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Yes, it's priced the same as Hoshido or Nohr dlc if you purchased the other one. (Original purchase is 40$ ish, then the others will be reduced to 20ish dollars to make it easier, but it's two full game cost to get 3, so one game for free :U)


I can deal with that, thanks for the info! At this point once the games do come out I'm gonna know so much it won't even matter buying it anymore lmfao.

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Oh okay. I was starting to freak out that it was actually coming out June 2016 lol.

Lol and I would freak out as well.

Although I can still comfort myself by saying "Wow, it's gonna be released the same day as your birthday again like the Japanese version, so it's still something" while crying QvQ

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Most likely it'll come out the beginning of 2016.

I wish for that, as well.

And I can think of how much sleep I will lose when it gets released X"D

Unless I have already gotten enough hypes from seeing all these spoilers?

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Are all alternate outfits bikinis/underwear type things? The helmets and other accessories seem to have some proper serious ones too, so it's disappointing that the outfits seem to be all jokes.

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Just go all out and kill everyone with coconuts.

I know this most likely isn't what you intended, but now i have in my head an alternate cavalier costume, which is just the cav on foot with a guy behind him banging coconuts together, it would still have normal move of course. :)

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I know this most likely isn't what you intended, but now i have in my head an alternate cavalier costume, which is just the cav on foot with a guy behind him banging coconuts together, it would still have normal move of course. :)

This game has become something I don't feel emotionally ready for.

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They fixed the skills thing. Garon and Garon Dragon have Dragonskin in Hoshido Normal Chapter 27/Endgame.

I didn't notice anything with the damage numbers though, maybe I'm blind or the Yatogami might have something to do with it

Edited by CocoaGalaxy
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This game has become something I don't feel emotionally ready for.

what do you mean? i just made a monty python reference because some one mentioned coconuts. I still wonder where they got the coconuts, the nations don't seem to be the type to have coconuts.
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Any additional word on the

special Aqua S-rank scene in the third path?

Sorry if this is beating a dead horse but this is something I'm interested in because

these games usually don't have modified paired endings and it's cute to see one

. Onestep said the anon might have been making stuff up.

...I feel so greedy for asking about a scene in that hasn't even officially been released anywhere...

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I really hope there are a good amount of nice outfits--I really want my Kamui in something cute :(

As for the thing regarding Inigo/Lazwald (even though I believe it was proven false already):

I know a lot of people jumped to Olivia marrying Chrom, but it wouldn't be surprising if he called Chrom father if Inigo married Lucina so there is an alternative if people want to keep their Chrom ships alive. (I actually did marry Inigo to Lucina so yay)

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I really hope there are a good amount of nice outfits--I really want my Kamui in something cute :(

As for the thing regarding Inigo/Lazwald (even though I believe it was proven false already):

I know a lot of people jumped to Olivia marrying Chrom, but it wouldn't be surprising if he called Chrom father if Inigo married Lucina so there is an alternative if people want to keep their Chrom ships alive. (I actually did marry Inigo to Lucina so yay)

Onestep admitted he was trolling with us when he said that.

Well-played, I must admit.

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