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Enjoy that. Though I would say the US establishment does fail the people more than the EU (and still not sure how it will/would help at all) tbh. But a complacent campaign on the other side, yes.

When Trump announced his candidacy I was laughing. I still am, but in a different way.

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Enjoy that. Though I would say the US establishment does fail the people more than the EU (and still not sure how it will/would help at all) tbh. But a complacent campaign on the other side, yes.

When Trump announced his candidacy I was laughing. I still am, but in a different way.

Oh undoubtedly. The EU is definitely better than the US in that regard and I'm far more willing to blame the governments of the UK than I am the EU. It's just too bad that the Brexit leaders were able to pin the blame squarely on the EU and then fulfill none of the promises they made, let alone scatter to the wind once the deed is done.

Edited by Phillius
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Again, this seems like it is more of a problem with the current immigration crisis than a failing of multiculturalism. There's a big difference between immigrants who are heading for the US because they're seeking a better life/want to live there and immigrants who are fleeing for fear of war/death/etc. The latter leads to ghettoisation (particularly with such large numbers) and poor integration with the host culture while people in the former category are far more willing/able to adapt.

Except that many terrorist cases were done by the second generation of immigrants who should be adapted to the native culture and religion by now. Not only they are treated as if they are the new immigrants by people around them, their chance of getting job is also reduced by the new wave of low paid workers. They have all the reasons to hate the natives and also the new immigrants. Many people who came to German in 70s expressed their worrying that their hardworking to be accepted as a real German citizen is being destroyed by the new waves of immigrants and that the Germany they worked so hard for is no longer than Germany they know. It's a common mistake to lump up two brown guys as if they share the same culture or language. One may comes from Egypt, one may come from Syria or Iran and they may hate each other. You will never able to achieve multiculturalism when you accept a large amount of immigrants from many places in such a short time.

Edited by Magical CC
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@tuvarkz- multiculturalism isn't just blending together western culture with african/middle-eastern culture. Also, basing your entire opinion of non-Western cultures off Sharia law is so ignorant I don't even know what to say. This may shock you, but there are actually other cultures in the world! Multiculturalism is about taking what's best from all cultures and marrying them together.

You're strawmanning my argument. The multicultural project that is happening on Europe appears to be focused more on bringing people from muslim-majority countries, which is why I was bringing sharia up. I have a good amount of respect for Eastern cultures, but honestly I find nonwestern/noneastern cultures (Western cultures including all western influenced cultures, such as those in Latinoamerica) to be more often than not riddled with barbaric practices; and don't find much of worth that the variety of western/far east cultures don't offer already.

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Multiculturalism is about taking what's best from all cultures and marrying them together.

Not quite; you're thinking more along the lines of the American idea of a melting pot.

Multiculturalism is just different cultures existing side-by-side within a given area (or country); no assimilation, just co-existence.

The world is technically already multicultural and diverse, but multiculturalism is about applying that to individual counties.

Edited by CyborgZeta
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Not quite; you're thinking more along the lines of the American idea of a melting pot.

Multiculturalism is just different cultures existing side-by-side within a given area (or country); no assimilation, just co-existence.

The world is technically already multicultural and diverse, but multiculturalism is about applying that to individual counties.

and some cultures just can not co exist reliably together.

personal example, LGBT culture has a hard time co-existing with several religious cultures that frown upon it. No one can tell me this isn't the case as me and others of the community have suffered from religious views on the matter.

meanwhile in a melting pot, its possible to combine the two into something that can, Multiculturalism is just optimism that just won't work for every possible culture, you can't tell me a Feminist and a Muslim would get along without melting potting them into something that can.

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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personal example, LGBT culture has a hard time co-existing with several religious cultures that frown upon it. No one can tell me this isn't the case as me and others of the community have suffered from religious views on the matter.

Jewish communities tend to lean more left nowadays, so that's one religious community you won't really get flak from for loving someone of your own gender in that way. Some Christians would rather you swing from the resident maple tree, but there are others still that welcome it. Only Islam has a stick shoved up its ass about homosexuality, and most Western Muslims will only tell you how they feel. I can't prevent you from feeling vulnerable, nor can I persuade you that LGBT people are safer than they ever have been, but know that I see many improvements with this lifestyle choice and the relationship it has with the public as a whole.

depends how devout the muslim is

Even Iran has been difficulties trying to curb women's rights. The only country I could see having difficulties progressing is Saudi Arabia, and sadly, they won't have to for a long time if crude continues to be as cheap as it is.

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Jewish communities tend to lean more left nowadays, so that's one religious community you won't really get flak from for loving someone of your own gender in that way. Some Christians would rather you swing from the resident maple tree, but there are others still that welcome it. Only Islam has a stick shoved up its ass about homosexuality, and most Western Muslims will only tell you how they feel. I can't prevent you from feeling vulnerable, nor can I persuade you that LGBT people are safer than they ever have been, but know that I see many improvements with this lifestyle choice and the relationship it has with the public as a whole.

Even Iran has been difficulties trying to curb women's rights. The only country I could see having difficulties progressing is Saudi Arabia, and sadly, they won't have to for a long time if crude continues to be as cheap as it is.

Not entirely true. Many African countries, such as Uganda, have laws whereby homosexuality is punishable by death, and they are Christian.
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Not entirely true. Many African countries, such as Uganda, have laws whereby homosexuality is punishable by death, and they are Christian.


Correction, it was the original version of the law project that had death penalty. When the law was passed (and later cancelled) the maximum penalty was life in prison.

However, for precision, while officially the maximum penalty by law isn't death penalty, it seems that vigilante executions are tollerated. However, this is one of many other problems that are happening in the country.

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Jewish communities tend to lean more left nowadays, so that's one religious community you won't really get flak from for loving someone of your own gender in that way.

Not true.

First of all, a lot of Jewish communities may be openly left but a lot of older women (50's or so) will be shaking their head in private and lamenting the loss of grandchildren. And that's even in conservative communities.

Take my grandmother, for example. I love her to death but she's a bigot. To her, the ultimate sin is either being gay or marrying a non-Jew and both are equal on the scale. She'll never say it in public but it's definately dinner table talk with the family.

And my family defines the conservative/orthodox model which encorporates the vast majority of Jewish communities outside Israel.

Also, Israel is right-wing. We're left of even the US left but it's still right (that should give you a fair idea of how conservative the USA in general).

Edited by Pharoahe Monch
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ah going to fight a dictator in the middle east that doesn't affect us in any way, shape, or form, which will totally not lead to more ISIS and radical extremest islamic actions once the dictator is "disposed" of.

anything about this sound familiar? I can't believe she hasn't learned from the awful "war on terror" that Dubya Bush did, and we're still suffering the results of that, which i did talk about few pages ago.

so Trump wants to get rid of ISIS, while Hillary wants to mess around with the middle east's country's and rulers, i think its clear who the warmonger is.

my apologies if anything in this post is inaccurate, i just can't believe people haven't learned from history.

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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ah going to fight a dictator in the middle east that doesn't affect us in any way, shape, or form, which will totally not lead to more ISIS and radical extremest islamic actions once the dictator is "disposed" of.

anything about this sound familiar? I can't believe she hasn't learned from the awful "war on terror" that Dubya Bush did, and we're still suffering the results of that, which i did talk about few pages ago.

so Trump wants to get rid of ISIS, while Hillary wants to mess around with the middle east's country's and rulers, i think its clear who the warmonger is.

my apologies if anything in this post is inaccurate, i just can't believe people haven't learned from history.

It's actually shocking how she could think this is a good thing to do. I'm starting to think that becoming a presidential candidate requires a surgical lobotomy that removes the ability to learn from past mistakes.

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Correction, it was the original version of the law project that had death penalty. When the law was passed (and later cancelled) the maximum penalty was life in prison.

However, for precision, while officially the maximum penalty by law isn't death penalty, it seems that vigilante executions are tollerated. However, this is one of many other problems that are happening in the country.

Yes, well, the point still stands; it isn't just Islamic countries that are shit regarding LGBT.
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But they have no qualms about gay gentiles, do they? And yes, I'm aware how backwards America is, especially because my sister wants America to be in line with Scandinavia, if you catch my meaning.

They simply won't vote for or against it. The only thing that matters is that nobody in their family turns out gay.

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I'm assuming her husband's inaction in Rwanda has affected her to the point where intervention is kind of her first instinct now, but if you want to play World Police, you damn better sure have an extremely detailed plan for the cleanup and for our public reception. If disposing of the Assad regime is a crucial part of dismantling ISIS, I'm for it, but we need to be super careful. I'm a bit worried.

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I'm assuming her husband's inaction in Rwanda has affected her to the point where intervention is kind of her first instinct now, but if you want to play World Police, you damn better sure have an extremely detailed plan for the cleanup and for our public reception. If disposing of the Assad regime is a crucial part of dismantling ISIS, I'm for it, but we need to be super careful. I'm a bit worried.

i would be too, but this mirrors the whole sadam hussian situation from the war of terror as i mentioned, where killing him only made things worse for us and indirectly created ISIS.

nevermind he seems to not really support ISIS.

heck here's a collection of stuff he's said regarding terrorism, and its been right so far.

http://imgur.com/a/9rCi0 (warning, not for the faint of heart)

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If disposing of the Assad regime is a crucial part of dismantling ISIS, I'm for it, but we need to be super careful. I'm a bit worried.

Disposing of Assad will just create a power vacuum that will allow ISIS to expand further. It will essentially be Iraq and Libya all over again.

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I'm assuming her husband's inaction in Rwanda has affected her to the point where intervention is kind of her first instinct now, but if you want to play World Police, you damn better sure have an extremely detailed plan for the cleanup and for our public reception. If disposing of the Assad regime is a crucial part of dismantling ISIS, I'm for it, but we need to be super careful. I'm a bit worried.

The difference in Rwanda was that there were two sides: genociders and genocidees. Here, things aren't so simple.

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I find this hilarious to be honest. This particular pledge he signed is admittedly supposed to be partly about cracking down on child pornography and predatory, fair, but it actually aims to limit porn in general because of children's supposed ease of access to it and describes it as a "public health crisis".

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