman.jpg

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Currently taking a neutral stance on Aqua, but I can see why I'd be wary.

Something just doesn't sit well with me when I hear that she's a songstress. By default she's an important character who gets to sing all these meaningful songs in the cutscenes and be all mysterious and stuff. But like a previous poster mentioned, I was getting the sort of "idol" like vibe from Aqua. The way she's being voiced by two people (for singing and talking) is familiar, and that worries me. The last impactful experience I had with a songstress/idol character was Inori Yuzuriha from Guilty Crown, and it was not a great experience. I hope at least in this case, Aqua's singing and ability as a songstress will have an actual role in the story rather than just for selling singles and sounding pretty (I can whine and gripe about Guilty Crown all day, but I'll save that for another time).

Still, it's too early to judge, but honestly, I'd just reserve judgement on all the characters until the game comes out.

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I love her design and the kind of grace she has in the way she moves. She sings, which I quite like, as a singer myself. But as a character? So far, we haven't seen enough of it for me to make a proper judgement. Since she tags along for (what I am assuming) is most of the story, she'll probably grow on me no matter what.

But she's obviously important to the story in some big way, which makes me wonder. She also seems to be slightly bitter about her situation, which is interesting...

In any case, she seems bland now but I'm sure there's got to be something up with her. Whether or not it's a good thing that builds on her character and makes her more interesting is yet to be seen.

Edited by Nakaion
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I need to play the game before I can form an opinion about anything beyond her aesthetic, which I think is decent enough.

My only real thought/worry about her is that she will end up being a bit weak-willed. Having her be a reverse Kamui is interesting, but it raises the question of why she is willing to side with whoever Kamui decides to side with. Does she have no opinion or motivation of her own, despite the fact that one side is her biological family and the other raised her?

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^I'm hopeful that it's less 'Aqua sides with Kamui no matter what' and more 'Kamui sides with Aqua no matter what'.

As for whether I like or dislike her, as others have said we don't know nearly enough about her to say really. I do know that the bit of hair falling across her face bugs me though, it's so long it must be utterly infuriating to deal with.

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If she's well developed during the game then there is no reason for me to hate her. It was the same way for me with characters in Awakening: I though nothing of them at the start but when i got to play the game i really started liking/hating the characters. Design-wise, Aqua looks pretty good IMO.

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