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The things that you don't like about this game?


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Each weapon and item usually have their own icon when you see them in the shops or inventory. In Fates, all swords share the same icon etc.

That's... pretty weird, lol

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Bear in mind that I haven't played the game, and I have only watched up to chapters 1-6, and 7, 8, 9, of the other three routes. Trying to avoid spoiling everything

-The Story. It was marketed as better than Awakening, not as narmy and boring. And yet instead of a deep and mature tale of two warring families with Kamui in the center, it takes a more anime-like turn. With clear established good guys and bad guys it's simply a waste of a good situation. The bias towards the Hoshido faction is quite ridiculous. They are portrayed as innocent in all respects, whereas Nohr is shown as the clear aggressors including sacrificing innocent civilians and employing criminals.

-Kamui is no Robin. Perhaps he/she improves as the game goes on but initially they come off as ...Superman essentially. They are a boy scout in both morality and physical prowess. In the beginning of the game they constantly receive compliments from characters about their strength and are even said to be as good as Marx. Kamui comes off as bland and pathetic. It's a downgrade from Awakening bc though Robin was not the best character story wise, he was a decent character. He at least had clear traits, motivations, and a semblance of personality and was not a perfect character losing to Virion in chess, losing to Lon'qu in swordfighting. Though take this with a grain of salt as I have not read all of Kamui's supports. But Kamui in general reminds me of Kris from FE12. Especially since when you find out the real truth of Kamui's parentage the choice itself loses impact.

-Lack of Second Seals. This one is a real deal breaker for me. Having played Fire Emblem games since FE7, I can say that in my Opinion the ability to change classes and reset to level one is a good thing and one that I hate to see gone. First it allows for more customization of characters, both for classes and skills. Second it allows "lower tier"/less useful characters to have a chance at becoming more useful and getting used by allowing them to acquire both better stats and skills. Third, without Second seals you are at the mercy of the RNG goddess, and much like Juno herself the RNG goddess tends to be vengeful and cruel at least to me, and nothing is more annoying than leveling up and getting a goose egg. Fourth, it's simply not as restrictive as parallel seals. Parallel seals are good because they do perform many of the same functions that the second seal does.... but they are also more restrictive as you need to meticulously plan out a certain path as you only get 40 level ups unless you acquire Eternal seals. They're a pain imo. I'd rather be punished for something I the player am responsible for then some RNG deciding to rain on my parade.

-DLC. Personally, I do enjoy the DLC maps. Awakening had some good DLC for the most part. But one of the reasons why I'm torn is it breaks the game, especially with how Fates is built. Two facts remain true. 1. The majority of players will not purchase DLC maps that they are only allowed to play a certain number of times. 2. Weapons now have an unlimited amount of uses. What this essentially means is that infinite grinding is very possible in FE Fates meaning DLC owners will have a distinct advantage over non-DLC owners, especially those who bought Nohr for its "increased challenge."

-Lack of elemental customization in weapons. Small gripe really. I want my own Raikiri like what Ryouma has. On a larger note when I saw the debut teaser for Fates I thought that we would be able to add elemental effects onto weapons for bonuses like added damage and stunning an opponent and causing them to lose a turn. MAybe even a loss of speed. But really I just wanted a lightning blade. Perhaps in the next game.

-Lack of choice. Decision making and story were a big marketing hook in the first couple trailers. When it turned out that it was just a purchase choice I was pretty disappointed. I'm happy that we essentially got three new fire emblem games but this was definitely a major missed opportunity.

-Children. I like the children mechanic but it's not something that should be a recurring mechanic bc unless there is a time-skip it really does detract from the story. It was a great twist in FE4, it was a lot of fun in FE 13, but it was forced in FE Fates. Keep marriage for sure but children aren't needed in the next game.

-Weapon de-buffs. Necessary bc of the lack of weapon use restriction but dangit what's the point of using Silver Swords anymore if it puts you at risk of getting wrecked during the next turn? I'd rather have limited weapon uses, it helps to counter a lot of the problems that grinding dlc brings. Until they introduce gold dlc, then all bets are off.

-Phoenix mode. I'm happy to have newcomers join the fanbase, and playing casual is fine imo. You have to learn to walk before you can run. But really is there a need for this? At all? Isn't this the reason we have Casual mode. I've got nothing against the ppl who use it or that it's in the game. It's optional and I can ignore it. But just.... why? I just don't understand why it was needed. Next time just put a "push A to win" difficulty level.

-Male Kamui X Soleil's supports:


Can't wait to see the localization for this support. Next time just commit.

Overall I'm still on the fence of whether I will buy the games. I like a lot of things like the new pair up mechanics and most of the characters seem interesting but there are a lot of things that are turning me off. It's a 50/50 toss-up at this point

Edited by Shadow Knight
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- Marriage system returning

Eh, don't you want to waifu Camilla?

That's... pretty weird, lol

It's actully just a minor design choice, it won't really "ruin" one's experience of the game (not to mention it's partially justified by the fact that a new weapon triangle's been introduced and it helps people memorize them with the generic color code), but I'm a sucker for aesthetic diversity, so... :p

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The change from Second Seals to Parallel Seals and Eternal Seals does seem odd but it works. I didn't feel quite the same readiness to jump in and start playing around with it as in Awakening but once I tried it it seemed to work quite well. I suggest not dismissing it too quickly.

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They do, as do Sophie's skill, I've seen them in action multiple times, and those are not even MC battles.

Well then. I guess I will just have to trust the localization team. I'd be very surprised if they didn't fix a lot of the fanservice issues. Japan(and every country besides NA) is much more liberal with their sexual sides, and usually the nintendo localization teams have to deal with the difference.

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Pretty much everything gameplay-wise to be honest. I knew that Pair-Up was going to be nerfed, but I didn't think that they'd nerf everything else.

Needless to say, I'm not getting the game because of this (which is a shame since I really wanted to marry Camilla, but I can't justify paying £40 for just this).

EDIT: Also, while most of the character designs look good (or at least passable), all of the choices for Corrin's design look absolutely terrible.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Okay; that Pokemon example was far from the best one; just took it off the top of my head.

Debuffs still have the same result in this game; it's a different means, but to the same end (and arguably worse than the means in place before).

I'd really disagree. The point of durability in Fire Emblem was to make you think about using weapons "at the best time". However unless you know the game like the back of your hand it's a flawed concept through the doubt created by it. Especially on a first playthrough. If you encounter a situation where a weapon would be suitable you won't be able to tell whether there's a better situation down the line to use and on the otherhand if you conserve weapons you can find the rare weapon you only had one of is now buyable at ~1,000 gold and you can get as many as you want. The best time to use a weapon could present itself yet due to durability a number of players wouldn't use it because there's always the doubt that there could always be a better time to use it.

Fate's on the otherhand is more clear. You can determine whether or not a certain weapon you own is worth using at any time. The debuffs, stats(e.g. might and hit) and penalities for the indiviudal weapons let you deteremine when you should/shouldn't be using a weapon because the outcome of the current battles in the current chapter are all that need to be taken into account, you don't have to guess whether using an Armourslayer in chapter X will mean you won't have enough uses for chapter 1X or 2X . Between Fates and systems with durability, durability is the only one that can convince players that's it's not the right time to use a weapon even when it is the right time.

I think there's a much better case to claim durability that is the worse mechanic. Though that claim will obviously meet a lot of resistance considering how many entries of the series the mechanic has been in.

Edited by arvilino
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I'll throw my 2 cents.

The things I don't like about Fates;

- Didn't achieve my expectations.

- Simplified the mechanics even more.

- The entire idea of the 3rd path

- Pandering.

- Bad written supports.

- Anything that didn't make sense.

This is s as much as I will say till I play it.

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-no world building

-no skin options

-Camilla's armor

-Only 1 oni

-Kamuisexuals have no other supports

-Joker and Deere's support

-Seraph robe only increases HP by 5 that is disgusting and wrong

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-The game brought kids back. I would have been happy with no kids as they don't serve a purpose to the story unlike awakening...but we really need kids in this game??? (Kanna, Midoriko, Grey, please don't take offense. I love you all the same)

-How...blank most of the characters are. Oboro, a new Cordelia. Asama, a guard. That hoshidan guy with the glasses, a useless tactician that is not freakin' Robin. It's actually because of the characters to why I like Nohr better; with characters like Kaze (Read his supports with the avatar) Charlotte, Elise, Cyrus, and Benoit.

-No weapon durability

-Phoenix mode

-Every class is unisex

-They screwed up the dragonstone

-The avatar is the main character. Yes, I like the avatar as a side character with a second plot and not the main character like in Blazing Sword and Awakening. Though I don't hate it, I think it makes the game somewhat unique.

-Amiibo. Now I really need to get that Robin amiibo, thanks fates.

-They got rid of wind magic...Right...That's correct...right?

-Seals make no sense now

-Boring weapon and item sprite graphics

-The fact that I knew this game was going to be worse than Awakening (Seriously am I the only one who thinks this is worse than Awakening?)

And last, but not least...-FAN SERVICE, SO MUCH FAN SERVICE. WHYYYY????

Edited by Wolfie (Noheart)
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-Every class is unisex

This is not true.

-They got rid of wind magic...Right...That's correct...right?

Technically there's only one "real" wind tome in the entire game (i.e effective against fliers).

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-How...blank most of the characters are. Oboro, a new Cordelia.

She isn't even remotely close to Cordelia though. And obviously you haven't been reading many supports if you think the characters are as blank as Awakening and if you wanted to be correct you would have had to have said a new Catria.

Which Oboro still isn't.

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Which ones?

The Hoshido Priest promotions, Ballistician/Witch, and Lodestar/Great Lord. Not that I'm sure why anyone would see this as a good thing.

Regarding wind magic, it seems like they went back to a sort of GBA/DS system of stuff just lumped together, and that was always light on wind magic. Definitely could've used more variety, though.

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That hoshidan guy with the glasses, a useless tactician that is not freakin' Robin.

Hellooooooooo, I'm the Nostalgia Tactician. I strategise so you don't have to!

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She isn't even remotely close to Cordelia though. And obviously you haven't been reading many supports if you think the characters are as blank as Awakening and if you wanted to be correct you would have had to have said a new Catria.

Which Oboro still isn't.

Also, Oboro can actually get the guy she likes.

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Since this is a complaints thread here's my take.

What I Dislike

- Children (Awakening was enough. Please IS don't turn this into Breeder Emblem.)

- Awakening People (See above, but ignore the Breeder Emblem part.)

- S-Supports (Why? It ruins supports most of the time by jumping from Friends to OFICALLY MARRIED. Suzukaze and Charlotte's support is an example as well as S-Supporting the imoutos.)

- Removal of Light Magic (This would have been perfect for Nohr since it is inspired by Rome..... Hoshido would also fit for how "pure" it is......)

- Removal of Wind magic (Why? I know it kills fliers especially Wyverns, but effectiveness to them can be nerfed to a degree. No wind magic for the wind clan WTH?)

- Soleil not being Bisexual (This was a perfect opportunity. It's like messing up on 1 + 1.)

- Removal of Dark Magic (You have classes that's called Dark Mage/Dark Knight, and you don't even create dark magic for them? I know Nosferatu is here but it's like PoR scarce of Dark Magic.)
Edited by Fanatic&Ecstatic
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Removal of voice acting in support conversations. They were only one liners, how hard could it have been to leave it in?

Support conversations are still quite poor. Many characters have support convos that address basically the same thing with many other characters, for example Elfie's appetite/must-protect-Elise, or Mozume's destroyed-village things. Doesn't make the characters dislikable, but rather flat. Wish they talked about more stuff.

Every male can S rank every female, kinda. I wish it was more limited, then it could also be written to have more depth. S ranks also jump from friendship to love in an instant, and in most supports pop out of nowhere.

I think children are fine, but the put-them-in-an-alternate-world-where-time-flows-differently thing is just derp. I'm just not a fan of timey wimey stuff.

Sisters don't have special weapons. And many females have terrible armor. So much panty armor I cannot

Player worshipping, where most people trust them unconditionally. Also, naive shounen manga hero type Kamui, who often trusts too easily/puts too much belief in improbable plans/shows too much mercy/believes everything can be solved by talking/etc. Even so, they're the "leader" of the army? This should not happen. Realistically speaking, the army would be doomed.

Many plot things that need explaining are just shoved aside as if they don't exist.

For Hoshido and Nohr paths, when you kill characters in earlier chapters, they don't really die. Wish that people died when they were killed, so there's somewhat of a kill-them-before-they-come-back-stronger thing going on.

Only 1 main choice to make, no alternate routes or endings. I want a 4th choice where you destroy everything, but eh I guess Kamui's too goodygoody for that.

Story was kinda crap.

Props for Hoshido and Nohr paths having bittersweet endings with forced character deaths so not everything is sunshine and rainbows, but Invisible Kingdom path supposedly IS sunshine and rainbows.

Hoshido is good kingdom, Nohr is bad kingdom. Boring. If only there was a hidden clearly evil part of Hoshido that would justify destroying it.

tldr; the story is just nowhere near as good as I hoped, ended up typical for Hoshido, weak for Nohr. Also weak supports.

Edited by teddybearyt
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