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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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it's either X or A

QUESTION SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SEVEN: Write a paragraph on something you're passionate about!

doesn't matter what, just write!


i agree but not retroactively so the jerk who posted before you avoids my wrath
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I honestly think people should begin to truly abandon the commercialized idea of Christmas. Like, utterly and completely. We should turn our backs on Black Friday, spending for gifts to get The Best, and stuff like that. Also, more variety in how the holiday is celebrated. Luckily, society is beginning to do just that, with the growing popularity of Krampus and symbols like the Yule Goat. Cuz, well..theres a lot to work with here! We are still plagued by the consumerist side of Christmas though. A good thing to do is make gifts for your friends and family. Focus more on togetherness and the meaning of it, for its universal no matter your religion (or lack of one). A fun thing to do for the holiday season, is look up where Santa Claus came from, origins of gift giving, where did the tree come from, etc.

im really passionate about how one can celebrate this holiday without giving into consumerism.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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oh boy seeing people talk about things they're passionate about is so fun

i need a while to gather my thoughts but i look forward to everyone else's answers

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I am passionate about pointing out that this "question of the day" is not actually a question, and therefore false advertisement. It is obvious that my superior intellect has led me to this astute observation, as anyone who will not question this clearly does not understand the importance of pointing this out publicly, and therefore does not recognize its gravity, or is too simple to observe as such. Therefore, you have all been enlightened, and I have one thing left to do: simply ask why this question of the day is not a question, because this is not acceptable for the service that should be owed to me courtesy of serenes forest dot net.

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Black Holes are totally the coolest things ever, right? Let's talk about star death in general. So you have a couple of things that stars can turn into once collapsing on their death beds. The first of these possibilities is a White Dwarf Star. These bright, compact stars form from the collapse of a massive star after going supernova. Stable White Dwarf Stars appear up until the maximum mass of about 1.39 Mo (Excuse using an o in place of an o with a dot in it, I can't do solar masses on SF). This value is called the Chandrasekhar Limit. So how exactly does the star die? So stars undergo Hydrostatic Equilibrium when producing nuclear fusion, and the force generated from this counteracts gravity on the star. Variable stars such as Cepheids and R-Lyrae stars pulsate, and this is because they don't maintain constant rates of nuclear fusion. So what stops gravity from completely collapsing the star? Electron Degeneracy Pressure! This arises from Pauli's Exclusion Principle, where two Fermions can't occupy the same quantum state simultaneously). In the case of the electrons in the star, It acts as a spring-like force that completely stops gravity from collapsing it and forms the White Dwarf. So what happens if you rank in a Solar Mass above 1.39 Mo? Electron Degeneracy Pressure fails. So you keep advancing down the star collapse, when a new force takes over. This is called Neutron Degeneracy Pressure. In this case, the force of gravity is so large that electrons and protons basically get smashed together and form excess neutrons, creating the same spring-like force, but stronger, and the star becomes a Neutron Star. So what happens when that fails? At that point, light can no longer escape gravity, and a Black Hole forms. So when you have exceptionally large stars, when they collapse into black holes, the force of gravity is so strong that a Black Hole forms before the entire star collapses, and the black hole is engorged completely with excess matter and literally blows the star to smithereens. This is called a Hypernova.

(I'd talk more about black holes but I can't do it without math and there's no easy way to do math on Serenes)

Edited by Knight of Argentum
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chickens are actually really cool creatures said no one but specta ever but let's talk about chickens

Chickens have a sort of adorable language of vocalizations. There's actually a pretty diverse range of sounds that they make and they do carry meaning, often, at least when talking about roosters. Though the general flock speaks a sort of varied 'chatter' that does change based on the whimsy of the flock (they come up with new sounds sometimes and pass them on between each other,) a rooster itself has a pretty set vocabulary. You can learn to recognize very specific sets of sounds for yourself and know what those bastards are up to even when you can't see them. These sounds are alerts more than anything, to signal to the flock things the flock needs to know. The rooster has different sounds for aerial predators, ground predators, 'thing is coming but isn't a predator,' 'shit, cool, there's food here,' 'no man there's food we really like here,' 'i'm really into you and wanna get jiggy,' just for a sampling.

I want to talk about more details about chickens but I also don't want to give an unmanageable wall of text trying to pass it off as a paragraph :'(

i love chickens ama

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History is a beauty, is it not? To discover the origins of our way of life, the way we walk? I indeed believe that in studying the past, we delve into ideas and concepts that we never bothered to think about, or at least what we never bothered to think about. Like, what did Taiwan originate from? Are the Portuguese and Spanish really that similar? If so, why are they not one in the same of a nation? These are just several of random things I came up with in 5 seconds, but I digress. In studying the past, we understand our present and why it exists the way it does. Things do not just 'happen', in fact, they are a series of completely random things that connect to one another, forming a grander picture as the centuries pass. Like a quilt which started from humble beginnings, but slowly weaved together to form what we call human history. It is a thing of beauty, but also a thing of dark underlining. For through studying human history, we delve deeper in the realities of human nature. What human nature is, is completely up to your perspective. History puts a significance on perspective, whither if it's in a conflict, a war, or a controversy, there is more than one side to story. To me, history is but the greatest story to tell. What interests me, is how this tale shall end...

(screw grammar and spelling and stuff probably)

Edited by Monde
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i agree but not retroactively so the jerk who posted before you avoids my wrath

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So about 3-4 weeks ago I found out that css implemented the "width: calc(percentage-pixel)" method for div sizing. This is fucking awesome. As a professional front-end developer with a long history with web design and styling, this solves a lot of problems historical css had in regards to dynamic sizing. Say you want a side bar of a fixed width, I like 150px-200px usually depending on design, but the rest of the page to conform to the page or container width, you can't do it with pure css without doing something extremely hacky, and I was not fond of the margin or padding or whatever = -99999px hack. Felt it too inelegant. My solutions to css trouble have historically been fixing it with javascript, but that's actually really bad practice for things that aren't tied to additional logic and event listeners anyway. But it's either that or doing things in a really gross and hacky manner which I hate. Now, I can finally rest in peace. I literally sent my friends a text message in regards about it because I was so fucking excited. I've been using CSS for 8 fucking years and it's finally here. I can finally have peace. Praise be.

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I'm passionate about piano, even though I've been lazy and haven't practiced in a month or so and forgotten most of my repertoire. Still, I'm passionate enough to write a paragraph about it. A brief history in case you’ve lived under a rock: The piano was first invented in Italy, like all artistic things are, in the 1700s with the name pianoforte. Piano and forte mean soft and loud respectively. This means that I had to deal with Italian and Latin terms growing up, which did not help me. The piano is a wonderful instrument. There’s so much room for diversity and creativity. Another thing I like about it is that it looks sophisticated and it's the only thing I can brag about. I can thank piano for my pretty fingers. One of my first things I remember playing was Beethoven's Fur Elise, which I totally showed off to all my friends in first grade. I remember begging my piano teacher to let me play it after seeing one of the senpai's play it at a previous recital. Some of my other favorites are Mozart's Sonata in G Major, Haydn's Sonata in C Major, and Sergei Rachmaninoff's Prelude in G minor, even though I can't yet play the latter. My most suffering thing I've played was Franz Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody no.2. During the recital I played it at, I totally messed up in front of seventy plus people and I regretted all my life decisions. I still love it though, even if I get traumatic flashbacks every time I hear it <3

did i grammar right?

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