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I came off like a jerk...


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I was at school, in the bathroom, to be more precise. So I was looking in the mirror, and this guy (who I normally greet with) came out of the stall and wanted to shake my hand (neutral greeting)...and I tried leaving like I was in a hurry, but he caught up and I was like, "no way dude you just touched your dick"... yeah. I tried saying it the most simpathetic way possible, but I'm not very expressive. I even tried smiling after that remark. He later said he was okay with it, but I don't know... I wonder how I'll have to greet him later, since we'll just come across each other.

Why is this a problem? Because I'm a nice guy, in real life. At least, I try to keep that image, and not come off as a douche who seems disgusted by people (I'm not). Doesn't help that I tend to dress rather fine...

Edited by eclipse
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I was at school, in the bathroom, to be more precise. So I was looking in the mirror, and this guy (who I normally greet with) came out of the stall and wanted to shake my hand (neutral greeting)...and I tried leaving like I was in a hurry, but he caught up and I was like, "no way dude you just touched your dick"... yeah. I tried saying it the most simpathetic way possible, but I'm not very expressive. I even tried smiling after that remark. He later said he was okay with it, but I don't know... I wonder how I'll have to greet him later, since we'll just come across each other.

Why is this a problem? Because I'm a nice guy, in real life. At least, I try to keep that image, and not come off as a douche who seems disgusted by people (I'm not). Doesn't help that I tend to dress rather fine...

The real question is when did males starting talking in the restroom, I talk to no one in there. Who shakes hands in the bathroom? Just act like nothing happened, he'll probably do the same.

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I feel that your "dick-toucher" :P: already knows why you refused to shake hands with him. Perhaps, he may be hurt by how you said that and refuses to admit it to you. Still, I doubt that his impression of you was significantly damaged, and you can't take back your words anyways. Just keep acting normal, because this event will probably turn out to be minor in the long run.

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It isn't anything to worry about as I see it. You didn't want to have touched a guy's hand after he touched his dick. That's understandable to just about everyone. That's not being a dick that's just not wanting to get germs. He probably won't even remember that the next day (I know I wouldn't but I'm not like a lot of people).

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First off your title is confusing, probably should say "I just came off as a dick". Second off, I can hardly blame you because that is a really awkward situation. I really don't think there's any nice way to reject a handshake in the bathroom.

Edited by Lord Raven
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First off your title is confusing, probably should say "I just came off as a dick". Second off, I can hardly blame you because that is a really awkward situation. I really don't think there's any nice way to reject a handshake in the bathroom.

"i'm sorry, but i have shit on my hand"

problem solved

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The real question is when did males starting talking in the restroom, I talk to no one in there. Who shakes hands in the bathroom? Just act like nothing happened, he'll probably do the same.

You say that it's the most awkward thing in the world, it isn't. Especially not when you know someone in school... NOW shaking someone's hand after peeing without even washing first? Yeah, I don't think I'm the one without common sense here...(not referring to you, if it wasn't obvious)

You didn't want to get any germs, nothing wrong from that. I'm sure he understands.

Well, germs are everywhere. I touch doorknobs and I don't mind. This is a tad different.

I feel that your "dick-toucher" :P: already knows why you refused to shake hands with him. Perhaps, he may be hurt by how you said that and refuses to admit it to you. Still, I doubt that his impression of you was significantly damaged, and you can't take back your words anyways. Just keep acting normal, because this event will probably turn out to be minor in the long run.

I explicitly stated what I said and told him why I didn't want to shake his hand.

"i'm sorry, but i have shit on my hand"

problem solved


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He's the wrong one here. He's totally wrong. It's common sense to not shake anyone hand or touch anyone when you havent washed your hand after taking a pee. If anything, you have the right to smirk at him everytime you see him, he should be the one who feel bad. Next time you see him, you should greet him like this "Wash your hand yet, buddy?"

Is OP a Canadian, eh?

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He's the wrong one here. He's totally wrong. It's common sense to not shake anyone hand or touch anyone when you havent washed your hand after taking a pee.

Yeah seriously. Ugh, that's so gross, there's no reason for him to be offended. If I was a guy and one of my guy friends said that to me, I'd be like 'AAARRGGGHHH YOU FOILED MY PLANS TO INFECT YOU WITH GERMIES!!!!' jk no seriously, though, that's gross. Don't be worried, OP. I can't really imagine there'd be a good way to reject a handshake, maybe in the future you can say 'I'll shake your hand after you've washed it, bro' or something.

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And if he's confused about it and asks why, reply with "I always pay my debts".

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It's probably been said before, but you really shouldn't feel bad about acting like jerk in that situation. (I don't even think you acted like a jerk at all.)

Like, seriously, who wants to shake hands in a bathroom? The guy probably realised why too, and is actually ashamed of himself now.

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I'm sorry, I find that story really funny. It probably wasn't supposed to. But I'm laughing.

Unless you share a class or three with this guy, you may not see much of him for a while. I wouldn't sweat it.

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