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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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Getting cooler over here which is great. But then it sometimes still gets to close to 80, which isn't as nice. Would love it if was around 60-70 though.

Fahrenheit, of course. I suck at not knowing Celsius or metric system.

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2 days ago it went up to like 70 F and we're pretty fucking up north

Like, it's November on the northern half of the northern hemisphere, why am i out in a tshirt

(today is reasonable november temperature though)

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Last week's storm killed our hot water system. Apart from that, typical November. Cooled down a little bit to make the summer weather even more unbearable when it returns.

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Some weather indeed. It's November, and it was nearly 80 degrees the other day.


I think the temperature's finally dropping below 85F, which is a relief. Humidity's still a pain, though.

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He lives in New Jersey. You live in Hawaii. 80 degrees Fahrenheit in November isn't something to expect as often in NJ as in HI.

We're still hitting our summer highs. Normally, the temperature drops to a few degrees above where he is.

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I think the temperature's finally dropping below 85F, which is a relief. Humidity's still a pain, though.

Over there only now they're dropping below 30C?

Oh man, I envy you. Except for the humidity. I prefer my arid home. Over here they dropped below 40C when October started. And with October over they've now dropped below 30C. I don't like it. It has become a bit cold for my tastes. And cloudy at times, but thankfully no rain.

I miss summer...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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it's a beautiful day outside...
actually it's pretty damn cold today I had to wear a decently large jacket for the first time in a while

also it rained

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Q734: 10.5 US Mens

Q735: I was driving to school this morning when suddenly WATER started falling from the sky. At first I thought I was seeing things but it's still coming down. I called the police and said that water is falling from the sky. They said I'm crazy and that water doesn't fall from the sky. I'm too scared to leave my car. I've got enough food for a day or two. SERENES SEND HELP [source]

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Meanwhile I hate temperatures above 25C

I consider 16C and up to be tshirt temperature, even

Tbh, I wear a short sleeved shirt almost no matter what the temperature is, unless I'm dressing nicely and wear long sleeves for that reason. If it is cold enough that a short sleeved shirt is enough, then a winter coat over a short sleeved shirt will do it.

Q734: 10.5 US Mens

Q735: I was driving to school this morning when suddenly WATER started falling from the sky. At first I thought I was seeing things but it's still coming down. I called the police and said that water is falling from the sky. They said I'm crazy and that water doesn't fall from the sky. I'm too scared to leave my car. I've got enough food for a day or two. SERENES SEND HELP %5Bsource%5D

I've actually been researching this. My theory is that there is an ocean in the sky. That, or the water on mars fell off mars and onto earth.
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