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Charlotte - Competing with Camilla for Attention


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It's good to see a female axe fighter at last. Now that we have a male peg knight and female fighter, I wonder if we'll either see more, or they'll be the only ones in the game.

Edited by Tsunami922
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She seems entertaining with her 'bitch in sheep's clothing' thing she has going. It sounds better than a typical ladette personality you'd expect from a female fighter.

Bonus points if her attempts to seduce men always fail.

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^ This.

She seems like a really original character; I hope they write her well. I like that they mentioned how she used her looks for manipulation. IS probably took notes on Miriel and Sumia's Summer Scramble conversation and decided to make a character who was legitimately using her womanly wiles to use men for her own goals.

It sets off a nice contrast with that male armor knight who is scary and a little ugly, but has a good, kind spirit.


(Ah, Benoit. I tend to dislike Knights, but you've become one of my greatest reasons to enjoy Nohr.)

Charolette's Personality, reminded me of similar to Noire's Personality tbh.


I can't wait for Leon and/or Camilla to call Charlotte out on her actions.

Initially, I thought she was going to be Troubadour but I'm ok with a Fighter.

Some part of me would derive primal satisfaction from hearing Camilla threaten Charlotte with death.

She seems entertaining with her 'bitch in sheep's clothing' thing she has going. It sounds better than a typical ladette personality you'd expect from a female fighter.

Bonus points if her attempts to seduce men always fail.

I will bet solid cash that Benoit sees through her crud 24/7 and secretly finds ways to make it fail so others don't fall into her trap.

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Honestly, she looks like a sex doll. Her pose has only one purpose, to make sure you notice her marvelous features. Her creepy smile made me feel that she is even more creepy than Tharja. Being an axe fighter no less, she looks an adult movie actress. Well, out of all things, she and Harold are the worst offenders about character design and you take your crap on Aqua? What with you people?

And it's not like I dont like Charlotte, I actually think she is perfect candidate for the face rubbing features that you all hate.

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SHE LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE THE YANDERE ARCHETYPE. Ok, that said, I LOVE HER DESIGN. I've ben Hoshido supporter since first trailer but actually, now, I want to go Nohr because I'm deeply in love with that character (except if you can homo, that I'd rather go to Hoshido).

Her design and color palette is beautiful, and she looks kinda protective and that yandere stuff, and her name is also very cool.

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I like her for now, but if she does turn to be Yandere, like @misterarrowkey mentioned, any chance of me liking her will go right out the window. It will be like Yuno from Mirai Nikki I loved her design but her being Yandere completely ruined it for me since I hate that archetype with a burning passion. If she stays as just a brutal gold-digger then I will probably use her on my Nohr runs, but if she becomes a Yandere in anyway I'm benching her permanently.

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Overall I like her.

When I first saw her,I thought she was some kind of generic female character(thought she'd be a troubadour or something like that) who is all nice and good and all.

Hearing that this is just a facade(and seeing her face on some screenshots) and the fact that she is a fighter makes her unique and interesting again.(besides I like it if some characters aren't that good,not everyone has to be a nice person to be in the group)

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I'm pretty interested in her. By which I mean SCARED OUT OF MY MIND. They're the same thing, right?

I seriously don't think I've ever been as scared of another FE character before. That terrifying china-doll expression, the abs that could kill you, the breasts that could kill you, the axe that will almost definitely kill you, the MURDEROUS FACE, oh god the murder face O_O

So she's definitely a shoo-in for my team as long as she doesn't screw over somebody else I really like.

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Yeah, FE has had some pretty crazy gold diggers over the years.

Anyone remember Farina? She wanted 20,000 gold. That's like, two thirds of the funds from Ostia's treasury.

Oh and Volke. Man, there was a gold digger right there.

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How are people getting "Yandere" from Charlotte?

I was just going off what the person above me mentioned in my other post. I personally don't see her being Yandere I was just saying I would dislike if they made her like that when what we know about her character now is much more interesting.

Edited by BeartholdtFubar
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I think the term you're looking for is yangire. Yandere is a cute-but-psycho obsessive character whose cute-but-psycho obsessiveness is based around affection for a particular character (primarily a love interest), while a yangire is a character who appears to be cute, kind, or even innocent, but has a genuinely psycho-crazy side which is not fueled by a love incentive.

Either way though, I don't really see Charlotte as either one. She could be a no-good two-faced gold-digger, but nothing about her really screams "psycho" for me based on appearance or her described personality. Perhaps if she were to have a support or story instance where her facade falls apart in an angry breakdown, she'd probably be at least a little bit closer to a yangire.

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She definitely seems creepy. I'm sure in wanting to manipulate men, she'll try to get Takumi or someone of importance from Hoshido under her control.

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Her personality reminds me of Anise, a character from Tales of the Abyss that pretty much noone liked*. Hopefully it's better in execution...

*Actually I don't know anyone who liked her, but I'm just covering my bases here.

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