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You can at least plausibly make the case that people voted for Trump in 2016 because he had never held office before and was a political unknown, and people were voting for what they thought he would be rather than what he was. (there was enough in his business record and in his campaign rhetoric that what he was still should have been readily apparent even then...but w/e...sometimes people really need to see it to believe it)

If America votes for him again, it deserves him. 

Edited by Shoblongoo
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4 minutes ago, Shoblongoo said:

If America votes for him again, it deserves him.

Does America deserve it if only a minority of them elect him because Electoral College? You're using the language some use to describe "backward" peoples living under strongmen in illiberal republics elsewhere in the world. ...Truly, we're no longer any special. A good dynasty or empire can last 400 years at most, we're almost at 250, the cold cycle of history is coming for us.

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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Does America deserve it if only a minority of them elect him because Electoral College? 

Yes, because in any good and decent country his popular support shouldn't be anywhere close to the point where the EC's ability to turn a ~40% minority into an electoral "win" should matter.

A man of his temperament, track-record, and positions should be polling in the single digits.     

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26 minutes ago, Shoblongoo said:

A man of his temperament, track-record, and positions should be polling in the single digits.     

He basically should have done just as much as Pat Robertson did in the Republican Primaries of 1988, which, for those who are inclined to look, would be a pitiful 9%.

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4 hours ago, Shoblongoo said:

Yes, because in any good and decent country his popular support shouldn't be anywhere close to the point where the EC's ability to turn a ~40% minority into an electoral "win" should matter.

A man of his temperament, track-record, and positions should be polling in the single digits.     

This is the most frustrating.  Okay so all his lying, corruption, abuse of power okay people accept that.  However his terrible handling of Covid which has claimed over 180,000 lives, he continues to be inept at it and has handled it worse than any world leader. This should have completely sunk him, but no, it just made him a slight underdog.  Then his handling of the protests, trying to incite violence and dividing the nation that should also hurt him greatly.  It isn't.  

So we must ask why that is?  Well the answer isn't as complicated as it seems.  Most of the GOP Senate continue to completely back him and worship him.  A huge right wing media machine portrays him as a god among men.  With that it insures a big chunk of people will support him no matter what he does.  Fox and Senate can spin it favorably, underplay it, or just deny/ignore it.  I am blaming the downfall of America not on just Trump, his enablers if they reigned him in at least a little bit things would be much better.  If Fox and other conservative news sources and commentators at least reprimanded him on some things even while keeping a positive image.  However they don't, and Trump knows he can do whatever he wants because of it.  In a 100 years, just like we remember Hitler but forget about all his enablers and people who helped him secure and maintain power, it will be likely the same with Trump.  Historians will know, but most people will be unaware and wonder how Trump rose, why people supported this monster, and why in supposedly this great democracy he was able to do what he did.  Rome is falling, Troy is burning, and that isn't cause of one man.  It is cause of many men and women, and they all have blood on their hands, now and forever.

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18 hours ago, Karimlan said:

He basically should have done just as much as Pat Robertson did in the Republican Primaries of 1988, which, for those who are inclined to look, would be a pitiful 9%.

To this day I do not understand how "I just start kissing them. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab em by the pussy" was not the instant death of his campaign.

You can't even run a YouTube channel with that kinda baggage. 

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Well, that's populism for you and me, I guess. 

You have these unscrupulous fellows who tapped into the palpable anger and fatigue most people had and ventriloquized public opinion and sentiment to their favor, with the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave reaping the windfall.

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3 hours ago, Alistair said:

I can't imagine it working differently in other states, but in my state, if you're signed up for mail in ballots, but want to vote in person, you must hand in your mailed ballot so that they may dispose of it for you. If you don't show up with that, they're not letting you in. If for some reason you don't trust the postal service you can also just fill out the mail in ballot and hand deliver it to a voting station on election day. And if you do somehow get in, and your mail in ballot arrives after your in person vote, they will throw out both your votes. There may be some further punishment, but it's surely state by state, and probably easy to claim was an accident. Trump is a mail-in voter himself, but it doesn't surprise me he doesn't know these details since you'd have to read them in an included pamphlet each election

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On 9/2/2020 at 8:43 AM, Shoblongoo said:

To this day I do not understand how "I just start kissing them. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab em by the pussy" was not the instant death of his campaign.

You can't even run a YouTube channel with that kinda baggage. 

You kind of have answered that throughout the thread:

Hillary Clinton was a perfect example of the establishment that people were displeased with and she was the alternative to this clown.

White folks buying into the fear and rhetoric spouted by white supremacists

People thinking that his absurd behavior is an act and "typical" mud-slinging during an election and that he would behave better once in off (LMAO)

Incels that agreed with that infamous quote and saw it appealing to have a non-politician running for president not caring about what he says


November 3rd cannot come soon enough.

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1 hour ago, Lord Raven said:

This draft dodging coward has the nerve to tell kneeling players they don't respect the military.  I'm sure most of his supporters and right wing media will just ignore this, they are fixated on Pelosi going to a hair salon....scandal of the century!  Almost as big as the time she showed off her ice cream collection.  

Anyways it explains partially why the latest military times poll he has lost a lot of support (military is traditionally very Republican).  This is kind of a good thing.  If the military was in line with Trump he really would be unstoppable.  I hope more publicly come forward, but I respect they are supposed to remain apolitical.


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3 hours ago, Lord Raven said:

"Who were the good guys in World War II and why did America join the Allied Powers" is my favorite bit. Holy fucking shit. It's bad enough to disparage the men and women that fucking died for this country, but this gets special mention.

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Well that's not very surprising.

Trump has always held the post WW2 order in low regard despite it being the zenith of American power. As such it makes sense he would deem those that died to bring about this world order to be ''suckers''

Trump is also rather proudly corrupt so it makes sense for him do dismiss dead soldiers as ''losers'' for not ''winning'' like he did by using their wealth to doge the draft and not die in combat.

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On 9/3/2020 at 8:38 PM, Lord Raven said:

My grandfather who passed away less than a month ago was a Vietnam Veteran. An NCO died instead of him trying to show him how to clear out a tunnel. That comment stings....

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6 hours ago, PyroPlazma said:

My grandfather who passed away less than a month ago was a Vietnam Veteran. An NCO died instead of him trying to show him how to clear out a tunnel. That comment stings....

I am sorry for your loss and thank both of those men for their service.

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This is the various audio clips released by Bob Woodward of Trump mostly concerning the virus.  Many many lives were lost that didn't need to be.  What Trump says here is different than his public persona, this is the real Trump.

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4 hours ago, Lord Raven said:

do i really need to say something?

Are you saying you didn't kill two people when you were 17?

But give Don Jr. some credit. At least he admitted what the Kenosha shooter did was stupid, which is better than what a number of conservatives are doing.

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On 9/1/2020 at 2:50 PM, Shoblongoo said:

Yes, because in any good and decent country his popular support shouldn't be anywhere close to the point where the EC's ability to turn a ~40% minority into an electoral "win" should matter.

A man of his temperament, track-record, and positions should be polling in the single digits.     

I hope you're not repeating this bullshit when Muslims and blacks get on the chopping block. You always make good posts and points, but you need to stop making this one. None of us deserve this and this basically means that white people have completely failed us as a shield. It's not at all a badge of honor or deservedness.



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