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I don't understand the anger toward the Awakening kid expies


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Fire Emblem has been rife with expies, archetypes, clones, and actual recurring characters since FE Gaiden. This series is so steeped in its own character recycling that there is a page twenty-nine sections long on the wiki just to describe the various archetypes in question. (http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Archetype if anybody wants to see it.) The pegasus sisters of FE1 have appeared in FEs 1, 2, 3, 10, and 11. Most of the healers in the series have the same exact character with a different name and dress design. Minerva and Milady could be twin sisters. The only difference between Merric and half the mage youths that followed him is hair color. The myriad of Camus archetypes are virtually interchangeable other than country names, even down to gender, and Camus himself even showed up twice. And that's just to name a few.

This is not a new thing. We should all be used to this by now. So why are so many people so upset that we're getting clones of some of the most popular Awakening characters in FEif? If you don't like the characters being expied, of course that's your prerogative--I'm not fond of every recurring archetype myself--but why are some people acting like this is a series-ending dealbreaker for them? This is Fire Emblem as usual, isn't it?

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its gonna most likely be a new archtype i think

people dont want to be an archtype i think

for me personally i think it as an archtype would be a great tribute to the game that saved the series

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...There's anger?

its gonna most likely be a new archtype i think

people dont want to be an archtype i think

for me personally i think it as an archtype would be a great tribute to the game that saved the series

I second that.

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The kid expies are not a dealbreaker to me, but its the only thing about if so far that I'm actually seeing as a negative

The series did rely on archtypes before, but I think that was mostly in a different way. Most of them, such as the red/green cavalry serve as a way of giving you a good balanced team right at the start. Characters do share things when it come to personality, but they where never complete carbon copies, not even in fe6.

The 3 awakening clones on the other hand are merely there because those 3 kids are popular in Awakening.

My biggest dissapointment is that they're all on the noire side though. If they where spread out more it would't bother me that much, but now one version has characters that look like carbon copies, which to me makes them very dull in comparison to everyone else.

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I don't think there's any anger. Just a lot of disappointment since in every new game we want characters to feel like they are themselves because even characters of the same archetypes have their own personalities and quirks from everyone else in it. They also look different which is good, but emulating isn't that bad, (just look at the amount of Char Aznable clones in Gundam) but if it's not Inigo, Owain and Severa but just people who act, look and practically are a lot like them the people will find it lazy.

Edited by Raguna
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Anger ? We're pretty tame I think. :/

What is annoying is that most people choose Norh precisely to not have FEA shoved into their faces. Then bam, the kids. Yay.

Plus you're comparing decent characters with FEA's bunch of horrible manga cliche, it doesn't add up, you just don't compare the recurring pegasus sisters, or the tragic Camus archetype, with Miss Tsuntsun.

Edited by B.Leu
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It's not so much them being archetypes as near carbon copies that's getting everyone worked off, not to mention the three being referenced were pretty controversial.

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Anger? Deal-Breaker? Not really, but disappointing nonetheless. I, along with others, finds that this is transcending the barriers of archetypes. It's one thing to be within an archetype, it's another to be the same class (mostly), with the same quirks, same look and even now same voice actor. At the very least, Seth, Marcus and Frederick, can be distinguished from one-another and from Jagen. This seems to be beyond archetypes and taking things a tad too far.

Also, we were told that FE;If was it's own timeline that strays away from Awakening, so in those regards it can be seen as going against IS's initial word.

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People just want to dissociate themselves from Awakening as much as possible with this new title. All in all, it's not a big deal to either side. It's not like expies are new to this series.

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I guess some people are a bit miffed because it's less expy and more 'lifted straight from Awakening with new names'. And even then those names are vaguely based off the originals.

We've seen a lot of expies in previous games, but none so literally copy+paste. It's lazy writing/character creation/what have you, and usually IS is better than that. Hence, people are annoyed.

That and for the most part, all of them are Nohr exclusive. Nohr's hyped up to be a throwback to classic FE games, but the addition of the Awakening kids shoves a clog in the machinery.

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I'm guessing probably because they want more original stuff, and not so much copy pasting, like many posters have said before. Personally, I don't mind them. I liked Inigo a lot from Awakening, so having Lazward is welcome IMO.

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I loved most of the Awakening kids but to make kids who are extremely similar in the following game does feel weird and a tad lazy. I feel it kind of takes away from if and Awakening. I'm not sure if it'd be better for them to be renamed kids who the children of the first generation units or unrelated look-a-likes.

Won't stop me from using them though unless their supports are copy-and-paste though.

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Anger goes too far, but I do find blatant expies to be a bit... I dunno, off-putting? Cheap? Just not something I really expect out of respectable media.

I don't think archetypes are a good comparison. Guinevere may be similar to Nyna, sure, but she looks different and there are many specific differences in their characterisation. Same with various red/green cavaliers... Oscar/Kieran aren't much like Forde/Kyle aren't much like Kent/Sain etc. The Awakening expies both seem to have very similar appearance (even moreso than Miredy and Minerva, who at least have very distinct hairstyles) and similar characterisation as well? Meh.

And I say this as someone who doesn't even dislike Awakening and isn't trying to "escape it" or whatever.

(It could be worse though. I love Luna's scowl and I never did get Owain in Awakening because using Lissa long enough to get kids = no thanks, but he sounds pretty fun and I wouldn't mind seeing him in a format where I may actually use him.)

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Eh, I'm not mad about the characters themselves - I think they're cute shoutouts to Awakening on the Nohr route. However, I would've preferred if they were nice surprises rather than taking up 3 famitsu slots that could have been used for completely fresh faces :/ Especially for the Nohr side - we've been seeing so many cool Hoshido exclusive faces, I wanted more of Nohr that weren't, again, near identical to characters we've already seen.

Edited by Meltlilith
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Honestly, I don't really care so much if they are copies, since to be honest, I did like their characters the best. All I want is to have a little more depth to them. They can have the same quirks for all I care, I just don't want their singular quirk to take up EVERY SINGLE SUPPORT CONVO.

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I don't get the apparent anger(or distaste or whatever word fits better), and most of the arguments against it don't really work that well for me. I find the trying to escape awakening thing quite nonsensical, Blaming the artist i don't get at all. The lazy argument i don't get from a art perspective, and from a design perspective FE is nearly built on archetypes anyway (not to mention on the art front, the amount of pallete swaps, and barely altered sprites from the ealier games) Basically the only real difference i see bewtwen this and any other FE is the scale of archtypes vs copies/same character, and if they are the same: playable characters vs cameos (Anna). And i can't quite understand how the scale affects anything majorly, if i can accept archetypes, the Pallete swaps, Anna, and other things that have their roots in saving resources, I can accept Luna and Co. Thats just for them being in the game however, if I consider it well intergrated into the story or not and how much i like them being in the game will have to wait till i play the games of course. But from what i see there is nothing that i see to really justify any claims against the creators/artists/designers or the characters themselves.

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I'm not all that upset over the concept of archetypes or expies per se, but rather that they just happened to put in the two characters I absolutely hated from awakening. I would've been snug as a bug in a mug if not!Inigo and not!Owain would've been replaced with say not!Brady or not!Batman.

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I honestly do not think these guys are expies at all and are actually those characters incognito or displaced by some sort of wacky plothole.

It's not so much them being archetypes as near carbon copies that's getting everyone worked off, not to mention the three being referenced were pretty controversial.

Those three arent controversial at all tbh. Like, they are the most popular second gen characters in Awakening by a huge margin and Japanese popularity polls. If they are controversial, its because a tiny knot of the fandom which is very loud made noise about them. Try not to speak for the entire fandom.

I personally am not terribly arsed about it. But it is kinda ehh that Severa of all people is returning. I dont speak for everybody, because she has a lot of fans, but i loathe her. And i will likely not be using that unit. Odin on the other hand....."MY TOME HAND TWITCHES" yes.

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Odin have a completely new dramatic pose and a unique class compared to his model.

And his personal skill is ridiculously awesome.

Inigo was one of the most boring child IMO (both character wise and design wise), but they did the most out of it (he has a special dance.), so fine.

Vura... Meh, I don't care.

She seems better than her model at least (The mother issue was her major character treat, and is thankfully not there anymore.).

And the Tsundere looks isn't that original anyway.

This may have been better to wait for FE15 to introduce them, but I don't really mind.

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Honestly the kids in Awakening were little more than sentient buzzsaws anyway. The Future Past DLC was the closest thing to character developement we got for them.

So, while I am pretty sure they won't be playing a big role in the main story, I hope this is a chance for them to be a bit more fleshed out as characters.

I didn't mind any of them, Inigo and Owain were among my Top 10 characters for Awakening so I am hopeful.

Would I have preferred original characters? Probably, but I honestly don't see any reason to start screaming about it.

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