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I took that just a little while ago. I got Trump at 84% for who I most agree with out of everybody. And I fairly recently started supporting him anyway since it doesn't look like any of the other Republicans are going to beat him and I like how he's honest with his opinions and thoughts, despite being blunt and harsh. And I'm tired of idiot Democrats.

I can understand how some find him rather rude and offensive. But personally, I'd rather have a president that's rude, but can fix this country's issues than a goody-two-shoes president who can't do squat to help things. Not that I think Trump will do a whole lot, probably just a little. But I don't think any of the other candidates are as likely to not make the country worse.

Trump is likely to make a good deal of things worse. His path is the path of mob rule, of entitled brats thinking that something should happen just because the majority wills it, that what is popular should Trump (pun intended) what is right. I dislike Cointon a massive amount too, but at least she seems well disposed towards rule of law. I did get Trump more than any other Reoublican, though.
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Trump is likely to make a good deal of things worse. His path is the path of mob rule, of entitled brats thinking that something should happen just because the majority wills it, that what is popular should Trump (pun intended) what is right. I dislike Cointon a massive amount too, but at least she seems well disposed towards rule of law. I did get Trump more than any other Reoublican, though.

See, I don't agree with that. The media likes to make Trump look this way, to make people believe the wrong thing. See, a lot of the media likes Democrats. Trump is Republican and pretty blunt and stuff. You see where this is going?

Sorry, but I just can't agree with you.

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See, I don't agree with that. The media likes to make Trump look this way, to make people believe the wrong thing. See, a lot of the media likes Democrats. Trump is Republican and pretty blunt and stuff. You see where this is going?

Sorry, but I just can't agree with you.

The media does indeed like Democrats. However, the media sides with Democrats over stuff that tends to be right. Gay marriage was a liberal idea, and it's obvious why media would side with Democrats there. Meanwhile, Trump suggests a border wall which is certainly not moral, and for this he'd be opposed. There are numerous Republican ideas that do not fall with non-Republicans. You can probably tell just by how just on this site alone, Republican candidates are unpopular.

Trump is also barely Republican. The GOP itself seems to hate Trump, which is pretty telling. They obviously want Rubio or even Cruz to receive the nomination. Had he had gone Independent, I honestly think Trump would have basically created party chaos.

Edited by Ms. Bunch
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96% tie between Stein and Clinton. Seems a little high for Clinton, but whatever.

Actually despite the huge leap in consistency/integrity, Sanders and Clinton have like 90% the same voting record. It says more about how centrist-oriented the stuff being voted on are more so than how similar they are in worldview, but that would explain why a lot of the isidewith questions would overlap.

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It's true, Trump did convert from Democrat to Republican. But hey, Reagan did the same thing! And he was a great president! Not saying this automatically means Trump will be great, but it doesn't mean he'll be bad either. Trump realized the Democrats are full of shit now.

Also, I think it's actually better to be barely Republican or barely Democrat than to be a lot of one or the other. I'd say it means you're more likely to accept some ideas from both parties, and thus you won't lean too far on one side or the other and just blatantly shoot down a lot of ideas. Like Kennedy. He was a Democrat, but was fine with Republican ideas. And these days, the Senate is getting really divided because of how many Democrats are far left or whatever and how many Republicans are far right or whatever.

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It's true, Trump did convert from Democrat to Republican. But hey, Reagan did the same thing! And he was a great president! Not saying this automatically means Trump will be great, but it doesn't mean he'll be bad either. Trump realized the Democrats are full of shit now.

Also, I think it's actually better to be barely Republican or barely Democrat than to be a lot of one or the other. I'd say it means you're more likely to accept some ideas from both parties, and thus you won't lean too far on one side or the other and just blatantly shoot down a lot of ideas. Like Kennedy. He was a Democrat, but was fine with Republican ideas. And these days, the Senate is getting really divided because of how many Democrats are far left or whatever and how many Republicans are far right or whatever.

Did you really compare Donald Trump to Ronald Reagan? The difference is, frankly, nuclear.

I'd like to see what exactly is so bad about Democrats then. I find that secular laws work much better than conservative ones on even a basic level, so I'm interested to see your logic.

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96% Bernie Sanders

95% Jill Stein

92% Hillary Clinton

John Kasich was the highest ranking Republican for me with 31%.

I'll admit, I was a bit lazy and didn't really specify how important the various issues were to me, so that may have influenced the results a bit, but the general order (Sanders at the top, Trump, Cruz and Rubio at the bottom) seemed pretty accurate given my political views.

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Did you really compare Donald Trump to Ronald Reagan? The difference is, frankly, nuclear.

I'd like to see what exactly is so bad about Democrats then. I find that secular laws work much better than conservative ones on even a basic level, so I'm interested to see your logic.

Uh, no, I said they both did ONE of the same things. I'm not saying Trump is Reagan 2.0. Not at all.

A lot of Democrats these days are big socialists according to what I've learned. And socialism is a hair away from communism. And I don't think any of us want anything similar to communism. This is what my stepdad has told me, anyway, and he's done his research. He's always telling me to do my research as well. Bernie Sanders is very socialist and wants the government to control everything. Hillary has lied and actually committed crimes. Nixon at least admitted he was wrong and resigned. Hillary has no intention of being honest like that.

Not all Democrats are bad. But most are these days. And the ones running for president definitely are bad.

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Uh, no, I said they both did ONE of the same things. I'm not saying Trump is Reagan 2.0. Not at all.

A lot of Democrats these days are big socialists according to what I've learned. And socialism is a hair away from communism. And I don't think any of us want anything similar to communism. This is what my stepdad has told me, anyway, and he's done his research. He's always telling me to do my research as well. Bernie Sanders is very socialist and wants the government to control everything. Hillary has lied and actually committed crimes. Nixon at least admitted he was wrong and resigned. Hillary has no intention of being honest like that.

Not all Democrats are bad. But most are these days. And the ones running for president definitely are bad.

Your stepdad must be remembering the Red Scare, because socialism is not communism. I suggest you should form an opinion for yourself.

Hillary did not commit any criminal acts. Every E-Mail was gone through and recovered, and there was nothing suspect. It isn't anything like Nixon.

Idk why I'm arguing anyway. Trump is going to win no matter what even the GOP tries, and I can only hope he doesn't send missiles at another country during his presidency. Might as well mitigate the damages.

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I didn't say socialism is communism. I said it's a HAIR AWAY FROM IT. Meaning it's SIMILAR. Not exactly the same.

I don't see anything wrong with having someone help me out with forming my opinions. I've chosen to support Trump based on what I believe in as well, not only because of what I've learned from my stepdad.

I highly doubt Trump is going to do such a thing unless someone sent missiles at us first.

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See, I don't agree with that. The media likes to make Trump look this way, to make people believe the wrong thing. See, a lot of the media likes Democrats. Trump is Republican and pretty blunt and stuff. You see where this is going?

Sorry, but I just can't agree with you.

It is an objective truth. He is using frankly Jacobin (huge insult from me) mob tactics against those that disagree with him. Also, Ana is actually t socialism is similar to Cmmunism (the two have been used interchangably) but she is incorrect in that Sanders is actually a Social Democrat, which basically means regulated Capitalism. It's no different than the regulations in place in the majority of European countries (my friend, who is fairly right wing by European standards, got Sanders as his far and away best result). Sanders does not want the government to control everything, just for companies to have to obey more rules. In regards to Clinton, the moment that stuck with me was when she declared that the Republicans were wasting the lives of soldiers in Iraq, despite Clinton herself being critical to declaring war on Iraq. Also, Ana, I would advise you to use sources other than your stepdad. I used to be the same way, just parroting what my parents told me, and I kind of cringe when I think of me back then. If you think the media is biased against Trump, your stepdad is probably far more biased. That isn't to say that he doesn't do his research, just that, when he relates said research to you, he puts his own spin on it that makes it less reliable than it would be if you get it news (an aside: use BBC. Not only does it cover more than just America, I find it to be quite unbiased).
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I don't agree that it's truth. How many times do I have to say I don't agree with you?

And I have used other sources. Like I said, a parent isn't the only reason I support Trump. Also, I would appreciate if you didn't judge my stepdad when you don't even know anything about him at all.

EDIT: Oh, for the record, my stepdad isn't a Trump supporter. He doesn't like any of the candidates.

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So I took a mosey over to isidewith, and apparently I should support Jill Stein (Green Party). For Democrats, it would be Sanders, and for Republicans. . .Cruz (which doesn't surprise me, since his stance on government surveillance is surprisingly sane).

I support Marco Rubio the most with over 90%. Cruz and Trump were after him, Cruz at 88% and Trump at 79%.

The Democrats were all pretty low. The highest was Hilary Clinton with 51% (which surprised me). The next highest was Bernie Sanders with 37%.

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I don't agree that it's truth. How many times do I have to say I don't agree with you?

And I have used other sources. Like I said, a parent isn't the only reason I support Trump. Also, I would appreciate if you didn't judge my stepdad when you don't even know anything about him at all.

EDIT: Oh, for the record, my stepdad isn't a Trump supporter. He doesn't like any of the candidates.

Yes, I am aware that you disagree with me. However, when, for example, a photographer is body slammed by security, it raises concerns as to the respect that a Trump and his supporters have for rule of law. I am sure that your stepdad is a perfectly fine guy, it's just that we all have biases. I don't claim to be immune to them, and I wouldn't expect you to get all your information, for example, on the French Revolution from me, because if you did you would think that the noble, virtuous, big dicked Louis XVI was treacherously killed by the evil revolutionaries who were jealous of his supreme manliness. The thing is, using other sources isn't enough. Since all sources will inevitably be biased, you should see what a variety of sources have to say about something and then form your opinion.
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Education is everything when it comes to politics. Blah seems to have learned much from studying abroad. I personally like Democratic Republicanism, rather than Monarchism, but that's because our original country lacks the historical baggage of centuries of pedigreed monarchs and dynasts. I do not claim to be politically educated, but I feel as though some people abandon their gut feeling to support someone who makes good speeches. That's cult of personality, and has created people like Heinrich Himmler, Pol Pot, and Kim Jong Il. Trump is definitely one, and won't defend the Constitution as he should. Consider what each candidate would be like as President, not what they promise, for promises often break and are irreparable.

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The intellectually curious will always be informed better than the intellectually lazy in just about every aspect of life, I suspect.

And I have used other sources.


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So there's a good variety of views. I like it~!

Ana, look for stuff that agrees with your stepdad. . .then look for stuff that disagrees with your stepdad. The truth will be somewhere in the middle. I really, REALLY do not like Hillary Clinton, but when I did isidewith, we agree on 79% of the questions posed. I don't trust her, but according to her own statements, I should support her should Sanders fail to get the Democratic nomination.

Perhaps a better question is this: In a parallel universe, the government is running perfectly, according to your ideals. What does that government look like?

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Hillary did not commit any criminal acts. Every E-Mail was gone through and recovered, and there was nothing suspect. It isn't anything like Nixon.

I think the verdict is still out on that - she has what, four investigations going on right now? Though I know the GOP cried wolf on Clinton scandals, so understandably no one cares about the email thing outside of them.

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Also, I think it's actually better to be barely Republican or barely Democrat than to be a lot of one or the other.

why? many republican beliefs, at least social beliefs, are toxic to society. why shouldn't i be "a lot of" democratic?

also, why do you find trump reasonable and worthy of nomination?

So there's a good variety of views. I like it~!

Ana, look for stuff that agrees with your stepdad. . .then look for stuff that disagrees with your stepdad. The truth will be somewhere in the middle.

no it won't. the 'truth' will be where you decide it is.

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First you tell me I should use other sources, then you say that's not enough. Can you be less confusing?

That's because I realized the mistake with my wording that just using a bunch of sources that all agree with you is pointless. That's all.

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no it won't. the 'truth' will be where you decide it is.

Let's say that I suddenly decide to refer to you as a girl. Except you're not one, nor do you prefer being called one. No matter how much I insist that you're a girl, it's false.

Likewise, thinking that Trump believes that the US/Mexico border should be open is false. By sorting out what can be proven, it's a bit easier to figure out where the truth is regarding a candidate, and it will almost always be between both extremes. May not be equidistant, though.

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you could be delusional, though. which, i honest to goodness do believe when it comes to certain beliefs that parties in our country hold.

trump and clinton in particular are perfect. most seem to be in agreement that cruz gives a creepy vibe, so i'll not include him. anyway, clinton and trump are terrible candidates for president and people have to be delusional, misinformed, or too uneducated to think they are at all worthy of being nominated. or, of course, they either agree with trump (and those beliefs have indications that i won't get into), or would love to have the corporate shill that is clinton.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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you could be delusional, though. which, i honest to goodness do believe when it comes to certain beliefs that parties in our country hold.

trump and clinton in particular are perfect. most seem to be in agreement that cruz gives a creepy vibe, so i'll not include him. anyway, clinton and trump are terrible candidates for president and people have to be delusional, misinformed, or too uneducated to think they are at all worthy of being nominated. or, of course, they either agree with trump (and those beliefs have indications that i won't get into), or would love to have the corporate shill that is clinton.

. . .or what they want from a government is vastly different from what you want. Clinton's views match fairly closely to my own, yet I wouldn't want her in office anyway. However, someone who's going issue-by-issue (at least with what I want out of the government) wouldn't have a problem with her.

EDIT: DO NOT get me started on Cruz.

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