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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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Retrying the swim test after floundering in the water the first time, it somehow went far worse the second time and I thought I was about to die.

It's left me terrified of anything to do with swimming and since, continues to haunt my memories.

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Can't really think of any risks I've taken recently, unless playing FF7 over the weekend instead of working on my assignments and assuming I'd be able to do them in a shorter amount of time counts.

I blame smash bros
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One day a few months ago it was raining pretty heavily but the rain cleared when the train back from uni pulled in at my station, so I took the chance of walking home instead of getting a taxi or using a payphone to call my parents (mobile was out of batteries). Halfway into the half hour walk home the rain started bucketing down. It was at this point that I realised I didn't have an umbrella in my bag.

And the worst part is that I can't complain about getting drenched because a friend and I compared stories about getting home (he was on the same train but lives at the literal end of the line) and he had to deal with getting drenched and a 3 hour delay because the train broke down sometime after I got off.

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My bicycle's front tyre was starting to look a little weak, so I decided to pump it. Usually I'd be super nervous and read up about this a hundred thousand times, but this time I thought: "How hard could this be?" Well, I knew you had to let the air out first, so that's what I did, and then I started pumping with the pump my landlady has. Turns out it's an old pump that only fits on traditional Dutch city bike valves, not on Presta valves (like mine). So yeah, the tyre is flat now and I'll have to invest time and money into getting around by bus.

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I drove through some water, thinking my car would make it through no problem. Only to have my car shut off.

My car is a low to the ground Mitsubishi Eclipse.

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My bicycle's front tyre was starting to look a little weak, so I decided to pump it. Usually I'd be super nervous and read up about this a hundred thousand times, but this time I thought: "How hard could this be?" Well, I knew you had to let the air out first, so that's what I did, and then I started pumping with the pump my landlady has. Turns out it's an old pump that only fits on traditional Dutch city bike valves, not on Presta valves (like mine). So yeah, the tyre is flat now and I'll have to invest time and money into getting around by bus.

Buy a pump. Much simpler.

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I'm sure there's something that happened recently that I'm not remembering, the closest I remember was from almost four years ago when I was living on university campus. I needed/wanted to go to a dollar general that was a bit outside of town (and a bit outside of town was already a bunch of corn fields and looked like the middle of the country, so everything was far apart). Not only did the bus on that route not go there very often (since that area was a part of a long route mostly outside of campus) but I was heading there pretty late into the night... because during the day there are two buses going through there so it makes it every half hour and then at night there's only one bus circling around so it takes an hour. I took a bus there anyway~

I rode it to the dollar store and got off and I think riskily took over a half hour shopping, letting the next bus pass by. I only took a bit longer to shop so I got out to wait for the next bus. What I didn't realize at the time was they started taking an hour instead of a half hour at that point (that or I guessed that that was the case eventually). When about a half hour passed I decided to take another risk and start walking back toward campus along the route so that I could meet the bus partway there and so at least I wouldn't be standing still while I waited. Then along my way there.... the bus passed right by me~

... At least at that rate it was less of a risk for me to still walk toward campus \o/

I think what happened was that in the end while I did reach the next stop, I waited there so long that I was concerned if the bus even ran as late as it was and started heading back toward campus again. I found out that yes it did run that late because it passed me again~ But in the end, I just walked aaaaall the way back to my residence hall. It was super late and I was incredibly worn out by then because it was a long walk from the dollar store. I imagine I didn't stay awake much longer ^o^ I bet I complained in SFIRC about this incident as well

Edited by Tamamitsune
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I agreed to a bet with someone based off a set of Smash Bros. matches with my friend.

I wanted to style all over him because I knew he was of inferior skill level. So, I spiked him a couple times since I always opted to go for spikes during the set but I kept it close because I was focusing more on STYLE than actually winning.

In the final set, I went to Falcon Punch him then his Charizard used ROCK SMASH. I could've just as easily knee'd him and win the game or Falcon Kick. But, you know you just gotta try to end things off spectacularly sometimes.

super armor sucks...

Edited by ~Summer~
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I wanted to steal some of my mom's chocolate chips she had in the pantry at night so I did knowing fully well that I wouldn't get any dessert if she caught me

Then my dad caught me red handed eating out of the bag at like midnight and I didn't have dessert the next night ;_;

This was a few years ago, the only one I remember if you don't count me procrastinating on everything.

Edited by Tiny Goddess
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The only big one I remember is from a few months ago when I reckoned I could stop by GameStop after work and pick up a game or two and still make the bike ride home before the rain hit.

I did not in fact make it home before the rain hit- I didn't even make it halfway- and was drenched. The stuff I bought was fine, luckily, so it wasn't as bad as it could have been.

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i went to germany to see the bmw motorcycle werk and the guy flaked at the last minute, we were supposed to get a personal tour

the rest of the trip was pretty OK but that was literally the reason i signed up

QUESTION SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY: What's a thing you love, but hate the aftertaste of?

shoutout to kate

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iirc jolly ranchers, one of my favouritestest candies, leaves a pretty weird aftertaste to me

(but yeah the thing that prompted this question was because this chicken noodle soup we had for dinner yesterday was real good but left a real weird and strong aftertaste)

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