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Invisible Kingdom getting all the goodies


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Yet they still made 3 games for us to enjoy with different stories, maps, and various other things, no harm if someone can't buy it all. It's just we have 3 new games effectively, so I don't see why people are pointlessly bitching like this is Gamefaq's. You can get 1 game, 2 games or heck all 3 games for a price that is below buying 3 full games, I do not see any purpose in complaining in how much extra there is for us.

We have various perspectives on a conflict, this is why the game was subtitled as IF. Kamui is the lone X variable in this equation. It's cool to see 3 different results of ONE choice

And that makes them bad? Stories left for interpretation leave room for debate and speculation which leads to longevity

I agree that it's totally awesome to have three different games, but I don't see what's so bad about people expressing their disappointment. This is a forum, and this post itself is expressing its displeasure with the third route. If people want to complain, let them complain. It's not like they're raising up a petition to delete the third route like that pighead who actually tried to get rid of Fates. If you don't want to see them complain, just don't check out this post anymore. Simple as that.

The same argument as my comment above follows. It's not because it's bittersweet or ambiguous that the endings are limited in potential. It's because it appears as if IS intentionally left out information that could have been included purely for the Third Route.

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Personally, I don't mind so long as you get your money's worth from each game individually. I just hate games that charge so much for what little they offer (*coughcoughArTonelico3coughcough*); if any version of the game is good enough to warrant their initial price tags, that's enough for me. Though it'll still be disappointing if the Nohr storyline isn't as good as advertised...

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Yeah, that's freaking unfair, dishonest, and frankly disgusting.

I often compare the Hoshido and Nohr ending with the usual FE bad ending that left things hanging and uncomplete, the Third path is basically your True Ending, except it's is a DLC (freakin GG...), but also screw even more the tagline of 'choice'.

It's as disgusting as disgusting can get.

It doesn't help that the writing is flat crap no matter how you look at it.

Edited by B.Leu
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Don't even try to delude things here.

What happened with fates, is take say... Skyrim.

Now, instead of getting the whole game... you're given a choice when you buy the game: Stormcloak version; Imperial version.

And then you can buy the version where you screw both sides and go fight Alduin as a DLC.

THAT'S Fates in a Nutshell.

It's not capcom bad, it's "as bad as, if not worse than Destiny" bad.

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Yes, OBVIOUSLY they are doing it this way to get money. We agree there.

That said, if the number of chapters and gaidens in Hoshido is comparable to series trends, as is the number of characters, then its pretty much a traditionally sized FE game in its own right .

So is Nohr.

Invisible Kingdom is a bit iffier, as if you already have both Nohr and Hoshido then the extra content gain is relatively reduced (as Nohr and Hoshido already provide for each others paralogues), but you still get the 22 chapters, analogous to an FE campaign, albeit on the shorter end of things (like The Sacred Stones length). But its still at a reduced price compared to the typical asking price of a traditional FE game out new anyways….

So yes, I totally agree with you that they're doing this to get as much money as they can get away with…. but it seems like a fairly reasonable price too by series standards…

I know that they're trying to exploit me, but what they're offering seems enough (to me) that I don't really feel all that exploited at all…. I feel its a good deal.

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Don't even try to delude things here.

What happened with fates, is take say... Skyrim.

Now, instead of getting the whole game... you're given a choice when you buy the game: Stormcloak version; Imperial version.

And then you can buy the version where you screw both sides and go fight Alduin as a DLC.

THAT'S Fates in a Nutshell.

It's not capcom bad, it's "as bad as, if not worse than Destiny" bad.

That example is terrible. That's not all the game; really, that's a very small part of Skyrim. And even then, look at the overall amount of content in the Elder Scrolls games; it's always been much more.

When you compare everything from a gameplay perspective each route is as large as any other Fire Emblem game; there's no problems there.

The problem is that the story they hyped up happened to be crap and mostly excised out of two versions so there would be more reason to buy the 3rd one.

Gameplay content isn't the issue here; story content is.

Personally, I don't mind so long as you get your money's worth from each game individually. I just hate games that charge so much for what little they offer (*coughcoughArTonelico3coughcough*); if any version of the game is good enough to warrant their initial price tags, that's enough for me. Though it'll still be disappointing if the Nohr storyline isn't as good as advertised...

...You might want to prepare yourself. Assume you haven't been on here much?

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Calm down with your passive aggressiveness. While I agree that the Third Route is a pretty good deal, you can obviously see where other people are coming from. They expected their routes to have endings that would satisfactorily conclude the independent stories, but instead, the inclusion of the third route forced their endings to be less complete.

FE:if was marketed to have a good story-- they had the whole schmick with "WE GOT A FAMOUS WRITER GUYS." Yet, their marketing strategy limits the potential of its other stories. Can you really blame some people for being upset by that, especially if they don't have the money to spare for all three routes?

You said it yourself: bittersweet endings don't always have full resolutions. Which means you can have full resolutions; IS just didn't provide them.

Passive aggressiveness is to be expected from zealots like that.

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We can all agree with one thing. Pokemon did much worse a lot more times.

And it's not that bad the storylines aren't that bad (maybe Norh's is) but the endings feel bittersweet and incomplete especially if you know what happens in Invisible Kingdom. But it's still a fairly good deal I plan on buying all paths (I'll star with Hoshido) so I can go through the more bittersweet endings and get to the golden route filled with pride and some time travel headcannon.

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If there's enough gameplay content to warrant dlc or an increased price, there should dlc or an increased price. Period. So, the story was unsatisfactory? That's a separate issue. It would be false to claim that each route is incomplete. There is zero reason to complain that IS made three games for you to play and are letting you play two of them for a reduced price. Don't cry when someone buys you ice cream.

And it's natural that the third route should be enticing. They want people to buy their product, after all.

Edited by Zvarri!
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Why would you even consider skipping?

Lemme lay it down for everyone, we are effectively getting 3 FE games for the price of 2. If not cheaper depending on if we get the special edition.

So.. You never heard about Destiny then? Be happy it isn't THAT atleast. >_>

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So.. You never heard about Destiny then? Be happy it isn't THAT atleast. >_>

Oh yes i've heard about Destiny. Never interested me.

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Don't cry when someone buys you ice cream.

Well, this first ice cream better be worth it enough for the second. Comparing a $3 ice cream to a $40 extra after paying $60 for the main game.

We can all agree with one thing. Pokemon did much worse a lot more times.

This. Ruby, Sapphire to Emerald. Diamond and Pearl to Platinum. It's the exact same here. But experiences are far different.

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What exactly is the alternative to having the third route be DLC? Have it free included with the game? That's not fair to the developers. They put work into a whole other campaign, and they should get paid for their work. Give the third route have it's own physical release? That makes no sense. It's designed so that you enjoy it more after playing one of the other campaigns. Furthermore, if it truly is better than the other routes it would cannibalize their sales. So how should have it been handled? This seems to be the fairest way to me.

Edited by Zvarri!
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So.. You never heard about Destiny then? Be happy it isn't THAT atleast. >_>

Destiny isn't comparable. That's Activision selling a handful of missions and quests for £20(since Activision think $20 is the same as £20) in a game that was already lacking content and most of the DLC obsoletes earlier content or adds a grind to upgrade old rewards. Destiny's DLC is structured to maintain and profit off the game's structure as a perpetual grind, it's pretty much a front to sell you the only way to "keep up". Fates isn't like that, hell the only part of the game(My Castle Battles) that could create that kind of scenario allows you to play on even ground and reward yourself with skills and characters from the route you didn't play.

Whereas for Fates the DLC routes roughly translated to £10 when I bought it, you get a 2nd campaign where all the unique chapters and sidequests you don't also get in your first choice are still longer than multiple Fire Emblem games that sold for 3-4 times the price.

Despite recycling of assets and short campaign length people were happy to pay full price for Sacred Stones or in Japan I recall 1.5x SNES game price for Mystery of the Emblem(SNES). In Fate's case it seems people are simply getting angry at the method they choose to sell the individual games/campaigns or believe the initial payment should give them right to everything IS produced no matter what quantity regardless of what Fate's pricing model offers.

Edited by arvilino
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Not fair for the developers? or the buyers? Alot of DLC like this seems to be just stuff to polish off an unfinished game. Giving it their own release makes no sense compared to Pokemon then, where they make it that you create your own adventure and virtually nothing is still different and your not missing anything. Have you heard Sakurai's thoughts on DLC? "it’s all about making players happy." Is he wrong? I see no point in buying both versions knowing they're pointless. Like what's the point if their gonna start with advertising the hell out of two versions that choices matter and all this amazing stuff, then to just casually tell us the real decisions is in which version you get then how much you're willing to pay.

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Not fair for the developers? or the buyers? Alot of DLC like this seems to be just stuff to polish off an unfinished game. Giving it their own release makes no sense compared to Pokemon then, where they make it that you create your own adventure and virtually nothing is still different and your not missing anything. Have you heard Sakurai's thoughts on DLC? "it’s all about making players happy." Is he wrong? I see no point in buying both versions knowing they're pointless. Like what's the point if their gonna start with advertising the hell out of two versions that choices matter and all this amazing stuff, then to just casually tell us the real decisions is in which version you get then how much you're willing to pay.

They aren't pointless, they are 2 campaigns in a series of 3 campaigns, 3 different stories with 3 different sets of maps.

If you want to only pick one path then you can do that, wanna play 2? You can do that, wanna play all 3? You can get all 3 full of content games. For less then 3 full games worth of cost!

I feel that people don't get we are effectively getting 3 games the size of Awakening by themselves and are being incredibly ungrateful.

Edited by Jedi
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If you want to only pick one path then you can do that

Ok, I want to buy the third route on it's own.... hmm, seems I can't do that afterall.

It's too early in the morning to try and explain to people who somehow can't understand why locking a blatant golden route behind an additional paywall is bullshit, so I'm just going to say that yes, I do think it's unfair.

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Ok, I want to buy the third route on it's own.... hmm, seems I can't do that afterall.

It's too early in the morning to try and explain to people who somehow can't understand why locking a blatant golden route behind an additional paywall is bullshit, so I'm just going to say that yes, I do think it's unfair.

...Except it's not a pure "golden ending". You are locked out of some stuff by choosing that route, and there are plotline deaths that aren't in either of the other routes.

The reason I'm pissed it at is that it appears Nohr's story got cut up for it, and overall the "improved" story IS promised ended up as crap.

Edited by The DanMan
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3rd path reuses quite a bit of maps from the Hoshido and Nohr route which I'm not really a fan of. And the new maps are just extremely gimmicky, actually most of the route is extremely gimmicky. Gimmick Kingdom... wooooooo...

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Well the point of quite a number of the game is "gimmicky" of their own sorts.....

I don't really mind reusing the maps, though I understand why, I suppose I'll look through what maps there are then

H7: No Gimmick. Same map as I8, though starting point is different

H8: Desert map, gimmick is to change terrain to normal

H9: No Gimmick. Same map (and boss) as N18

H10: Gimmick is traps (I believe it's optional). Same map (and boss) as I10

H11: Lots of flyers. Gimmick is to slow down flyers. Same map as N16

H12: Escape map. Gimmick is to freeze water. Same map as N14

H13: Gimmick is damage. Same map as N13

H14: Gimmick is to "deal 30 damage to some enemies".

H15: Gimmick isn't important

H16: Some turrets

H17: Same map as N8

H18: Gimmick is reinforcements

H19: Same map as N11, I10. Gimmick is stairs

H20: Gimmick isn't very important

H21: Gimmick is lava, which slows you down and does some damage.

H22: More turrets. Gimmick is just healing

H23: Gimmick is damage, but only the enemy can use it.

H24: Gimmick is slowing down flyers

H25: No gimmicks

H26: 1 on 1 against the boss, no gimmick (I think)

H27: No gimmicks

HE: Gimmick is healing the boss, infinite reinforcements

N7: Initially quite badly outnumbered, not so bad by the end

N8: Gimmick is shutting off enemy "reinforcements". Same map as H17

N9: "Gimmick" is trying to keep Azura safe. And 1 shot of some damage

N10: Defense Mission. Gimmick is that the chokepoints disappear halfway through, large numbers of reinforcements, and turrets. Same map as I14.

N11: Same map as H19, I15. Stairs.

N12: Timed escape mission with pots in the way

N13: Same map as H13

N14: Same map as H12.

N15: Timed escape mission with copycat gimmick. Same map as I19

N16: Same map as H11. Gimmick is that the boss is hidden as an NPC.

N17: Traps

N18: Timed defeat boss map. Same map as H9

N19: Gimmick is that enemies can turn invisible

N20: Gimmick is wind that blows you around. Same map as I9

N21: Escape mission. Gimmick is infinite reinforcements, and some ability to freeze enemies

N22: Gimmick is destroying walls

N23: No gimmicks. Enemy has turrets though

N24: No gimmicks

N25: 1 on 1 vs the boss. Gimmick is that the doors open when you defeat a certain unit

N26: No gimmicks

N27: No gimmicks

NE: Gimmick is that boss has a map attack, and your counter is limited ability to block it. Enemy can walk over terrain that you can't, infinite reinforcements.

I7: Gimmick is "fog of war" map. It's more like rooms of sorts.

I8: Same map as H7, but different starting position

I9: Wind map. Same map as N20

I10: Gimmick is also a pseudo "fog of war" map, you break ice to reveal enemies

I11: Gimmick is map damage. You can shut it off, but it'll just come back

I12: Gimmick is limited terrain.

I13: Gimmick is ability to place obstacles. Not terribly exciting.

I14: Same map as N7

I15: Same map as H19, N11. Stairs

I16: Gimmick is flame walls.

I17: No gimmick

I18: Gimmick is teleporters, requires 8 dragonveins to proceed

I19: Same map as N15. Timed escape mission, copycats as well (such a rip off)

I20: Gimmick is movable bridges

I21: Gimmick is that enemy units promote or demote depending on the terrain

I22: Gimmick is burning down forests

I23: Gimmick is now moving bridges

I24: Gimmick is stealth mission and/or doors. Opening the wrong door deals damage

I25: Gimmick is platforms. Requires 3 Dragonveins to proceed.

I26: Gimmick is reinforcements that can be stopped by dragonveins, though it requires refreshing or it'll run out

I27: No real gimmicks

IE: Infinite reinforcements, gimmicks is 4 actual bosses.

Arguably some of the gimmicks are more important, or completely necessary though

I'm now talking more about the game mechanics and battles...I guess it's still somewhat related?

May not be entirely 3rd route, but it feels like the maps are hard, but the bosses easy.

Of course..they still hurt like freaking trucks, but the fact that you have tanks (Cough Xander, Leo, Camilla) is great.

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It kinda bugs me that the Invisible route has like everything the other routes offer, aside from story perspectives and some maps. Still, as someone who wants the best ending and all the characters, having the Invisible route available makes the other routes seem pointless and incomplete b/c you can you only get half the characters in them.

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It kinda bugs me that the Invisible route has like everything the other routes offer, aside from story perspectives and some maps. Still, as someone who wants the best ending and all the characters, having the Invisible route available makes the other routes seem pointless and incomplete b/c you can you only get half the characters in them.

You don't even get all the characters in the 3rd route either.

I really wish people would stop spreading misinformation.

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You don't even get all the characters in the 3rd route either.

I really wish people would stop spreading misinformation.

You miss out on a grand total of three characters. Compared to the 20 or so you don't get in each of other two routes. And you get a new character that isn't in either of the others.

Two really, since Crimson is playable for a little while, but I'll admit that doesn't really count.

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