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Actual Dengeki issue scans? SPOILERS


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I don't know how I feel about the children mechanic having even less story significance.

Chrono Trigger? Radiant Historia? Android Saga of DBZ?

I think Awakening's usage of time travel needs a lot of work, but I don't really agree with this statement.

Those are exceptions, Chrono Trigger is a master piece in every point, story included, and yes, the time-travel actually made sense, or at least enjoyable. Radiant Historia, I haven't finished it yet but from what I've seen, it pushes time travel to it's logical extreme, like seriously, you travel in multiple tiny time-line, I think it's awesome for now.

And the time travel in DBZ didn't make much sense from what I remember.

So I guess it's more like 'time-travel is BS, but there are exceptions, that are very hard to find' ?

Edited by B.Leu
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Those that said time-travel ruin any story must never watched Stein Gate, that series will put any FE's writing to the trash bin and Fates included.

Edited by Awakener_
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Those that said time-travel ruin any story must never watched Stein Gate, that series will put any FE's writing to the trash bin and Fates included.

Steins Gate is one of the most well written and intelligent anime series scripts in a long time. It puts half the industry in the trash bin's trash bin. It's not really a fair comparison to almost any JRPG(or RPG for that matter) aside for perhaps Xenoblade Chronicles in the narrative department(and even then xenoblade succeeds on the meta narrative than the direct one).

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I don't know how I feel about the children mechanic having even less story significance.

Chrono Trigger? Radiant Historia? Android Saga of DBZ?

I think Awakening's usage of time travel needs a lot of work, but I don't really agree with this statement.

I never played Radiant Historia. But I am aware that it creates tiny timeline branches. Did you play Chrono Cross? The entire premise is about how Crono and co. pretty much screwed things up when they did their time travel shenanigans, like cause the creation of the Dead Sea etc. I am not familiar with the Android Saga of DBZ.

I still stick to my statement because time travel and multiverse theory just bring up the grandfather paradox, butterfly effect, etc. It far too detached from reality to be handled tastefully by most writers.

I think time travel could work if said traveller could not be seen or heard when they travel to a new era. BUT, even that would raise questions, especially if the traveller goes to the future and use knowledge of the future to alter history and make another timeline. Gah!

Those that said time-travel ruin any story must never watched Stein Gate, that series will put any FE's writing to the trash bin and Fates included.

Never heard of it. I don't doubt that it's a good show, but I am curious to see how it handles time-travel.

Did you played Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ?

Because otherwise this could be what's your searching.

Knight of Lodis is more or less inferior storywise, but still good.

I don't know much about the 2 Ogre Battle games, but they may be worth trying too.

I didn't had high hopes it would be better than LUCT myself.

I loved LUCT. Although I didn't like the endgame story as much as I did the beginning and middle sections.

I was hoping Fates would be like LUCT in a way.

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Now that I've actually found the scans (hint: limit the search for Dengeki scans for the last 24 hours), I'm disappointed they didn't the profiles for all the major characters (minus the children, cause,you know...). Playable characters like the villager girl (don't feel like looking up her name), Crimson, and wolf man are nowhere to be seen, and garsh darn it, I was expecting to see wolf man's actual face this time!

Edited by squkyshoes
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Those that said time-travel ruin any story must never watched Stein Gate, that series will put any FE's writing to the trash bin and Fates included.

Oh, I agree on that. Steins;Gate did the whole time travel bit well.

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I am not familiar with the Android Saga of DBZ.

Basically, it's much like how Awakening does it. A child of two of the characters comes from a doomed future to try to prevent it. So I don't know why it was even brought up. I DID think it was a pretty decent arc for a little while, but then it just got blah. Then again, I never was a big DBZ fan, I only watched it because I like Krillin. xP

The thing is, it's hard to do time travel right. Especially for those who aren't even into that kind of thing, like me.

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Basically, it's much like how Awakening does it. A child of two of the characters comes from a doomed future to try to prevent it. So I don't know why it was even brought up. I DID think it was a pretty decent arc for a little while, but then it just got blah. Then again, I never was a big DBZ fan, I only watched it because I like Krillin. xP

The thing is, it's hard to do time travel right. Especially for those who aren't even into that kind of thing, like me.

I was gonna say watch the Avengers 2 movie but yeah.

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Anyone found it funny that Not!Tharja seems to be the enemy boss unit of the map?

Makes sense, Tharja was a recruitable enemy too. Not a boss though, but close enough, especially since Fates seems to be putting multiple bosses on some maps.

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Actually this issue shows a lot of status screens that we didn't get to see before. Most notably, pretty much every unit from Nohr that isn't a royal is covered.

Ryoma's stats are indeed quite high. His personal weapon's might doesn't seem that impressive though.

Wonder if I should simply post them since they're on Perfectly nintendo...

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This is probably wishful thinking, but since it's been shown beyond any reasonable doubt that children are in this game, I would prefer it if every character had a child tied to them and not just the father or mother. While this could be unwieldy depending on the size of the cast in each path and would be a pain in terms of getting all the supports, it also would be thematically appropriate considering how much of an emphasis family has in this game.

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Nothing about combinations, and nothing about limitations. Only that one page is about marriage, which is what was discussed in the leaks. Looks like the rest will have to come from research in the game on Wednesday...


It's fairly well implied that Awakening uses the 'each timeline is an alternate universe' type of time travel. (though this completely removes any motivation for Grima to follow Lucina back in time, but idk where they were really going with it...)

It's also implied that no one really knew how time travel/Outrealms worked so Grima followed Lucina back in time because he wasn't aware that each timeline is an alternate universe type. As far as he knew, if she went "back in time" and stopped him he would cease to exist/be put back to slumber.

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I fucking love Steins;Gate and Chrono Trigger, but anyone who thinks their depictions of time travel are more realistic than Awakening's doesn't understand time at all.

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I will say I do prefer when altering something in the past doesn't change anything in the future that the person came from, but creates a new continuation (aka, what happens in Awakening and DBZ and all). That seems more realistic to me.

And this is coming from a big fan of Jackie Chan Adventures (there's time traveling in a few episodes and it doesn't work the way Awakening and DBZ have it).

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I will say I do prefer when altering something in the past doesn't change anything in the future that the person came from, but creates a new continuation (aka, what happens in Awakening and DBZ and all). That seems more realistic to me.

And this is coming from a big fan of Jackie Chan Adventures (there's time traveling in a few episodes and it doesn't work the way Awakening and DBZ have it).

Lol yeah, that's why, as much as I love Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure and Star Trek, I hate the misconceptions they have about time travel.

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I'm more of the stable time loop person myself... the things you change in the past were already changed in the future/reality you came from. When you can write an intriguing story with this formula, then you really are a skillful writer!

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I don't really like stable time loop. It's almost always "something bad happens because you dared to time travel!"

Not all the time, but most of the time they do seem to venture into that territory. Other times it is mostly retrospectively something that helped someone. Like if someone informed the US about the Attack on Pearl Harbor and so they moved their carriers but was necessary to keep the rest of the ships there for A then B then C to happen to eventually win.

My only real problem with the multi dimensional one is it comes down to "What's the point?" If there are an infinite number of possibilities, then why even bother fighting for your own? xD

Anyway, I posted this in the other thread, but here is the full marriage page translated. There is so much misinformation flying around, so I hope this clears up some things... blog post version here.


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Thanks for the translation, though there are a few typos here and there.

Anyway, the way this is worded makes it sound like the children are dictated more by specific pairings than dependent in one parent alone, I wonder how this works.

And I'm bracing for the whatever retarded excuse they'll come up for the children, it'll probably be way worse than time travel.

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So, on the marriage page, there's a part where it says "Proposal was a great success!" I wonder if there's circumstances where the proposal fails. Like you chose when to propose and it fails if you haven't done enough face rubbing or something.

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So, on the marriage page, there's a part where it says "Proposal was a great success!" I wonder if there's circumstances where the proposal fails. Like you chose when to propose and it fails if you haven't done enough face rubbing or something.

Obviously you need to have a fully upgraded house, the big bed and have seen their Red Heart event, otherwise they'll think your blue feather is just a joke.

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So, on the marriage page, there's a part where it says "Proposal was a great success!" I wonder if there's circumstances where the proposal fails. Like you chose when to propose and it fails if you haven't done enough face rubbing or something.

I assume they wouldn't do that with all the pandering already in the game. xD

Thanks for the translation, though there are a few typos here and there.

Anyway, the way this is worded makes it sound like the children are dictated more by specific pairings than dependent in one parent alone, I wonder how this works.

And I'm bracing for the whatever retarded excuse they'll come up for the children, it'll probably be way worse than time travel.

Thanks. Sigh, I don't think I've ever had a typoless one before. Can you point them out so I may potentially correct them?

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