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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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I drive and am occasionally driven to and from work, and I also take the train to work. It depends on how I'm feeling. Train is better if I want to do stuff while commuting, car is better if I want to sleep later and get in at the same time.

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I take the bus/skytrain to work & pretty much everywhere else unless I'm going somewhere within walking distance. I don't mind the commute to work (50 minutes) because I love to sleep on public transit. I am gifted with the ability to pass out on the bus and wake up right in time for my stop. :)

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i made this qotd specifically so i could make my answer today that i drive about 30 minutes to and from school/work (as they're the same place) in a 2004 mazda 3 2015 vw golf gti as of 3 hours from now B)

QUESTION SIX HUNDRED AND TWENTY FOUR: Can you sew? Is it a skill you want to learn?

bonus: what projects have you undergone?

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I can, I'm not more than a beginner yet but I can

I did a few stuff in a middle school class, I made a pillow, pajama pants, learned to sew buttons.... idr what else

Then maybe about a year ago UR MOM helped me make a skirt~ I only did most of the sewing.

You didn't ask but future projects are this and this

Edited by Freohr Datia
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No, and holy fuck do I wish I could.. We have a sewing machine but even with the instructions I still couldn't get it and theres like so many different types of stitches depending on the situation and fabrics also play a factor its so confusing ugh

I guess I could learn to handsew to fix things, that should be simple enough at least

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I can sew and want to be able to improve a lot so I can do more projects in the future!

I've only done blankets, dolls and coasters so far, but I'll experiment sooner or later \o /

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I can sew and want to be able to improve a lot so I can do more projects in the future!

I've only done blankets, dolls and coasters so far, but I'll experiment sooner or later \o /

You can teach me obviously :P:

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I can but my hand stitches are a bit messy, they're pretty strong though

I can also use a machine sometimes, i know the principles i just don't do it a lot so i have to remember how to every time

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I could... maybe to save my life... >.<


Nope, and I'm not particularly interested. Not that good with my hands.

I wonder if this has a double meaning...

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i made this qotd specifically so i could make my answer today that i drive about 30 minutes to and from school/work (as they're the same place) in a 2004 mazda 3 2015 vw golf gti as of 3 hours from now B)

QUESTION SIX HUNDRED AND TWENTY FOUR: Can you sew? Is it a skill you want to learn?

bonus: what projects have you undergone?

I am ridiculously unskilled in that field. Like, out of all the more domestic of tasks and skills in the world, that one i just cannot do. : ( I try to learn and fail spectacularly. D:

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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I can't sew, and before i saw as kinda of a meh thing to do, but lately I have been thinking that maybe it would be a good idea. I don't know, perhaps I'm interested in learning it somewhat, though I wouldn't put too much effort into it right now like Ambulz said.

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