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Best Fire Emblem Game



94 members have voted

  1. 1. Best Fire Emblem characters

    • FE 1
    • FE 2
    • FE 3
    • FE 4
    • FE 5
    • FE 6
    • FE 7
    • FE 8
    • FE 9
    • FE 10
    • FE 11
    • FE 12
    • FE 13
  2. 2. Best Fire Emblem story

    • FE 1
    • FE 2
    • FE 3
    • FE 4
    • FE 5
    • FE 6
    • FE 7
    • FE 8
    • FE 9
    • FE 10
    • FE 11
    • FE 12
    • FE 13
  3. 3. Best Fire Emblem game play

    • FE 1
    • FE 2
    • FE 3
    • FE 4
    • FE 5
    • FE 6
    • FE 7
    • FE 8
    • FE 9
    • FE 10
    • FE 11
    • FE 12
    • FE 13
  4. 4. Best Fire Emblem game overall

    • FE 1
    • FE 2
    • FE 3
    • FE 4
    • FE 5
    • FE 6
    • FE 7
    • FE 8
    • FE 9
    • FE 10
    • FE 11
    • FE 12
    • FE 13

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Imo, PoR has the best characters while RD has both the best story and best gameplay.

Surprised FE7 is getting the most votes for best story though, I found that one to be bland.

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So, despiting how i consider this survey to be spoiled, I voted FE 7 for the characters (FE8 didn't joked on it too), FE4 on the story and FE12 for the gameplay.

For better game in general I have voted FE7.

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7 received my vote on everything but story

Lyn is my favorite FE character and more characters from 7 stick out to me even if Lyn is the only one in the top 5

Story I went with 9, since while 7's is really good(second best by far) a certain ninian ex machina at the end ruins it for me. FE 9 has w very interesting plot, and DOESN'T contain any BS plot revives.until FE10 ruined it

I play games for fun in the gameplay, preferably without BS where applicable. 7 does have some bs.16xx I am looking at you, but the BS isn't enough to detract from my enjoyment of the game over all unlike most FE.

Also, Ana, many people like 7´s story because its highly different from the typical FE formula FYI.

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Also, Ana, many people like 7´s story because its highly different from the typical FE formula FYI.

Then they should think RD is the best too, as it's also different. No other game splits the thing up into four parts and has you playing different armies throughout different parts of the game.

Edited by Anacybele
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I usually bounce my opinions as to what is the best FE between 7, 9 and 10. 10 is mechanically the best, but its latter act is kinda underwhelming. 9's story is more concrete, but it has ups and downs as far as gameplay goes. FE7 has a great story in my opinion and some really fun chapters, its prologue is very bland though. None of these games are perfect, but in my opinion, they are the best.

Edited by Knight
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3 things get the way of that tho

A crapton of plotholes in RD's plot(a certain general named Banzai claims 7 has a ton too, but most of his plotholes are really just nitpicks)

The 1st 2 parts of the game have no impact whatsoever on how the game works out(the same could be said about Lyon's tale, but people overlook this as it can be skipped in subsequent playthroughs)

And nostalgia goggles affect them a lot, not me tho

Seriously tho, remove the 1st 2 parts from RD and nothing changes whatsoever. Daein wouldn't be put under the stupid blood pact, because begnion still controlled them anyway, but other than that, there would be no changes to the overall plot

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Oh man, this thread is going to be a mess.

I voted FE9 for characters, story, and overall. FE4 for gameplay. I'm also surprised to see how many votes FE10 has gotten for story. Saying FE10 has a good story is an insult to fiction.

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3 things get the way of that tho

A crapton of plotholes in RD's plot(a certain general named Banzai claims 7 has a ton too, but most of his plotholes are really just nitpicks)

The 1st 2 parts of the game have no impact whatsoever on how the game works out(the same could be said about Lyon's tale, but people overlook this as it can be skipped in subsequent playthroughs)

And nostalgia goggles affect them a lot, not me tho

Seriously tho, remove the 1st 2 parts from RD and nothing changes whatsoever. Daein wouldn't be put under the stupid blood pact, because begnion still controlled them anyway, but other than that, there would be no changes to the overall plot

You're missing my point. Saying FE7's story is the best simply because it's "different" isn't valid since RD's is also "different." That's all.

Oh I'm also surprised to see how many votes FE10 has gotten for story. Saying FE10 has a good story is an insult to fiction.

You're free to dislike it, but don't treat it like it's fact, please. Also, imo, saying that Awakening had a good story is more of an "insult to fiction." xP

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There are many best Fire Emblem games. I'd say all 13 of them are the best.

You've made a thread that will not end well.

This man speaks the truth. one line more so than the other

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7, 10, 10, 10.

Oh man, this thread is going to be a mess.

I'm also surprised to see how many votes FE10 has gotten for story. Saying FE10 has a good story is an insult to fiction.

Getting the ball rolling?

I don't care what you like or dislike, but if this topic has any chance of staying civil, lines like this will not be acceptable.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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I said Sacred Stones for characters, I thought they were actually really good for the most part. Genealogy for story, though Blazing Sword was a close second. Everything I've heard and seen about Genealogy point to an incredible story. I said Radiant Dawn for gameplay and best overall. In addition to best gameplay, Radiant Dawn was incredibly diverse compared to a lot of other games, and it actually showed some of the huge armies (i.e. the scene in Part 3 where you actually see the Begnion Central Army) instead of just talking about them, which I thought was really cool. Lastly, but definitely not least(ly?), it had the best music in the series, which easily puts it over the top. Blazing Sword and then Sacred Stones would get my 2nd and 3rd for best overall.

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3 things get the way of that tho

A crapton of plotholes in RD's plot(a certain general named Banzai claims 7 has a ton too, but most of his plotholes are really just nitpicks)

The 1st 2 parts of the game have no impact whatsoever on how the game works out(the same could be said about Lyon's tale, but people overlook this as it can be skipped in subsequent playthroughs)

And nostalgia goggles affect them a lot, not me tho

Seriously tho, remove the 1st 2 parts from RD and nothing changes whatsoever. Daein wouldn't be put under the stupid blood pact, because begnion still controlled them anyway, but other than that, there would be no changes to the overall plot

Part one is necessary for putting the main characters into the helm of Daein, it wouldn't make sense to have characters like Sothe and Micaiah be generals for Begnion. The rest of it is there to establish a cast of characters to serve the Daein side of the campaign. And even if part 2 is ultimately pointless for the main plot, it helps conclude Elincia's arc from FE9.
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Ragemelon. Theres no multiple choice option. Seriously though, my votes are scattered and i think too many of the games in the series are best. So i just kinda went with my favorites.
Best Characters (imo): FE7. Those guys are just too charming.
Best Story (imo): FE9. Its so solidly written and wonderful. I vastly prefer it to its sequel.

Best Gameplay: FE13. Had the most fun just playing that one.

Best Overall imo? FE7 cuz its still the Juggernaut for me. blargh

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4, 4, 4, 4.

I'm at a loss for words upon seeing all of these votes for lesser games. No, no wait...I liked most of those games. Uh, carry on then.

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I think the forum can handle a serious discussion like this, I'm sure it will go fine.

Let's see I voted:

For characters: Fe 10, maybe because it's the game I've played the most and had a very enjoyable time with and maybe it's just the base interface with conversations, but I just felt the wide variety of cast had a both interesting and relevant variety and despite the very large cast, most of the characters felt like they had some sort of motivation and a point to what they were doing.

For story: Fe4, I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't played it, but despite having an idea about how the game would go, the first time I played the game, just wow, it's a very interesting story, I'd like to see a similarly serious story in upcoming Fire Emblem titles.

For gameplay: Fe13, though Awakening isn't my favorite title in the series, probably the lower half in my mind, I still feel like the way the game was streamlined, minus things like pair-up that trivialize the game, is a pretty streamlined and efficient example of a how Fire Emblem title should be executed.

For overall: Fe4, It may be my favorite game just overall, with a great story and a great, and in my mind very intuitive, breeding system I find myself playing the game over and over again and never getting bored.

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  • Best story: Hard to decide. Have only watched a LP of FE4 and only have played the first four chapters FE5 yet, but I absolute love their story. Of the FE games for the west I go for FE9 because of the great character writing.

Best characters: The character cast of FE10, but with the supports of FE9. Since FE10 has only generic support conversations, there's almost no character development.

Best gameplay: FE10, because it has the most regular story chapters of any FE games and the best game mechanics: ledges, bonus exprience system, commands, largest variety of mission objectives, canto for mounted units, removable skills. FE5 is close behind, because capturing was an amazing mechanic. Too bad it never returned.

Best game overall: FE10 because of the gameplay. This game has so much to offer to me. Completed it over 100 times already and still can't get enough of it. However FE5 is a big contender to become my second favorite FE game.

Edited by Mister CatTeaDawn
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Characters: 7.

Hate for Lyn aside, 7's cast is most well thought out. Nino, Eliwood, Renault and others are all great.

Story: 7.

Well written, NOT big country invades little country.

Gameplay: 6.

Simplistic, challenging, fun. Takes the cake.

Overall: 6

Gameplay got a bit of priority over the other two, and while 6's plot bores me, its characters are enjoyable enough.

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The best cast is from Path of Radiance.

For the most part, characters have their own goals and motivation and agency to the point were characters might actually leave the group. They are also tied into the main plot closer then anywhere else and they often have a thematic connection to the story as well.

Story events are mentioned in support conversations, so a lot of them felt relevant. Even without those, characters could develop and comment on events with the help of Info Conversations. Not to mention that a lot of characters were important to the main story for a while before becoming playable. Even afterwards, they might still show up in main story dialog if they are alive. As a result, they felt far tighter connected to the game world then in any other game.

They also did some interesting things that affected entire groups of people, like how all characters recruited around Toha might possibly be spies and how characters of Daein keep their country of origin a secret for most of the game, maintaining the black and white charade until it's time to confront the player with some more color.

The best story is also from Path of Radiance

Ike's journey is very engaging and the game's themes about the value of an individual, overcoming the grudges of the past and a sense of family that goes past blood, social class and race are amazingly executed and beautifully emphasized through supports. The writing is very intelligent too. Like, in that Info conversation with Sigrun before the desert mission, they beautifully blend gameplay advice, world building, character development and foreshadowing.

But the best gameplay can be found in Thracia. Well, technically Tear Ring Saga, although that game is so dragged down by random encounters that I won't count it.

The map design is very diverse, although some maps definitely fall flat. And thanks to PCC, Personal Weapons, Re-Move, Supports, Leadership Stars, unique classes and some skills, there is a huge sense of uniqueness to a large part of the cast that allows maps to be tackled quite differently, so the game has a massive replay value.

But the end of the game sucks. Like, it's really, really dull and it doesn't help that it also emphasizes the interface problems of the game.

The best overall is Thracia 776. While far from flawless, it combines the most sophisticated gameplay with a good journey for the main character and an amazing atmosphere, only really dragged down by an outdated interface and a weak ending.

Edited by BrightBow
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Interesting to note, this question is asked pretty regularly on this forum, last time it was PoR that won several months back, now it's Radiant Dawn that seems to be winning. I think FE4 won the time the question was asked before then. IIRC of course.

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