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Do you think Mikoto might haved killed her husband to be the next monarch?


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Oh, you're right, I confused both of them, I indeed wanted to say 'Ron The Death Eater'; My apologize. I'm tired. Need to sleep. :p

So yeah I wanted to say, a fanfic like that, something actually possible; If FEIF screw up like Awakening, it would be very easy to do a fanfic with those kind of things, realistically, with no Ron the death eater bull. Especially if it's turn out that Mikoto being manipulative not only make sense, but would also explain a lot of things.

Of course, it's only hypothetical, the game is not even out. But do you see what I mean ?

Off topic but haha, I scanned through this post, saw my name (@bold) and figured you were talking about me since Refa quoted me right before. I was wrong.

Ah, my bad. Still funny though. :p

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Mikoto was cheating with Garon, and she convinced him to kill her husband so their secret wouldn't be found out. Garon, knowing that the truth could spark a war and lead to the death of thousands, agreed to covertly assassinate the Hoshidan king.

BUT! When Garon was killing the king of Hoshido, he found evidence that what Mikoto really wanted were super cross-bloodline babies for her own nefarious goals. Realizing he'd been played, he kidnapped Kamui at the same time, in order to thwart Mikoto's dastardly ambitions.
...unfortunately, he had not realized that Mikoto actually had twins until it was too late, and so all he could do was protest that the Hoshido had kidnapped his daughter Aqua. However, nobody believed him, because they all thought she was too beautiful to be his daughter.

this is a real FE14 leak trust me guys my dad is nintendo

Edited by Euklyd
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no it's that-


my dad tells me that everyone thinks that garon's kids are all adopted because they're all racist against the aesthetically challenged ;~;

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It's pretty much an FE rule that all villains are either blatantly evil-looking or have some sort of sympathetic motivation for opposing you. Having someone like Mikoto be straight-up villainous would be an interesting twist.

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no it's that-


my dad tells me that everyone thinks that garon's kids are all adopted because they're all racist against the aesthetically challenged ;~;

>Implying Garon isn't the most beautiful and majestic character in the entire game

Look at that beautiful grin on the website! Such beauty! Such elegance! More beautiful than Oliver!

It's pretty much an FE rule that all villains are either blatantly evil-looking or have some sort of sympathetic motivation for opposing you.

Except for Oliver, who is the most beautiful character in all of Fire Emblem.

Edited by Espella
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no it's that-


my dad tells me that everyone thinks that garon's kids are all adopted because they're all racist against the aesthetically challenged ;~;

God this game is going to be gold if this "leak" is real. But wouldn't they be be appearanceists not racists? :)

I was talking about villains. Oliver joins you in Radiant Dawn.

Yeah but when his beautifulest design was conceived i am not sure if they knew he would join you i would say they probably didn't. Also he is kinda different than most recruitable villains, it is almost like counting the black knight as not a villain cause you can use him in some chapters. Edited by goodperson707
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It would be absolutely awesome to have her secretly being pulling the strings all this time; perhaps even manipulating the war for her own personal gains. Having a cunning black-widow type character would be a perfect player punch-in-the-stomach for this.

But in the end she'll probably be the holy immaculate role model queen, which if she's written well could be interesting as well.

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Not the ruling monarch but married to him. She might not be making the big choices for the country, but if the country is stable and prosperous, she's in a pretty cushy position for the rest of her life. Arguably, that's even better than being the King. If her husband were a jerk and treating her poorly, I could imagine her plotting against him.

Actually, most historical female rulers killed their husbands to get there, or had a dad who really couldn't stop making girls. Cleopatra was one. But also Queens would kill their husband and rule as regent until their sons grew older. I mean this was a staple of political intrigue, especially if the father favored a different child then her child, but also so she could have time in the sun. One Empress of China, Wu Zetian, practically killed/exiled many of her own children, expected to have poisoned her husband, killed several ministers, all to stay in power.

I mean, it really isn't uncommon for Queens to murder to become ruler, especially if they don't like the ruling monarchs policies.

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This would be an awesome twist. I'm hopeful it'll happen, but i get the feeling I'm wrong.

They should also make Garon seem morally grey to balance it out so no monarch is necessarily in the right.

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Actually, most historical female rulers killed their husbands to get there, or had a dad who really couldn't stop making girls. Cleopatra was one. But also Queens would kill their husband and rule as regent until their sons grew older. I mean this was a staple of political intrigue, especially if the father favored a different child then her child, but also so she could have time in the sun. One Empress of China, Wu Zetian, practically killed/exiled many of her own children, expected to have poisoned her husband, killed several ministers, all to stay in power.

I mean, it really isn't uncommon for Queens to murder to become ruler, especially if they don't like the ruling monarchs policies.

To be fair, Wu never killed her husband, and her son was legitimately plotting against her. She did, however, kill her female competition in the regent department, but I would say that was justifiable as she was a fairly benevolent autocrat.

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Who knows.... it says he died in an "accident" which is suspicious.

Nine times out of ten, I'd say no, this is IS after all, but the guy who's writing this is the guy who wrote Bloody Monday, and that manga loved taking the most innocent looking characters and making them psychotically evil.

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Died in an accident is just afaik polite politician speech for "got assasinated, but mentioning that out loud would be really bad juju".

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To be fair, Wu never killed her husband, and her son was legitimately plotting against her. She did, however, kill her female competition in the regent department, but I would say that was justifiable as she was a fairly benevolent autocrat.

So many people died when going against her that she became a bit of a legend bigger than her deeds. Did she kill her baby or was it SIDs and a conveniant way to frame an enemy? We will never know. But she was a pretty amazing ruler.

On topic, I will admit this was my first thought, and I would like them mixing it up, but judging all the other characters, I find this unlikely. I would love a game that was good vs Evil and slowly realize it isn't nearly that cut and dry. Or even realize you are on the wrong side. Also, would love Shakespearean politics with everyone being crazier and darker than you first thought, but don't think FE is that type of game.

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i think it's worth mentioning that in FE9 Ashnard did something somewhat similar by using a blood pact to kill to royal family to

become king and get away with calling it a "disease". granted ashnard is a lot more blatant about being a villan it but it's still similar

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So many people died when going against her that she became a bit of a legend bigger than her deeds. Did she kill her baby or was it SIDs and a conveniant way to frame an enemy? We will never know. But she was a pretty amazing ruler.

On topic, I will admit this was my first thought, and I would like them mixing it up, but judging all the other characters, I find this unlikely. I would love a game that was good vs Evil and slowly realize it isn't nearly that cut and dry. Or even realize you are on the wrong side. Also, would love Shakespearean politics with everyone being crazier and darker than you first thought, but don't think FE is that type of game.

Well, Bravely Default had a twist like that. The problem was that it took entirely too long for the characters to figure it out. If there was a revelation like that for Hoshido, I'd want there to be a choice about continuing to serve them.

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If she is Incorruptible Pure Pureness monarch, I will love her.

If she is God Save Us From The Queen monarch, I will love her.

There is literally no (logical) way they can take her character, from what we've seen of her design and voice, that I will not adore.

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If she is Incorruptible Pure Pureness monarch, I will love her.

If she is God Save Us From The Queen monarch, I will love her.

There is literally no (logical) way they can take her character, from what we've seen of her design and voice, that I will not adore.

lol I really love your positive attitude. I think she really was designed very well. I feel we will learn more if we join Nohr, curious how she will react.

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