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Why Luna looks so much like Severa.


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In my opinion Odin not being the same class as Owain pretty much confirms that they are not the same person.

If they were meant to be the same character, going so far as to give them the same personalities, there'd be no reason to give them different names.

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Yeah but the only way this could have happened is if the outrealms were involved. The developers told us that IF would be set in a new world and I kind of doubt they would lie about it because there wouldn't be much point.

Maybe I'm just being stubborn. I REALLY don't want IF to be set in the same world as awakening because I like the idea of a clean slate for new lore, new theories and new ideas in general. So I'm seriously hoping its just a reference for the awakening players and that they don't add more of the children.

not!owain i mean odin's class does make a lot more sense in if tho

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Yeah but the only way this could have happened is if the outrealms were involved. The developers told us that IF would be set in a new world and I kind of doubt they would lie about it because there wouldn't be much point.

They also said that it was a new world for the first time in the series though. So, if you want to read it like that, they were outright lying.

I'd guess they just meant that the setting of this game is very different from previous ones (the whole Japan vs West theme, with Norh also being visually different from previous western kingdoms), not any comments on the overall fictional world or universe it takes place in.

In my opinion Odin not being the same class as Owain pretty much confirms that they are not the same person.

If they were meant to be the same character, going so far as to give them the same personalities, there'd be no reason to give them different names.

The running idea most often mentioned here is that if there's an actual story connection, these wouldn't be the actual Owain, Severa and Inigo who came from a ruined future, but rather "Lissa's son", "Cordelia's daughter" and "Olivia's son" from the final saved timeline.

Edited by NeonZ
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Simple - Capitalizing on Severa's likeness/personality to improve Nohr sales out of the Awakening fanbase.


They weren't exactly lying as all FE games apparently happened in the same timeline up to Awakening. If however is its own timeline.

Edited by Pretty_Handsome
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They weren't exactly lying as all FE games apparently happened in the same timeline up to Awakening.

FE6/7, 8 and 9/10 were all completely new and separate worlds from the previous games. Awakening included nods to them all, but also included the possibility of traveling between different worlds and it's outright stated that Ike came from another world.

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Yeah but the only way this could have happened is if the outrealms were involved. The developers told us that IF would be set in a new world and I kind of doubt they would lie about it because there wouldn't be much point.

Maybe I'm just being stubborn. I REALLY don't want IF to be set in the same world as awakening because I like the idea of a clean slate for new lore, new theories and new ideas in general. So I'm seriously hoping its just a reference for the awakening players and that they don't add more of the children.

not!owain i mean odin's class does make a lot more sense in if tho

They could have meant new world as in "completely new location where the game takes place"

After all that one continent is potentially the only place that we'll see in this game,which would make it the complete gaming world that we can experience in that game.

Or world traveling could be a thing too...

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They feel like allusions more than anything. Not so subtle ones, at that! If we are to consider FE:if's world and plot in a closed-state situation (barring outrealm equivalents), these characters might be initial Awakening references at first but be significantly different in other aspects. The premises of speculation are still littered with holes. I would not mind something like the above, though it would make me question why characters were essentially re-used. For that specific concern, I definitely am a bit suspicious of them. They may be completely minor characters, but if they are significant ones then there must be a reason behind the similarities.

The world travelling idea is an interesting one, but the changed names and Odin's Dark Mage capabilities? It would be awesome, but it would perhaps be a different "world" to the one(s) in Awakening.

Edited by messier
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The world travelling idea is an interesting one, but the changed names and Odin's Dark Mage capabilities? It would be awesome, but it would perhaps be a different "world" to the one(s) in Awakening.

There's a theory going around that the first generation decided to change the names of their actual kids to differentiate from the second generation and that Odin's dark mage class isn't so unlikely. iifc Owain had an oddly high magic stat for being a myrmidon due to Lissa being his mother. If Odin is kid Owain from the final saved timeline then it's entirely within the realm of possibility that he got a chance to actually hone his magic skill (because I mean come on what kinda kid doesn't want to shoot thunder outta their arm?)

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There's a theory going around that the first generation decided to change the names of their actual kids to differentiate from the second generation and that Odin's dark mage class isn't so unlikely. iifc Owain had an oddly high magic stat for being a myrmidon due to Lissa being his mother. If Odin is kid Owain from the final saved timeline then it's entirely within the realm of possibility that he got a chance to actually hone his magic skill (because I mean come on what kinda kid doesn't want to shoot thunder outta their arm?)

Poor present Lucina is kinda stuck with her name unless Chrom and his wife decided to rename present Lucina.

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Yeah but the only way this could have happened is if the outrealms were involved. The developers told us that IF would be set in a new world and I kind of doubt they would lie about it because there wouldn't be much point.

Maybe I'm just being stubborn. I REALLY don't want IF to be set in the same world as awakening because I like the idea of a clean slate for new lore, new theories and new ideas in general. So I'm seriously hoping its just a reference for the awakening players and that they don't add more of the children.

not!owain i mean odin's class does make a lot more sense in if tho

I mostly agree with this post, but the Outrealms being involved doesn't prevent it from being a new world though. If I'm not mistaken, I don't think that characters have much control over where they go so it's possible that if they're the children of the 1st gen kids from the saved future, they could have all decided to explore a new world and just accidentally ended up in FEif's world. Which could easily be an alternate dimension/planet.

That being said, I'm in the "they're just allusions" camp.

There's a theory going around that the first generation decided to change the names of their actual kids to differentiate from the second generation and that Odin's dark mage class isn't so unlikely. iifc Owain had an oddly high magic stat for being a myrmidon due to Lissa being his mother. If Odin is kid Owain from the final saved timeline then it's entirely within the realm of possibility that he got a chance to actually hone his magic skill (because I mean come on what kinda kid doesn't want to shoot thunder outta their arm?)

Hmm that's actually a good theory.

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When I said that the only way this would be possible would be the outrealms, I meant it as a bad thing. Most of the fandom, or at least from what I've seen thinks that the outrealms was fun and but kinda bullshit at best and refuse to believe it even exists at worse. So you are right that it would still be a new world but we all figured the crazy time travel shenanigans and world hopping would be left behind in awakening.

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When I said that the only way this would be possible would be the outrealms, I meant it as a bad thing. Most of the fandom, or at least from what I've seen thinks that the outrealms was fun and but kinda bullshit at best and refuse to believe it even exists at worse. So you are right that it would still be a new world but we all figured the crazy time travel shenanigans and world hopping would be left behind in awakening.

I think at this point, not using the outrealms would look bad. They created a concept of a multiverse and then just suddenly drop it because a few people dislike it? Dropping an entire concept because a small portion of their ever growing fanbase is just ludicrous especially if it's popular with both new players and some older players.

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Overall Outrealms were pretty much kept out of the regular storyline in awakening and were mostly used to explain the bonus stuff,like certain dlcs,characters from older games and some of the spotpass characters,so I doubt that they will really play a role in If.

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I honestly just think it's a nice easter egg for people who played Awakening. i personally HATE Severa, she's vile and selfish but i guess because of her appearance she was decently popular with fans. besides, we saw that Lucina and Robin keep their portraits from Awakening since its the same style so I don't know why they'd make a new one for Severa, even one that slightly changes her appearance. if you look at the Japanese eShop screenshots you'll see Inigo seems to have a sort of clone too.

Have you seen her supports.

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If we are talking about similarities, I think Tsubaki is a lot like Cordelia. In his description, it says he comes off as shallow, but is actually demanding of himself. Cordelia in some of her supports, lament on how people believe she is stuck up or a nag because of her natural talent, but she is just as harsh on herself as on others. Even Tsubaki's personal skill "Perfectionist" describes Cordelia pretty well.

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If we are talking about similarities, I think Tsubaki is a lot like Cordelia. In his description, it says he comes off as shallow, but is actually demanding of himself. Cordelia in some of her supports, lament on how people believe she is stuck up or a nag because of her natural talent, but she is just as harsh on herself as on others. Even Tsubaki's personal skill "Perfectionist" describes Cordelia pretty well.

Yeah,but at least Tsubaki doesn't look like Cordelia(he reminds me of Libra though).

Luna,Odin and Lazward are pretty much exact copies of Luna,Inigo and Owain(aside from the fact that Odin has a different base class than owain)

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Have you seen her supports.

The supports in which she's vile and selfish until she randomly reveals in the A support she loves them (assuming opposite gender) and then continues being vile and selfish?

(Except the ones with Noire, those were alright.)

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I really just think that because its the same artist some of their designs ended up looking similar. I guess the artist just likes female mercenaries to have long pigtails.

If that was the case they wouldn't have the exact same personality as their lookalikes.

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If that was the case they wouldn't have the exact same personality as their lookalikes.

if she grew up without cordlia she would act different as she was not being compared to her for her whole life so she would act different.

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I really just think that because its the same artist some of their designs ended up looking similar. I guess the artist just likes female mercenaries to have long pigtails.

The thing is that not only does she act exactly like Severa,but we know that there are 2 other characters who are pretty much copies of Owain and Inigo respectively,meaning that this is certainly no coincidence.

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