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Rescinding the endorsement would be the only thing he could do now to somewhat redeem himself, although he shouldn't have endorsed in the first place. Hillary Clinton is a hell I wouldn't wish upon anyone.

People who think Hillary Clinton is the lesser of two evils when compared to Trump does not know Hillary Clinton well enough. I'm considering typing out a giant anti-Hillary effortpost, maybe I'll start drafting it tomorrow.

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Except that Sanders was, until this election, an independent. It's clear that Sanders needed the DNC's support if he was to make a serious bid for the presidency, but as someone who has been elected Senator without being affiliated to the DNC, it wouldn't be disadvantageous to cut his losses and separate from the DNC. Trump, similarly, was an outsider, and the oath that he and the other 3 frontrunners were made to swear was to make sure that Trump wouldn't go 3rd party if he didn't win.

Not really; for all intents and purposes he's been a Democrat senator since 2007. He's received heavy support and endorsements from them. He's "independent" but not in the same way as Trump.

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Sanders thinks swallowing his integrity is worth it if it keeps Trump away from the White House.

Hillary giving DWS an honorary title is such a stupid-looking move that there has to be more. I think DWS either has some real dirt on the party, or the party didn't want to risk DWS throwing a tantrum, so Hillary threw her that title as a way of saying "Please resign quietly, don't make this messier than it has to be."

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Sanders thinks swallowing his integrity is worth it if it keeps Trump away from the White House.

Hillary giving DWS an honorary title is such a stupid-looking move that there has to be more. I think DWS either has some real dirt on the party, or the party didn't want to risk DWS throwing a tantrum, so Hillary threw her that title as a way of saying "Please resign quietly, don't make this messier than it has to be."

You forget that FDR net the nomination by supporting someone else at the 1932 DNC, someone who iirc was beating him pretty badly. And if the hackers were Russian, good. It will warn both parties to keep their nose clean. The scariest thing is Trump supporting Russia. That I can't begin to comprehend the ramifications of.

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I don't see how less hostile relations with Russia is a bad thing. This isn't the Cold War anymore.

It comes at the expense of NATO, particularly Ukraine. Russia also tends to be the senior partner in most if not all of it's relationships. I'm not about to watch the White House kiss the Kremlin's ass.

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It comes at the expense of NATO, particularly Ukraine. Russia also tends to be the senior partner in most if not all of it's relationships. I'm not about to watch the White House kiss the Kremlin's ass.

NATO's purpose is outdated, since it was meant to counter the USSR. Ukraine is not part of NATO, and is also in Russia's backyard. While I don't agree with their methods, I can understand what happened in Crimea, and why Ukraine is considered important to them.

Consider this: Do you think the US wouldn't care if a rival power allied with Mexico, and had troops/bases there? They would; same thing with Russia.

Also, you assume that non-hostile relations with Russia automatically means sucking up to Moscow. Nobody expects the US to be friends, much less allies with Russia. You're familiar with Realpolitik, right? Basically, it's possible to have a working relationship with Russia while recognizing differences; as well as acknowledging spheres of influence. Cooperation only when there are mutual goals.

Besides, the US only sucks up to nations that it considers to be geo-strategically important, like Saudi Arabia or Israel.

Edited by CyborgZeta
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It comes at the expense of NATO, particularly Ukraine. Russia also tends to be the senior partner in most if not all of it's relationships. I'm not about to watch the White House kiss the Kremlin's ass.

Except that this would be Trump's style of foreign relationships we'd be talking to, Trump being the one that waited for the pope to apologize rather than care about being criticized. I could easily see a USA/Russia friendly relation at most increasing Russia's sphere of influence on Eastern Europe, and the NATO nations probably deciding to actually adhere to the stated percentage of budget into military expenses to prevent the US from leaving.

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I don't really fault Bernie for his endorsement, I understand why he had to do it, I would not do so, but I'm not a politician and that would probably be a foolish decision.

It will be the fault of the DNC and Hilary Clinton for their atrocious political instinct that will be the reason that they will get Trump. And I wonder at that point who they will blame, will it be Sanders, his supporters, or someone or something else?

Still far out but I believe for the first time the poll averages are putting Trump ahead of Hillary by a slight margin.


It makes one think that Hillary doesn't want to win the election with the decisions she and her associates make.

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I'm dying to know what's in the next round of leaks. I got my fingers crossed for shady foreign government interactions.

Clearly Hillary Clinton is a Trump plant so he can win the election.

I can guarantee you that there would be plenty of people from the Clinton camp blaming Sanders supporters once she loses. Also this is the second time Trump pulled ahead in the averages, it was back when he all but eliminated Cruz/Kasich but before Hillary locked up the nomination.

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I'd imagine in the event of a Democrat loss, Bernie would get blamed for even daring to try running against Clinton; or something along those lines.

There will be a lot of finger-pointing, for sure.

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I'm dying to know what's in the next round of leaks. I got my fingers crossed for shady foreign government interactions.

Clearly Hillary Clinton is a Trump plant so he can win the election.

I can guarantee you that there would be plenty of people from the Clinton camp blaming Sanders supporters once she loses. Also this is the second time Trump pulled ahead in the averages, it was back when he all but eliminated Cruz/Kasich but before Hillary locked up the nomination.

I'd imagine in the event of a Democrat loss, Bernie would get blamed for even daring to try running against Clinton; or something along those lines.

There will be a lot of finger-pointing, for sure.

Didn't Hillary's campaign hire the woman who rigged the system against Bernie after she stepped down from the DNC? If anything costs Hillary the victory, it'll be because she seemingly went out of her way to alienate Bernie voters and driving them to vote Third Party or Republican

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Didn't Hillary's campaign hire the woman who rigged the system against Bernie after she stepped down from the DNC? If anything costs Hillary the victory, it'll be because she seemingly went out of her way to alienate Bernie voters and driving them to vote Third Party or Republican

Yeah it's true, the blatant alienation of Sanders supporters is a far larger factor in Clinton's inevitable defeat, but that won't stop Clinton supporters from blaming them.

Edited by General Ciraxis
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Clearly Hillary Clinton is a Trump plant so he can win the election.

Yeah, I heard that conspiracy theory about Trump being a Clinton plant so she could win, and when I heard about Trump pretty much openly saying the US should consider racial profiling, I thought that was ridiculous, but even by these standards it's just a horribly planned campaign. Almost parody stuff.

The Hillary campaign is too complacent. For example. they wrote off bernie in the primaries, expected everyone would vote for hillary and the rigged system would be safe, however they freaked out when he got a bit of traction and had to really start stepping things up to prevent things from going further.

They don't make good decisions because they never feel the pressure to, they always assume their candidate is a shoe-in and don't take adequate steps to ensure their victories until it's too late.

This is a weakness I believe trump can exploit.

Picking Tim Kaine (who I've heard described as a 'conservative democrat', not entirely sure how correct that is) as vice president was another thing that didn't even try to appeal to Bernie supporters. You think they would at least pick someone that would lean to appease Sanders voters instead of just alienating them further. And this DWS thing. Pretty much flipped them off.

And the debates. Fucking hell. If nothing else, Trump is aggressive and will have a field day with the dirt on Hillary more than she will with anything on him. I have no confidence for Hillary doing well in the debates at all. They may as well call Trump 'the gardener' by the time it's over because he'll be raking all the dirt. May as well drop trou while he's at it. Sorry for the image.

It shouldn't be easy for Trump. He really should be scrutinised, but I have no faith in Hillary to do so.

Edited by Tryhard
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I don't really fault Bernie for his endorsement, I understand why he had to do it, I would not do so, but I'm not a politician and that would probably be a foolish decision.

The decision will probably come out to haunt him one day.

And the DNC leaks might actually have won the Trump presidency for him. Regardless, the democratic party has a lot of corruption to fix if they don't want to see more people dropping their support for them.

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I am a Clinton supporter because I refuse to support Trump given his marginalization of minority groups and me being a minority, but I'm going to drag my feet to the poll because I think Clinton is way too boring. She has not fired me up with any of her speeches and has low energy. Trump's speeches don't interest me either, though I do acknowledge there is more energy in his speeches than hers. Hell, I wasn't even fired up by Sander's speech, and I voted for this guy in the primary. Corey Booker's speech yesterday however was really energizing in my opinion, and reminded me a lot of Obama, who I like very much, in 2004.

Idk how the election will turn out. Either way I don't think people should live in fear of either candidates winning. Enacting change takes time, so there won't be any rapid, radical change that everyone is afraid of.

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And the debates. Fucking hell. If nothing else, Trump is aggressive and will have a field day with the dirt on Hillary more than she will with anything on him. I have no confidence for Hillary doing well in the debates at all. They may as well call Trump 'the gardener' by the time it's over because he'll be raking the dirt. May as well drop trou while he's at it. Sorry for the image.

It shouldn't be easy for Trump. He really should be scrutinised, but I have no faith in Hillary to do so.

Definitely. It feels like the final stretch is going to come down to Trump's superiority at speaking and the media bias in favour of Clinton. Trump will be able to talk circles around her, but I think we all remember when the media tried to pass this of as a Churchill-class one-liner.


I won't be surprised if Trump talks circles around Hillary, but then she'll make one good point or insult and the media will claim that she 'dominated' the debate.

Edited by Phillius
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He's not wrong. Hillary voted for Iraq, was a strong advocate of intervention in Libya, and wanted more US involved in Syria. She's even said she wants a no-fly zone in Syria!

Plus, as Assange points out, the fact that she's already pointing fingers at the Russians over the leaks makes you wonder how she'd react as President.

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