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I don't even play FF, but I don't have access to the newer ones? Should I play the older games from before their betrayal of Nintendo?  

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  1. 1. Which is better?

  2. 2. Which is better?

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    • FE10
  3. 3. Which is better?

  4. 4. Which one is better?

  5. 5. Which one is better?

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The mayor from Advance Wars DoR. I don't mind characters who disagree or don't like the main characters but jeezus anything he says I want to break my DS.

He is an utter bastard but it's not like he is intended to be liked. Or that he is even liked by anyone, for that matter. Besides, it's not like karma didn't catch up with him.

He is a rather good antagonist. Compared to someone like Excellus, who is simply a bastard so that the player can feel good when things turn against him, the Major represents selfishness, he is willing to reject those in need of help and won't hesitate to abandon those who become a burden, a cynicism that challenges those who even in a ruined world want to believe in kindness and loyality. And he manages to play that role without actually fighting against the protagonists, which is always neat if you can pull that off in a game were the gameplay is always about combat in some way.

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Yay, hated characters! TIME TO RANT.

Lastly there's Bill Hawks. Wow. To be honest, Level 5 did a really good job in making you despise this man with every fiber of you being, because by the end of the game, I just wanted to strangle him.

[spoiler=Lots of plot stuff from Professor Layton: Unwound Future] Bill Hawks is a greedy, selfish, power-hungry b****** that shows no remorse for anything he's ever done. Oh, and he's a hypocrite. First off, he decides to go through with a risky time machine experiment with a human test subject in a residential space to sell the technology even though his partner outright told him the machine was unstable and will likely go wrong. And then when said time machine goes haywire and explodes, not only does he destroy the building and kill the test subject, but the explosion destroys an entire block, killing dozens. Somehow, the deal still happens, and then Hawks just uses his new-found wealth to pay off every single news company in England to hide his involvement in the explosion and buys his way into power, eventually becoming the prime minister. And then at the end of the game after Clive, a boy who wanted to get revenge on Hawks because the explosion he caused killed his parents and destroyed his life, is arrested under Hawks orders, he then proceeds to say that all criminals are despicable beings and are the scum of the earth. And he runs off without ever paying for his crimes or acknowledging that what he did ruined the lives of several and just caused everything that happened during the entire game. That infuriates me.

Holy mackerel, I forgot about this d*****d. Yeah, I will add him to my hated characters list.

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Least favorite can't say I have many or that I even "hate" them.

Kellam- I just don't see the point of making a character whose sole purpose is to be forgetable.

Dan the Man- I don't hate the guy I just don't particularly care about him and being a joke fighter and all.

Slippy- aka the Yamcha of Starfox

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Drebin in MGS4. He's not really a bad character, except for one thing he does, and that's wasting 10 minutes of your time after every boss fight to spout the bosses entire gruesome backstory. The writing for these backstories is awful, even by Metal Gear's self-aware cheese, and the depression and gore is so over-the-top it's actually funny. The B&B unit are a boring squad of bosses as far as character goes, other bosses in Metal Gear usually told their backstory themselves, and they were usually quicker about it and left a lot more implicit. The fact that Drebin is assigned the role of pointless exposition is enough to ruin him as a character.

Xenoblade spoilers

Zanza. Boring generic god boss who wears the JRPG cliche proud. He has no personality, his motivations make little sense and that weird backstory right at the end raises a ton more questions than it answers. His boss fight and music are really awesome though.

The newest rivals in Pokemon. The fact that they aren't assholes makes them quite boring.

Emmeryn, dumb, just dumb.

Adam Malkovich from Metroid. He seemed okay in Fusion, but in Other M he's a giant dickwad whose idiocy makes you wonder why Samus ever looks up to him. He makes Samus a stupid character, that should be enough.

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Least favorite characters, hmm...

-Pokey/Porky (Earthbound series)

No seriously, how did he get a hold of Giygas offscreen while you're out doing stuff?

And then Mother 3 happened and everything got worse.

-Manfroy (FE4)

If you have played FE4, then I think this should be pretty obvious. Also he looks way too generic.

-A majority of FE13's cast

A lot of the time, they're just poorly written and have no relevance. Other times they're just clearly inferior to other units. And then there's the few where both of what was just said applies. The only reason I like Owain, Severa, and Inigo more than the rest of the cast is because it felt like more effort was put into their character. (Also because I can actually relate to Severa irl) And wtf happened to Tiki?

Yay, hated characters! TIME TO RANT.

First off is Rosalina. Why is she so popular now. I actually liked her a lot in Mario Galaxy because she was a mysterious, powerful person with a tragic past was enough to keep me interested for one game, and her appearance in MG2 was pretty much a given, so there's no hate there. But now, she's appearing in literally everything. Mario Kart? Sure, throw her in! Mario Party? The more the merrier! The 2D platformers? Hey, why not! SMASH BROS? That sounds good, right? No, no it isn't. The mystery behind Rosalina was what made her interesting, but now that she's now appearing in pretty much anything with the name "Mario" in it, that mystery about feels pretty much nonexistent at this point. She just feels boring. You could say that I shouldn't expect that much from a Mario character, but I don't care. Rosalina is just annoying to me now.

Peach qualifies too (in all the non-RPG games, I actually love her in the RPG games). She's utterly useless, and she's possibly the dumbest, least active game character I can think of. You could literally replace her in most games with a wood board and nothing would change. What bothers me more is that the RPG games SHOW that she can be useful even when she's kidnapped, and that she can fight will still looking elegant and princess-like, yet in all other games she just stands there. Watching. Not doing anything an- GODDAMIT YOU CAN JUMP FROM THAT AIRSHIP AND RUN AWAY JUST FINE, WTH.

"Because let's face it. Who doesn't love space waifu?"

Said every member of Nintendo's dev team ever.

As you said, I don't get how Peach is clearly capable of handling herself in the RPG games but not anywhere else. She isn't even a joke character in Smash either.

Then again, she wasn't kidnapped in Super Mario 3D Word.

The newest rivals in Pokemon. The fact that they aren't assholes makes them quite boring.

Um... who? The Kalos rivals don't even do anything throughout the story. You could probably remove them and nothing in the story would even change.

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Least favorite characters?

Dragon Age 2-

Fenris: Oh my god, shut the hell up. Yes, I get it, mages can abuse their power. Yes, I get it, slavery is bad. What I don't get is why you are permanently angry at everyone. It's like every time he started being likable he remembered that he needed to be angsty.

Anders: Yay, mage angst. You are exactly the reason Fenris is insufferable.

Dragon Age Inquisition-

Vivienne: Someone that wants the world to stay as is because it's perfectly fine as is...Except for the fact that she is an exception to many of the things she clings to, and won't hear anyone complain about how awful everything is. Did I mention that she is a cold, and heartless to everyone except the protagonist? Yeah, she's a major suck-up.

Sera: Could you try actually thinking one thing through? It doesn't have to be big, it could just be how you want to order your tea this morning. Please?

The Walking Dead Season 2-

Jane: You manipulate me into killing the only person I've known for longer than a few months just to make a point!? Then you have the gall to be shocked when I tell you to fuck right off?! Go die. Horribly, and slowly.

Fire Emblem Awakening-

Nowi: Put on some clothes.

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The guy dressing like Elvis Presley in Wind Waker. LoL ... -_-U

I remember him. I actually kinda liked him and thought he was funny. lol And he teaches you the Song of Passing which is so pretty. But argh, his name escapes me too! >_<

EDIT: Tott! I think that was it.

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Um... who? The Kalos rivals don't even do anything throughout the story. You could probably remove them and nothing in the story would even change.

That's exactly why I don't like them.

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oOoo characters i loathe? Hue.

Aeris from FF7. Sorry, Jedi. I...just dont like her. She came off as needlessly manipulative of Cloud and things were fine with that guy until she showed up. Tifa/Cloud is my favorite pairing in the game, and that may have something to do with my Aeris Rage. She was also not a very interesting person. Her character was actually well executed, but as a person, shes bland and uninspired. And i really grew to loathe her as the game wore on. Sephiroth proved himself a worthy villain and a boss for doing The Thing.

Squall from FF8. Ok, i actually hate this guy a lot more than Aeris there. Hes just a freaking prat and i didnt care about him in the least. Mr. Overly Moody Whiny Bastid. Rinoa, what the fuck did you see in this guy? Ugh this guy..

Emmeryn in Awakening offends me. Ive gone into detail many times as to why she just makes my skin crawl. Her sacrifice meant bubkiss and was really because she just couldnt deal with the pressures of ruling. I dont think id hate her if she had been honest about it. Or if the game didnt laud her as a saint for that. Ewww. Ewww. That kind of shit. Its like literally against my religion. "Im too weak to deal with this. Ill let Chrom and Lissa sort it out even though they know even less about junk. Im just not gonna tell them that though. Bye."


Xenoblade: DICKSON.

This guy is aptly named.

[spoiler=Xenoblade spoilas. Beware]

One thing i can say is that at least this guy is written well enough to really make you hate his guts. But i feel like his actual motivation for doing all this shit is not explained well enough, or at least not good enough to warrant all the shit he puts the party through. He wants to live forever with Zanza in charge? Ok but like, why? What really is in it for Dickson? Absolutely nothing really. Zanza is a big pile of BS and isnt going to share diddly squat with anyone. That is kinda the point. But Dickson was a dumb shit enough to buy it? Pfff. And then there was what he does to Melia. The things he said to her. FUCK YOU, DICKSON! EVEN AS A BAD GUY, I CANT ENJOY YOU BECAUSE OF THAT SHIT. *hugs Melly forever*

I really dont like Sothe. The way he treats Micaiah is too Edward Cullen for my liking. Go away, Sothe.

Ilia - Those of you who played TP know exactly why.

There could have been a way to salvage Ilia as a character and leave a good impression on the player. And thats to not have her have been so damn obsessed with Epona. Like...yeah. That shit? Rubbed me the wrong damn way. And im supposed to like you? Go away, Ilia.

Loki from Valkyrie Profile. I love this guy's design:


Its actually pretty gr9. Sadly, thats the only part of him thats gr9. He has zero motivation to do fuckall in this game except fill Mythology Quota. Although, with how the game/universe portrays Odin, you'd actually think Loki here is doing us all a favor. <.< Yet, hes the Big Bad in the Super Good Golden Ending. Pffffff. Consider me disappointed. If yer gonna throw Loki into your story, make him do awesome shit. kthxbye.

Severa, you are such a twat waffle in your game. Lets hope you arent such a twat waffle in that other game you are appearing in. Gods...

I know i have more, i just cant think of em right now.

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I agree on Chrom and Lucina, although Lucina is the one I'd call one of my least favorites. I want to like her, but she has the least personality out of anyone in her game.

Chrom is at least pretty funny at times, in a "wow what a dork" way. You can kinda laugh at him, and I at least cared about his goal in the end. also his voice is great I love it that is my favorite thing about Chrom and I am not afraid to admit it

Lucina is just a super boring angsty protagonist. She doesn't even have a personality beyond being very serious. I can sorta laugh at Lucina, but in an awkward cringeworthy way, since her interactions with other characters tend to involve her being super serious and not understanding people.

Anyway to name a few that I dislike

Big the Cat because big dumb purple cat thing fishing for mutant frog what

Richter Belmont purely because of voice acting. I know that's a bad reason to hate a character...

But when he was the "villain" in SotN, I just couldn't take him seriously. I was laughing almost every time he was on the screen. His "villain" motivations are just plain stupid, which adds to the ridiculousness. He's simultaneously one of my favorite and least favorite characters as a result.

Also that... pink... guy...? From Mega Man Zero 2. Haven't played it in a while, so I forgot his name.

First off the guy is an asshole second I've never finished the game and I can tell he's the villain and third, he's just creepy. He's easily confused for a girl, has this weird giggle he does all the time, and for whatever reason is the commander of the resistance. Despite the fact that he's a robot. Because apparently Zero was gone for so long that a new base was built, they built a robot, he became the commander despite being an asshole, and someone thought it was a good idea to build a robot that's a trap.

I have a lot more but those three were notable because they were really memorable to me for all the wrong reasons.


Elpizo was a record-keeping reploid from Neo-Arcadia before he joined the resistance. The reason he's become the leader in Zero's absence is because Ciel wants to dedicate more focus on the energy system she's developing (as the persecution of reploids is due to an energy crisis), so she stepped down. I don't quite get your "despite being a robot" comment; Ciel is literally the only human member of the resistance (and is a government-sanctioned designer baby progidy, to top it off). He doesn't really start off as a villain; and even in the end, he's still well-intentioned. It's just that his lust for power to help his goal and eventual mindf*ckery- courtesy of the Dark Elf, who was his intended source by which to obtain such power -that turns him insane. And there's hints after the fact that he felt remorse his more extreme and hare-brained actions.

I can't help but get the feeling you just skimmed the text of the MMZ games, and failed to pay attention half the time.

"Least favourite video game characters?" Well, there would be the entire Awakening cast for one. If they are not downright scumbags and assholes, they are annoying as heck and will never shut up about the single thing that defines their entire being. It's like every character is just a joke that keeps getting repeated over and over in the vain hopes that repetition will make something funny that already wasn't entertaining the first time.

While Awakening's characters tend to be quite gimmicky... this is just too much.

"Scumbags and assholes"? This just feels like another critical quote complaint. Yes, for most characters the critical quotes are terribly out-of-character when fighting opposing humans. Once again, the Japanese ones were significantly more straightforward and blander; it's more of a localization beef.

And really, the characters do have some good supports. You have to do some research and dig around a bit, but yes; they're there. Not every support from previous games was necessarily any good, either; there was just a higher ratio of good to bad than in Awakening.

And in general, most Fire Emblem characters suck. They're usually shallow and generic, with one or two traits that are exposed more than others to set them apart (sound familiar?). There are some genuinely good, well-written characters in Fire Emblem, but they're an exception. Plenty of other RPGs have better characters on average than Fire Emblem. It comes with the territory, really: a larger cast means less development for everybody.

I could flesh things out more, but this post has already gone on for longer than I intended.

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While Awakening's characters tend to be quite gimmicky... this is just too much.

"Scumbags and assholes"? This just feels like another critical quote complaint. Yes, for most characters the critical quotes are terribly out-of-character when fighting opposing humans. Once again, the Japanese ones were significantly more straightforward and blander; it's more of a localization beef.

And really, the characters do have some good supports. You have to do some research and dig around a bit, but yes; they're there. Not every support from previous games was necessarily any good, either; there was just a higher ratio of good to bad than in Awakening.

"Scumbags and assholes" was more addressing people that I know for certain did messed up stuff in the script somewhere, like Tharja, Henry, Flavia/Basillio, Robin, Gaius, Cynthia, and Nah among others. The major point was "annoying", which does apply to everyone.

As for the supports, while I am certain that it's only through bad luck that I have only seen the dull supports and not the actual touching and engaging supports that deal with heavy subjects like Cordelia's PTSD and survivor guilt, I do have at least 84 hours on this game. As far as I am concerned, I have dug myself through enough dirt by now to consider the characters to be the soulless caricatures that the game tirelessly presents them as.

And in general, most Fire Emblem characters suck. They're usually shallow and generic, with one or two traits that are exposed more than others to set them apart (sound familiar?). There are some genuinely good, well-written characters in Fire Emblem, but they're an exception. Plenty of other RPGs have better characters on average than Fire Emblem. It comes with the territory, really: a larger cast means less development for everybody.

I could flesh things out more, but this post has already gone on for longer than I intended.

Honestly, I couldn't care less about every character having depth. RPGs have a world and it's naturally that you wouldn't get to see everything in detail. The main problem of the Awakening cast is that they are insufferable and so omnipresent that you can't even go shopping without them forcing you their quirk down your throat as I've you've never seen it before. And I prefer the mere possibility of depth to the certainty that I am looking at a human-shaped parrot.

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While reading through this I realized a lot of you covered the characters I hate

Lucina, I think she's really boring, doesn't look cool or cute at all, and I don't even really like her voice. I looked at some of her supports to see if maybe something could appeal to me. Her weirdo fashion sense was humorous, I guess, but not nearly enough to redeem herself in my eyes.

tbh I never thought I'd be agreeing with you but...there's a first time for everything. Lucina is so boring. she's like "I came from the future, save the future, save the future, save the future" She's just dull and has nothing about her that I like. And then she's in Smash, and a complete clone of Marth. why

First off is Rosalina. Why is she so popular now. I actually liked her a lot in Mario Galaxy because she was a mysterious, powerful person with a tragic past was enough to keep me interested for one game, and her appearance in MG2 was pretty much a given, so there's no hate there. But now, she's appearing in literally everything. Mario Kart? Sure, throw her in! Mario Party? The more the merrier! The 2D platformers? Hey, why not! SMASH BROS? That sounds good, right? No, no it isn't. The mystery behind Rosalina was what made her interesting, but now that she's now appearing in pretty much anything with the name "Mario" in it, that mystery about feels pretty much nonexistent at this point. She just feels boring. You could say that I shouldn't expect that much from a Mario character, but I don't care. Rosalina is just annoying to me now.

couldn't have said it better myself *applause*

Xenoblade spoilers

Zanza. Boring generic god boss who wears the JRPG cliche proud. He has no personality, his motivations make little sense and that weird backstory right at the end raises a ton more questions than it answers. His boss fight and music are really awesome though.

The newest rivals in Pokemon. The fact that they aren't assholes makes them quite boring.

Emmeryn, dumb, just dumb.

[spoiler=me agreeing about the xenoblade character in question]he's boring and dumb, but THAT MUSIC

Emmeryn is just boring. And her going back to the capitol in chapter seven is just why

Xenoblade: DICKSON.

This guy is aptly named.

[spoiler=Xenoblade spoilas. Beware]

One thing i can say is that at least this guy is written well enough to really make you hate his guts. But i feel like his actual motivation for doing all this shit is not explained well enough, or at least not good enough to warrant all the shit he puts the party through. He wants to live forever with Zanza in charge? Ok but like, why? What really is in it for Dickson? Absolutely nothing really. Zanza is a big pile of BS and isnt going to share diddly squat with anyone. That is kinda the point. But Dickson was a dumb shit enough to buy it? Pfff. And then there was what he does to Melia. The things he said to her. FUCK YOU, DICKSON! EVEN AS A BAD GUY, I CANT ENJOY YOU BECAUSE OF THAT SHIT. *hugs Melly forever*

[spoiler=me agreeing with this other xenoblade character in question]fuck this guy

it just makes me mad because he's so cool in the entire first 80% of the game, and then suddenly BOOM antagonist. And not even a cool antagonist like Egil

Also Ricken from FE Awakening can die. He's so unbelievably annoying with his "don't treat me like a child even though I act like one" charade. And on that note Tsukuyomi from FE Fates can die with him. Literally the same brat, but he has a big head. Why the fuck did we get awesome mages like Lugh and Levin and Lute and now...these

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Least favourite characters...Gee,this is going to be pretty hard.

Kyrie in Devil May Cry 4.I feel like she's there to be the damsel in distress.She's also almost Navi annoying to me.

Athena in Ace Attorney:Dual Destinies.She's my least favourite attorney for whatever reason.Love her backstory,though.

Also Blackquill somewhat,but that's because he's the prosecution in almost every case except for case one and five.

L'Arachel in FE8 because I find her personality annoying as hell.

Wow.These reasons are short.

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"Scumbags and assholes" was more addressing people that I know for certain did messed up stuff in the script somewhere, like Tharja, Henry, Flavia/Basillio, Robin, Gaius, Cynthia, and Nah among others. The major point was "annoying", which does apply to everyone.

As for the supports, while I am certain that it's only through bad luck that I have only seen the dull supports and not the actual touching and engaging supports that deal with heavy subjects like Cordelia's PTSD and survivor guilt, I do have at least 84 hours on this game. As far as I am concerned, I have dug myself through enough dirt by now to consider the characters to be the soulless caricatures that the game tirelessly presents them as.

Honestly, I couldn't care less about every character having depth. RPGs have a world and it's naturally that you wouldn't get to see everything in detail. The main problem of the Awakening cast is that they are insufferable and so omnipresent that you can't even go shopping without them forcing you their quirk down your throat as I've you've never seen it before. And I prefer the mere possibility of depth to the certainty that I am looking at a human-shaped parrot.

I will agree that the game does play up one part of their personality way too much and makes it their gimmick; at the same time, doing some digging will reveal more about them.

Really, I'm kinda stupid for trying to argue with posts in the (formerly) Unpopular Opinion thread.

Xenoblade spoilers

Zanza. Boring generic god boss who wears the JRPG cliche proud. He has no personality, his motivations make little sense and that weird backstory right at the end raises a ton more questions than it answers. His boss fight and music are really awesome though.

I seem to have this really odd opinion on Zanza. I can understand some of his motivations; I feel like the god complex is at least somewhat justifiable, and I love the dueloty he has with Meyneth. That said, that end twist... that just felt like it was thrown in there for the sake of it (something that seems to be a bit of a recurring issue with the games' writer, looking forward).

But we mustn't forget the jazz piano boss theme!

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Athena in Ace Attorney:Dual Destinies.She's my least favourite attorney for whatever reason.Love her backstory,though.

Also Blackquill somewhat,but that's because he's the prosecution in almost every case except for case one and five.

Y-you do realize that none of the other Ace Attorney games did this differently, right? Von Karma formed the prosecution in 3/5 cases in the first game, Gaddot I believe was 4/5 in the third, and Fransiska 4/5 in the second. It's not a valid complaint bud.

Athena being your least favorite attorney isn't really fair either cause she's only had one game to her credit, which she shared with Phoenix and Apollo as main characters. Hell, you got to play as Mia (or was it Maya?) more times than Athena overall in the series.

I get your reasons, but they just seem to be setting the bar a bit high for a game that pretty much follows the series formula and is just as good as previous games despite all the character cramming.

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I don't think Lucina is boring. It's just that among a cast filled with nutcases, she's the only one that actually wants to get shit done regarding the war while everyone else is busy doing stupid crap nobody cares about. She's not boring, she's NORMAL.

Have you guys seen the Simpsons episode "Homer's Enemy"? The one with the character of Frank Grimes? Lucina IS the Frank Grimes of FE13. A real human being in a world filled with cartoon characters.

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Except Lucina is boring to some of us, Jave, regardless of what you say. Deal with it.

And I think I saw someone say that the Kalos rivals are disappointing because they're not assholes. Uh, news flash, but there's a such thing as a friendly rivalry, you know. A rival doesn't have to be an asshole. That said, Tierno and Trevor didn't appeal to me as much in the games as they do in the anime. Shauna, though, I think is cute in both.

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I don't think Lucina is boring. It's just that among a cast filled with nutcases, she's the only one that actually wants to get shit done regarding the war while everyone else is busy doing stupid crap nobody cares about. She's not boring, she's NORMAL.

Sure, Lucina wants to get something done, but...

That's really it. Nothing more, nothing less.

Outside of supports, she doesn't really do anything else after she joins (well, except for maybe in that one chapter, but it still ends the same either way).

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I'd like to add Seymour from Final Fantasy 10 to my list. Purely because this fight that I'm on is the most tedious, and frustrating part of the game so far.

Ah yes, the dreaded airship fight, FFX's rendition of That One Boss. Count me on this train as well. (I never did manage to make it to a save point after that fight before losing my PS2 in a move.)

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Ah yes, the dreaded airship fight, FFX's rendition of That One Boss. Count me on this train as well. (I never did manage to make it to a save point after that fight before losing my PS2 in a move.)

Hmm...spoilers ahead.

Do you mean one where I have to fight him on an airship, or one where he looks like an airship? Because I'm Seymour Flux where he looks like sort of like some weird aircraft. If I have to actually fight him on an aircraft, and it's worse than this, then I'm just giving up on the game entirely.

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Speaking of Xenoblade villains, I won't name names but...



Don't hate them but their repeated battle quotes are annoying as hell.

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Hmm...spoilers ahead.

Do you mean one where I have to fight him on an airship, or one where he looks like an airship? Because I'm Seymour Flux where he looks like sort of like some weird aircraft. If I have to actually fight him on an aircraft, and it's worse than this, then I'm just giving up on the game entirely.

I was just talking about the dragon fight

before you are supposed to crash his attempted forced marriage with Yuna.

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