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Awakening children returning?


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So I'm curious on what everyone's opinions are on the children characters returning in Fire Emblem If?

do you think that they really are the children, or are they just going to be really obvious tributes to them?

regardless do you think there going to give a good in game response as to why there is this massive similarity?



I don't think I saw a topic about this before so I think I'm safe ^_^U

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I don't really mind as long as the only children are the three shown so far. I'd prefer unique characters, but I guess it's not a HUGE deal. So far, we know that the names have similar meanings and their voice actors are the same. As far as I can tell, Odin is the only one with a different class. Personally, I don't think their being there will be addressed in-game, I believe they will be treated as if they just kinda exist in the world.(like everyone else).So, my verdict is....obvious tributes that aren't acknowledged as tributes.

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People have been speculating that they're the children of the "real" Awakening timeline, which would explain the names. They're also the three most popular children - not counting Lucina who appears as an Amiibo - in Japan, meaning that we're unlikely to get more clones/references or whatever you want to call them. The Outrealms seem to be the most plausible explanation for now, but it could just be that they're heavy-handed references purely for fan service.

I'm not a big fan. If it's supposed to be a separate entry in the franchise, then it should stand on its own two legs and reference things much more subtly. Awakening is by far my favorite game in the franchise, but I wouldn't even want my favorite characters to be recycled in this manner, much less Inigo and Severa who I find to be pretty bad characters.

Edited by Thane
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Its interesting, I'm curious if it will have actual plot implications for Nohr. I am happy with who we have now, but if we get all the children back that will be kind of lame.

My guess is that they will not explicitly address the hows or whys, unless it is related to the plot somehow.

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I was kinda okay with it when it was just one character who seemed a little different from their inspiration. Someone posted a really cool theory about Luna being New!Severa in a secured Awakening timeline, and her parents just gave her a different name to differentiate her from the Severa who came from the future.

But with more kids getting rehashed, I feel a little jipped. I know I should wait till I read their supports, and that there could be some reason for them to be like this, I'm still a little sad about the whole thing. Makes the characters, in both games, feel less special. So not a fan.

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What I fear the most is that their support conversations would somewhat be a copy-paste from their Awakening counterparts (not literally, but the gimmicks will still be played to their extremes), seeing that their personalities are almost the same.

Ideally, they should never have existed in the first place. But at this rate, I'm not sure if I even care anymore. I've pretty much lost all hopes for this game's story and characterization following the recent revelations. All I care about now is the gameplay aspect, something IS at least seems to be putting their efforts in.

Edited by Ryo
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I think they might be the children of the new timeline in Awakening.I mean that would explain smaller differences and wouldn't make any pairings from Awakening Noncanon.

After all it is possible that this game merely takes place on a different continent and that the children simply traveled to the Nohr-country.

However,even if my theory is correct,I doubt that this will be brought up in the main story and will probably be only discussed in supports.

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I like the concept of bringing back the children in moderation. I wouldn't want every one of them back.

How about Gerome as the last one? He's the hero Nohr deserves.

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I just hope they act differently from their Awakening counterparts but it probably won't happen.

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My guess/hope is it plays out like FE6's character tributes to FE1, although by their character descriptions it looks like it'll be much less subtle. I really hope awakening doesn't spill over too much into an otherwise promising game.

Edit: you should totally add a poll

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Inigo is one of my favorite Fire Emblem characters, so I would be happy to have him in another game. <3

I'm fine with it as long as they don't add in anymore of the children.

Too many would just be overkill. This is meant to be another game entirely, not a sequel to Awakening.

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Oh boy, the pain... Leave us alone with Awakening already.

... Is that Cynthia ? I hope not, she just look silly. That's saying something.

Edited by B.Leu
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Ya, personally I don't completely mind them being there so long as there's an in game reason why they're there, if they just plopped them in there out of laziness(which probably isn't the case) or just to make fans happy ,then I will be a bit disappointed.

and I'm actually still pretty new here and I don't really know how to create a poll ^_^U

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I like that Inigo got comfortable with his dancing and Owain acknowledges the fact that he is a truly magically-inclined child. However, I don't like that it appears the kids are coming back. If I wanted to play a game with Awakening's children's antics I'd go play Awakening some more :(

What happened to "this game is not related to any of the other Fire Emblem games?" Outrealm antics automatically connect it to Awakening.

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IS, please, no, retcon the Outrealm gate please, why would you do this, there's not supposed to be any Awakening story connection, just STOP we've had more than enough games related to Archanea, it's nowhere near interesting enough for this shit.

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I think they may be trying to turn those characters into new standard archetypes. It's not that every game's Abel and Cain are the same people due to reincarnation or time travel or living under a fake name, they just happen to have similar characters appear repeatedly.

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I don't mind. This seems to be one of IS' ways to try to sell the Nohr version to Awakening fans, by having some fan favorites return in nearly everything but name. This is a more extreme version of the old archetypes, (such as the red and green cavaliers, or a solid mercenary who joins in the early game, etc) and while I don't mind for this game, this shouldn't become a trend. Helps that IMO Severa, Inigo, and Owain had the best designs out of the gen 2 characters in Awakening.

Edited by Monado Boy
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