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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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Majora's Mask, because I disliked it as a kid, cue 8 years later me trying it again and loving the game that time.

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About 12 years for the GBA port of Super Mario Bros. I started it, sucked at it and couldn't beat it, and then lost it only to find it again at a used games store and get it on a nostalgic whim. It wasn't nearly as difficult as it was for my younger self so I beat it pretty easily.

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DK64, and Banjo & Tooie. They were my 1st games ever, and it only took me 10 years to reach the end. They don't make games like they used to lol

Edited by Noburu
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Tough question, I don't remember these sorts of things very well. I think the answer might be Super Castlevania 4 which I played a bit as a kid but never came back to it until a couple years ago.

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Never I always beat my games, but I don't rly play that many so

Maybe a few weeks I guess

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Nej. I love nature, but i cant make nature grow very well.

my own preference for fashion is probably different to yours you are 100% correct but you will notice that has nothing to do with what i said??

okay i get it people have different tastes lol this is relevant in 0 ways. that's pretty sidesteppy

it is passingly true that men's fashion is restrictive in that it has a fairly clearly defined structure (shirt top, trousers, shoes) and this is a point of contention i have with it but stylistically you can get as creative as you like off that base. thinking otherwise is having a very narrow understanding of the scope of "men's fashion" and probably more telling of a lack of confidence to dress to preference. i don't think i have a very unique sense of fashion (note: i can appreciate fashion for what it is wrt other people, i only have a preference when it comes to myself) but it is definitely markedly Gay As Hell and though that's garnered comments among people i know it isn't particularly malicious and it's not like i care in the first place, because the way i dress up is ultimately a form of personal expression.

it would be disingenuous of me to say "fashion isn't subjective" because in the end everything is, but i do think that there are things that aren't aesthetically pleasing. outfits might not flow together well, certain articles of clothing might be ill-fitting and badly tailored, body structure might not lend itself well to an outfit, but notice that none of these things hang upon stylistic sensitivities. maybe it's overstated, but "just do you" rings true here. don't blame vague concepts like "men's fashion" (possibly society) for your projected insecurities (though i understand your point about economic viability. fashion is unfortunately expensive as shit, and i'm sorry you can't realise your vision for yourself).

You are my favorite.

goddamn that question failed, thanks ciaran probably

QUESTION SIX HUNDRED AND EIGHTY: What's the longest (not counting "indefinite thus far") you've gone between starting a game and beating it?

Umm probably like a couple of years for some games. I remember a two year gap between starting EarthBound and finishing it way back in the day.

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almost 9 years with FF7

that wasn't my fault though, I had a physical copy but the second disc doesn't work so

aeris dies

and that's pretty much it for me

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goddamn that question failed, thanks ciaran probably

QUESTION SIX HUNDRED AND EIGHTY: What's the longest (not counting "indefinite thus far") you've gone between starting a game and beating it?

It wasn't me but thanks for reminding me I do have a question

I don't know my specific answer but I tend to play games in spurts. When something stops me it stays stopped for a while, so the answer's probably in the 'over a year' territory.

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pokemon alpha sapphire, 3 years now

alpha sapphire has unfortunately not been out three years :^ )

for the last question: lol hell no i can't even go near a tree without getting congested

current question: idk if it really counts, but dr robotnik's mean bean machine: started at age 4 and was never able to make it to the final stage. 13 years later, i come back and suddenly i'm awesome at this game and beat it

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probably 5? years w/ Wind Waker

got stuck in the wind temple and quit for a long time

when I finally beat baten kaitos' final boss it'll be like 8 years probably

e: also my thumbs play vidya too much to be green

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Actually, I recently went back and unlocked all of the characters in Super Smash Bros. Melee which I've owned for at least 10 years, which probably counts as beating it.

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If "beating Diablo II" is beating it on the highest difficulty (or play cycle, since D2 cycled after the game finished on a higher difficulty) aka hell mode legitimately, then around 13-14 years. And I played it a lot during those years.

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Hmmmm... I don't really remember, but I guess a couple of weeks? I don't THINK it should be more than three weeks or at least not more than a month. There are games I still haven't finished but I doubt I'm going to bother to finish them.
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tbh now that I think about it (at first I wasn't going to answer this qotd because I never remember that kinda stuff) the game in particular is probably Sonic the Hedgehog 2 because back then me and my older brother had very limited gaming time so we would have enough time to play like three stages in and then we'd have to quit (I don't think we did anything like trading off for like individual play time considering it was a two player game, I think we always played together)

Then once we got older we were given more time and so we could better get around to beating the game. So that was probably somewhere around 1-3 years (I mean that's a really long time ago so idr that well)

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If "beating Diablo II" is beating it on the highest difficulty (or play cycle, since D2 cycled after the game finished on a higher difficulty) aka hell mode legitimately, then around 13-14 years. And I played it a lot during those years.

Man I played D2 so much, it got to the point I would do Baal runs for weaker players so they could get good gear, good times good times. (If there was ever an attempt to dick these runs over it was usually a Necromancer for some reason haha).

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If "beating Diablo II" is beating it on the highest difficulty (or play cycle, since D2 cycled after the game finished on a higher difficulty) aka hell mode legitimately, then around 13-14 years. And I played it a lot during those years.

hell isn't a game mode

topic: it is gradius which i first played with my dad on his famicom in like '92 and only beat last year on the psp. all hail.

QUESTION SIX HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-ONE: How diverse is your circle of friends?

this one is actually parrhesia's

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