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Phoenix mode is normal mode only.


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D'oh, I wanted to play the most caution-to-wind-throwing run of Lunatic(+) ever.

Oh well, I guess I'll do it on some random Normal run later down the line.

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Well, so much for silly antics in the higher difficulties. On the other hand, with the nature of Phoenix Mode... it sounds about right to be only for Normal Mode.

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I am not so sure about this being true it is smallish text so it might be easy to misread. Also on the image the lines connect to Phoenix and lunatic i am not sure why they would do that if they would then say that it is normal only in a foot note. I say wait and see.

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^The connecting lines confused me too. I don't know Japanese at all really so I can't comment on the accuracy of the translation, but the lines indicate it's available in all modes. Why say anything about it being available in normal mode though, even if the translation was wrong? To be honest I don't plan on using it at all myself, but I'd prefer it be available in all modes since options are always good.

Edited by capmalachi
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Well it was a footnote, so it doesn't seem they consider it that important. The foot note might be because they seem to be pushing mixed difficulties with the order of them and the lines but they also want to say you can go easy,easy as well so as to not scare off newcomers. It is a tad confusing either way though.

Edited by goodperson707
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It's a bit confusing, but I'm pretty confident Phoenix Mode is only available on Normal.

I know Kirokan translated the website and the footnote says along the lines of "Phoenix Mode is available on Normal mode", which seems a bit strange when read in English.

However, I reckon it's the developers way of saying "Phoenix Mode is only available on Normal Mode". Otherwise, it's a pretty pointless footnote.

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The text interpreted 100% literally would mean:

The new "Phoenix Mode", in which allies fallen during battle immediately return, also makes an appearance.

* You can select (it) when the difficulty is on Normal.

Japanese text tends to avoid pronouns, so the (it) in the footnote is not actually there. But it can be reasonably inferred that the (it) is referring to Phoenix Mode in this case. There is no "only" in that sentence, but as Vincent said, it is probably implied because it would be a pointless footnote otherwise.

The connecting lines are probably meant to show that the two types of modes are just connected in general.

Edited by Bovinian
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Honestly I think it's a good thing. Casual mode deletes a feature that I think is important but it doesn't trivialize the challenge, and I stopped caring about it for that reason. Phoenix mode, OTOH, does trivialize the challenge. On Normal mode, it serves as help for newcomers to get into the gameplay. You might want to roflstop Lunatic modes with it, but isn't your wish of trivializing those difficulties contrary to the purpose of difficulties?

It is a trivializing option. I think it's just a technicality to distinguish between "broken options" or a "trivializing mode". Since FE11 has Warp on H5, which is a broken option and can, given knowledge of the game, be used to trivialize the game. FE12 Warp also is a trivializing option and was banished from Lunatic modes. Removing Warp from H5 or nerfing it would've benefitted its difficulty, and the removal from FE12 H3 maintained a lot of the mode's difficulty too. And I think it will equally benefit the higher difficulties that you can't break them by just clicking a button at the start of the game. That's even easier than warpskipping.

Edited by Gradivus.
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I can FINALLY calm down a bit...

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I guess this makes sense. Although I would have liked to do Lunatic + On Phoenix for giggles.

Edited by Jedi
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