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Well, since there's multiples of them is sounds like it might be some kind of defensive building for streetpass battles.

Perhaps it'll act like some sort of magical ballistas that shoot long-range magic?

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Prisons might be a sort of money maker. In Berwick Saga you have a prison where you take captured enemies, and you have the choice to let them go for a ransom. You can also recruit one of the prisoners eventually.

You also have to capture some enemies in Thraccia to recruit them or trigger special features (extra maps and that sort of things).

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I doubt you can captured important named characters.

Most likely generics or something.

Still. I sometimes feel guilty killing unarmed healers for XP on my weak units. If I could capture them for XP on my weak units I'd be pretty happy.

(Sometimes I wonder if your originally squishy but will become beast characters wonder wtf is wrong with you when you order them to murder trapped archers or clerics for their first bunch of kills)

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^ wow glad to know i am not the only one who thinks that. If you think about it, your army, and your enemies must really think your fucking nuts, what with the feeding kills, raiding your own or allied countries chests, Using a un armed guy as a meat shield, what the enemy boss thinks when you throw axes for one damage at him, or when you just sit there in front of him grinding supports,ect. But i honestly think the prison won't do anything important.

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Riiiight there:


Courtesy of shadowofchaos for the translated trailer.

It appears you can build multiple towers so they may be automatic defenses against other streetpass armies who attack.

You have not enough minerals. You require more Vespene gas.

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It appears you can build multiple towers so they may be automatic defenses against other streetpass armies who attack.

You have not enough minerals. You require more Vespene gas.

I imagine they're for the streetpass battles, yeah. It'd be fun if you could put mages on them to attack with extra range, like doing Guard Stance with a guard tower.


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Still. I sometimes feel guilty killing unarmed healers for XP on my weak units. If I could capture them for XP on my weak units I'd be pretty happy.

Man, same here (I feel so vindicated right now). Maybe the developers felt the same way, since there aren't any unarmed healers in FE13.

Edited by Refa
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There looks to be room for about 18-20 different buildings, and to add to your list, there's also 'My Room' and maybe some kind of barracks for your other characters to live in, just off the top of my head.

Edit- Oh and Kirokan translated one of the listed buildings as a 'training room'.

Another edit- And the farm. Actually there's quite a lot of possibilities.

A bit late, but I think the "training room" is the Forge.

Also, the farm might be a natural gathering spot, rather than a building.

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Man, same here (I feel so vindicated right now). Maybe the developers felt the same way, since there aren't any unarmed healers in FE13.

Actually there are unarmed healers in some of the lower level dlcs, Nanna/Raquesis off the top of my head, funnily enough Raquesis says something like "if your going to fight at least fight with honor"(or something like that) i am like i am freaking trying but you are the one who did not bring a freaking weapon. I feel so bad about that. Yeah i think they might feel the same way tbh.

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A bit late, but I think the "training room" is the Forge.

I'll take your word for it. I certainly couldn't translate it. :P

Also, the farm might be a natural gathering spot, rather than a building.

Yeah at point I was just thinking of possibilities to fill out the list.

As for how the mage towers will work, if they are indeed a defensive building I'm 99% sure they'll just act like an ally unit and attack a random enemy in range a turn. It would be cool if you could use them in conjunction with mages to make stronger attacks, but it's unlikely. On the other hand, they may have nothing to do with streetpass battles and end up being something completely different.

Also, I'm perfectly content to murder the helpless, defenceless healers. If they didn't want to die they should have bought a weapon with them. :P Or just not come at all, for that matter.

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Actually there are unarmed healers in some of the lower level dlcs, Nanna/Raquesis off the top of my head, funnily enough Raquesis says something like "if your going to fight at least fight with honor"(or something like that) i am like i am freaking trying but you are the one who did not bring a freaking weapon. I feel so bad about that. Yeah i think they might feel the same way tbh.

While a 3 Str. Peg Knight Lissa flogs her to death with a log.

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^ i get your point. But pegasus knight has a base strength of 4so i don't think Lissa can have 3 strength. :)

Easy. Characters can have negative stat additions XD

No, seriously, that's the answer. Early-game enemies often have them so they're easier to defeat.

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I'm not sure what purpose the prison would hold in keeping your captured siblings or random generics. The point of including a building is some kind of interaction. So, you go down to the dungeons and have a conversation with the enemy and then... what? Is the prison just to give you a literal captive audience? If it was supposed to be a barracks for your captured units, why not just have a barracks? I can't see people being held behind bars on their off-hours being trustworthy enough to fight for you anyway.

Here's a novel idea, the prison will be what the fortune teller was in Rekka. The idea is, you captured an enemy officer who has some information on enemy troop movements for the next level. They don't have perfect information (in fact, intentional deception could be worked in) but enough to give you some hints as to what to prepare for.

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Here's a novel idea, the prison will be what the fortune teller was in Rekka. The idea is, you captured an enemy officer who has some information on enemy troop movements for the next level. They don't have perfect information (in fact, intentional deception could be worked in) but enough to give you some hints as to what to prepare for.

I really like this idea. But sadly I don't think it's its purpose...

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So we learned a lot about prisons today! A capture option is indeed there. But only doable by 2 certain characters. May be the only way to recruit certain people.

I wonder why only Zero and Orochi can capture people. Is it their personal ability?

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I would really like it if prisons outright replaced talking to Recruitable characters. It would make so much more sense! People only switch sides, after all, after weeks of confinement and misery... mwahaha.

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