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Nintendo Dream leaks (Spoilers!!!!)

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And then here's the thing: if the kids ARE non-canon/not integrated with the main story, then the point of them existing (along with S-supports) is solely to appeal to those who have an unhealthy obsession with "Waifu Emblem".

that's my biggest gripe about this now, honestly. at least on our brighter side they're completely optional (doesn't really change the fact that they're still there though...)

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You would rather shove a ~15-year timeskip into the middle of a game with no evidence of having a need for a timeskip in its main story and have all the characters somehow not age at all during that time than have a bit more magic in a game FILLED with magic?

Obviously the story would have to be adjusted to the timeskip, and obviously the characters would have to age. Assuming that the fact that children would be a thing in this game was decided at an early stage of development (which it probably was), that really shouldn't have been too hard. But clearly this isn't the path they've chosen for FE14. Still, I'd have preferred even a poorly executed timeskip over time travel and outrealm gates. It's a lot more believable that way.

And yeah, I know the game is filled with magic. But magic as a part of the game's world and gameplay isn't quite the same as using magic as a convenient plot device. Just because people can summon fire balls and lightning bolts in the FE universe that doesn't mean the writers should get away with covering up their plot holes by saying 'oh, this happened because magic!'.

Edited by Icy Toast
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Yeesh, if it's time travel nonsense again I'm not exactly going to be pleased with this. I'd be cool with it if it's a time skip though. (Or post game only)

Either way it's not a deal breaker for me.

Edited by Monado Boy
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The first part is just optional side content that is non-canon.

And then here's the thing: if the kids ARE non-canon/not integrated with the main story, then the point of them existing (along with S-supports) is solely to appeal to those who have an unhealthy obsession with "Waifu Emblem".

Eh "Waifu Emblem" only makes sense in reference to the avatar. You aren't "waifuing" when you're pairing up the various cast members among themselves.

Still, so far what we know about them is that they appear after getting S ranking supports, so they can't be tied to main story chapters. There also isn't any mysterious main cast member (unlike Awakening's "Marth", whose origins were never spoiled pre-release) that might tie the 2nd generation to the main story chapter. Well, I guess there's still the blue maid who has a completely unknown character at this point, but her being placed alongside Nohr in the cover, and having no mysterious character for Hoshido, makes it unlikely that she'd be the character connecting these kids to the main story.

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Sigh... this really got me a little down, I just hope it is a reason other than dimensional or time hopping... but I doubt it if they want the children to fight alongside the parents while the parents are still reasonably young...

I am more unfamiliar with Nintendo Dream's schedule, so when does this issue release so we may see higher quality scans of it?

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Oh wow, a feature that was popular in the last game that over a million copies is returning for the sequel. What a stupid move IS. (FE fanbase in a nutshell)

In all seriousness, I hated the marriage system in FE 4, because it stopped feeling like tactical RPG, and instead felt like tactical waiting. I liked it in FE 13, even with the questionable plot reasoning. Put simply, I don't mind it being there whatsoever. Fire Emblem was perhaps the only Nintendo series to care about plot till Awakening, and I'm honestly glad it doesn't anymore, since they can now focus on the gameplay over story.

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I'd rather not see a whole group of possible characters get put into a Capcom style DLC thank you.

If they are there, I'll use em. If they are post-game? We'll see, it's going to HEAVILY depend on how they do it, but DLC doesn't work. I think only the amiibos should really do that, because well thats different.[/quote

...And what is exactly wrong with Capcom style DLC that is perfectly reasonable?

I don't mind kids being DLC at all.

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The only way time travel could work in this game is by letting the characters go into the future (via portal like from the info trailer) to get the children.

Wait, so you like, become a temporal interloper and leap forward in the continuum to kidnap your children from your future self?


Fire Emblem was perhaps the only Nintendo series to care about plot till Awakening, and I'm honestly glad it doesn't anymore, since they can now focus on the gameplay over story.

You, sir, make me lose a small bit of faith in humanity.

Gameplay's important and all, but am I the only person who wants to play games for their story AND gameplay these days? God damnit.

Edited by Ritisa
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Who knows maybe blue haired maid is actually Aqua's child from the future. Here to save her mom from beserk kamui //laughs

I'm joking btw... Ofc I'm joking

On another note I honestly don't know how to feel about this. While I am happy to hear marriage is back, the children's seem to be completely unnecessary? If the children end up being side content, say traveling through the outer realms to ones where the childrens exist, for whatever reason. Then fine. I can deal with that. If it's unrelated to the main story.

If they pull more time travel shenanigans then... Well I'd be more disappointed than anything. I'd expect better from Is than to take from awakening like that again.

But I'm not one to be so quick to judge a game before I have it in my hands. So I'm gonna keep an open mind and hope Is knows what they're doing. The entire children thing is a huge question mark for me until I've seen it for myself in the game.

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Please IS.... please don't tear out my heart more then you have you beautiful bastards....

While I'm happy that marriage is back, children... why? I guess cause it was a fun mechanic but I didn't want it again. Just give me my marriage and I will gladly go but it's too much with children.

Like candy that sweet, but too sweet. One can only eat so many.

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So,... at least I know well in advance I'm not buying this POS. Time for a profile re-theme.



I'm almost serious, too. Not sure if you post often, though.

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Ritisa, I'm not saying story isn't important, just that Nintendo never has and never will place story in high regards in game making. Heck, FE 7 and 9 are the only games in the series I feel have good plot lines, and those are my two favorite games in the series. IS is going with Nintendo's philosophy here, so they can make a game that is fun to play. I do play games for the storylines, but when Nintendo is in on it, I only look forward to the gameplay.

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I thought the children were a pretty neat mechanic in Awakening, at least to the degree that you were able to design and customize your team by breeding children with interesting options.

That said, I agree that the time travel mechanic was ridiculous from the start.Thinking about it though, I do know of a way that IS could probably keep everyone happy: the time during the main campaign is pretty well locked down, but post game it isn't. Why not create an epilogue saying that, after the events of the main game, such and such characters got married and had children. The post game itself could occur many years later with the children available, since time at the point becomes indiscriminate.

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I thought the children were a pretty neat mechanic in Awakening, at least to the degree that you were able to design and customize your team by breeding children with interesting options.

That said, I agree that the time travel mechanic was ridiculous from the start.Thinking about it though, I do know of a way that IS could probably keep everyone happy: the time during the main campaign is pretty well locked down, but post game it isn't. Why not create an epilogue saying that, after the events of the main game, such and such characters got married and had children. The post game itself could occur many years later with the children available, since time at the point becomes indiscriminate.

^According to the leak

It's outrealm shinanigans, which I'm completely okay with.

Easier to explain, ties in to the rest of the series, and enables me getting Lyn in my army.

I see no cons here.

I just wonder how this will work in Nohr with a lack of free roaming.

Then again, is children possibly a Hoshido only mechanic? We have not seen Nohrian parents, as Felicia travels with you regardless? After all Hoshido was meant to have more FE: A mechanics, so is Nohr safe or did I miss another screenshot somewhere?

Edited by Kirokan
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Such strong reactions...

Personally, I'm not sure how to feelabout it, but I'm mostly curious.

How is it integrated to the story ? How can this works on the Nohr path ? (that would be weird if something so massive only appear on one game. And depriving us of Harold's glorious child would be too cruel.)

Gameplay wise, I'm mostly OK with it. It's a cool mechanic, and add replayability.
Story-wise... This story we knew nothing about becomes even more mysterious. I may be disappointed later on, but as of now I'm mostly wondering what exactly what's going on there.

Keeping away from spoiler will really be fricking hard. Not sure I will be able to wait so long... ;w;

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Sigh... this really got me a little down, I just hope it is a reason other than dimensional or time hopping... but I doubt it if they want the children to fight alongside the parents while the parents are still reasonably young...

I am more unfamiliar with Nintendo Dream's schedule, so when does this issue release so we may see higher quality scans of it?

20th June, so around tomorrow, maybe?

I don't think Nintendo Dream has a digital issue though and I have doubts any Japanese fans will scan it for us XD

Fortunately, Dengeki does. I... don't know how we got the previous digital issue though. I'll trust the others to find it : P

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FEA's children were just extras that didn't have any reason to be here, and were useless story-wise, sans-Lucina. Oh wait...

And the only reason they weren't useless gameplay wise was because they were stronger than their parent, which, outside of some DLCs (yay...), was still useless.

If it's time-travel/world-travel again, If isn't going to make it any less stupid. A stupid useless Deus ex machina is still a stupid useless Deus ex machina.

What a waste. I'll probably sound whinny but, I truly expected better. :/

Eh, I guess it's going to be good in the Nohr version at least. And we don't know all the info, so there is that.

Edited by B.Leu
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20th June, so around tomorrow, maybe?

I don't think Nintendo Dream has a digital issue though and I have doubts any Japanese fans will scan it for us XD

Fortunately, Dengeki does. I... don't know how we got the previous digital issue though. I'll trust the others to find it : P

I see. I'm mostly curious to see if they show any Nohr relationships (Felicia travels with you regardless), and so at the moment I'm wondering if it is potentially Hoshido only. xD

Since I wonder where you would get time for such support boosting, paralogues, etc in the Nohr version where as Hoshido offers you the full map and skirmishes/encounters and all.

I may have missed something as I mentioned before, or another screen shot, so if anyone can clear that up please let me know!

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I just wonder how this will work in Nohr with a lack of free roaming.

Then again, is children possibly a Hoshido only mechanic? We have not seen Nohrian parents, as Felicia travels with you regardless? After all Hoshido was meant to have more FE: A mechanics, so is Nohr safe or did I miss another screenshot somewhere?

"You guys couldn't stop Nohr so we came back to help!"

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This is terrible. I really hope they don't overshadow the parents like Awakening's kids did. l feel like I'm the only one who like the first gen better. I can't believe they pulled this mess again.

I liked the first gen better too, to the point where I stopped going after the kids in recent Awakening playthroughs.
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