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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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okay you know at first I didn't think I had one (I just knew that when I was little I liked s) but now responses remind me

fsr I seem to be pretty fond of f

I'm not sure if this spawned from Freohr or what

I like how it looks (especially the capital version) and I like the sound and I tend to really like names that start with f (since I love irish names two of my most favourite irish names are Faolan and Finbar)

I think I also tend to be a fan of names starting with E as well, I guess I also like that then

man I learned today

I think...

Edited by Tamamitsune
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'e', I'm vain

as far as writing goes tho, probably 'g' or 'ÙŠ'

ي is also interesting in other ways but ¯\₋(ツ)₋/¯

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