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I guess Sword of Seals and Binding Blade are equally official.

Paper Jam

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Sword of Sacred Fire? Never heard that one.

Still going for Binding Blade for FE6 though.

I think they're saying the game is a different title than his sword btw.

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Or, Binding Blade is the name of the game and the Sword of Seals is the name of the sword.

Pretty much this. Although you could get away with both being named the other.

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So, er, what are the names of the Radiant Dawn songs in Smash 4 again?

Is it still "Against the Dark Knight" or did they notice that error?

Either way, this is why I don't treat these names as canon.

Because the localisation team probably varies slightly between games and they can never make their mind up o__o

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The fact its the same set of characters that got translated two different ways in one paragraph is the real oddity.

I'd say stick to Binding Blade since Sword of Seals never appeared in FE itself, while Binding Blade has.

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...wait, am I missing something, FE6 is finally getting a international english-language release?

Roy's SSB4 trophy calls the game Binding Blade and the sword the Sword of Seals.

Everyone is at a loss as to why.

Edited by Fujiwara no Mokou
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FE6 is titled Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade in NA -- it has been this way since the NA release of Fire Emblem Awakening (ever see the Bonus Box?).

Sword of Seals is the name of Roy's "personal/signature/legendary" sword.

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Roy's SSB4 trophy calls the game Binding Blade and the sword the Sword of Seals.Everyone is at a loss as to why.

Presumably so the "Roy Seals the Deal" pun works.

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FE6 is titled Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade in NA -- it has been this way since the NA release of Fire Emblem Awakening (ever see the Bonus Box?).

Sword of Seals is the name of Roy's "personal/signature/legendary" sword.

It's actually been Binding Blade since Brawl, it cites Roy, Lilina, and Rutger/Rutoga as coming from Binding Blade.

Doesn't make it less weird/confusing, since it's the same set of characters for the title and sword.

Presumably so the "Roy Seals the Deal" pun works.

...I just now noticed that it was supposed to be a pun.
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...I just now noticed that it was supposed to be a pun.


They probably couldn't change it since Binding Blade was already official, but his sword didn't have an "official" translation, even though it should in theory be the same as the game subtitle :KnollRoll:

Never heard Sword of Sacred Fire before, but I like it better than Blazing Sword, which isn't bad in and of itself.

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Never heard Sword of Sacred Fire before, but I like it better than Blazing Sword, which isn't bad in and of itself.

That would be from (http://serenesforest.net/blazing-sword/scripts/game-script/eliwoods-story/chapter-28-valorous-roland/).

Athos: "The sword of sacred fire was meant to combat dragons."

But it's never capitalized like Blazing Blade is in Georg's description, as shown here: (http://www.fireemblemwod.com/fe7/guiafe7/ENG_capitulo28efe7.htm), so I guess "Blazing Blade" is probably more official than "sword of sacred fire."

Good catch on the smash trophies being notoriously unreliable, though. Barring an appearance of... Hartmut's other sword besides Eckesachs... in an actual FE game that gets localized, I guess Binding Blade is more official.

I must say that "Sword of Seals" does fit thematically with the temple in which it was located, which was also mentioned by name in FE7 as the "Shrine of Seals."

Edited by Paper Jam
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Pretty sure this was a discussion back when people were wondering whether to change the name on-site... I thought eventually people came to the conclusion the weapon is called "The Sword of Seals, the Binding Blade" in the same way as "The Master Sword, the Blade of Evil's Bane", just in this case the two names mean almost the same thing so it sounds really redundant. This changes nothing about the name of the game.

Edited by Reinfleche
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The game's been called the Binding Blade a billion times so that part isn't news, but Sword of Seals being the localized name for the sword is, and I think that's pretty cool. I didn't like Binding Blade as the sword's actual name much either.

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No, and there's nothing that suggests that this will actually happen.

Though there is no official word on it, there actually are things to suggest it could happen. Consider how it's through Smash that many people become familiar with characters they knew nothing of before, and how Pit might not have gotten a new game if it weren't for his appearance in Brawl. Before Brawl, Pit didnt have a new game since the Gameboy era (which was ancient history by then); Brawl is what started the momentum for people to take a look at it.

There's no denying that Smash causes interest in franchises otherwise-obscure; ask around the Earthbound community and see how many people discovered earthbound thanks to Smash.

What I'm trying to say is that it's not far-fetched to suggest there's an FE6 remake in planning, thanks to Smash's influence and Roy's new appearance. if it does happen, that's just the situation with Pit happening all over again.

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Though there is no official word on it, there actually are things to suggest it could happen. Consider how it's through Smash that many people become familiar with characters they knew nothing of before, and how Pit might not have gotten a new game if it weren't for his appearance in Brawl. Before Brawl, Pit didnt have a new game since the Gameboy era (which was ancient history by then); Brawl is what started the momentum for people to take a look at it.

There's no denying that Smash causes interest in franchises otherwise-obscure; ask around the Earthbound community and see how many people discovered earthbound thanks to Smash.

What I'm trying to say is that it's not far-fetched to suggest there's an FE6 remake in planning, thanks to Smash's influence and Roy's new appearance. if it does happen, that's just the situation with Pit happening all over again.

Of course I'm not denying that Smash has no influence. Smash was the reason that FE was localized in the first place. But saying that we are going to get a remake because Roy is in Smash is a little far-fetched. Mother 3 wasn't localized after Lucas' appearance in Brawl. Furthermore, in the direct they said "Roy from Super Smash Bros Melee" is returning, while when the Lucas DLC was announced, they said "Lucas from Mother 3". If FE6 was going to be localized, they probably would've said "Roy from Fire Emblem: Binding Blade".

Edit: And the Kid Icarus comparison isn't apt. For that, an entirely new game was developed (by the creator of Smash no less). In this scenario, an older game will just be localized and be released to smaller audience, by comparison.

Edited by Zvarri!
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Never said you denied it, same way I wasn't saying that FE6 was going to get a localization. What I was saying, however, was that it was a very real possibility. A purely speculative point that I'd best not keep supporting in this topic past this post (since we have a topic specifically about the possibility of FE^ getting localized).

Also, Mother3 was never localized; it got a fan translation that led to a crapton of viral marketing, in large part thanks to this extremely popular lets player spreading the word by LP'ing it. What also helped much was people in charge of Mother's biggest fansite (starmen.net) also organized events that amounted to pestering NoA to localize Mother3.

As for namedropping Lucas' game in his reveal...well, it was only natural. Looking at all the recognition for Mother3, it would have been awkward to have Lucas introduced as "from Brawl" like how Roy was introduced as "from Melee". FE6 didn't get near as much of a limelight as Mother3, so the devs have an excuse.

...well, that's as much as I can say here.

Edited by Tessie Spoon
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