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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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Iceland, because my granduncle used to talk about what a gorgeous place it was when he was stationed there as a young man. It's always been my dream to visit that little volcanic island.

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Well... There's a list: Japan, Canada, Iceland, Estonia (I've heard good things about these places and I'd love to see them and experience their culture). I also want to see the Northern Lights, as they look amazing in photos, and I wanna experience them in real life. The only other place would be PAX Prime (which is going on ATM) as I wanna go to a Thrown Controllers Panel.

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New Zealand

Of the 3 countries I really want to go to, this is the only one that speaks English. The other two are Germany and Japan. The reason I want to go to these places is because I love the land, the culture and the history. I want to go to a bunch of other places as well, but these 3 are the top.

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Cairo or Milan, they're both two places I've always wanted to potter around for a while but have always been put off by actually having to get there.

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no idea tbh; not a huge fan of travel

probably somewhere I could hang out with as many of my SF friends as possible idk

alternatively I would like to see the fjords of Norway

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oz to see my #1 cunt

QUESTION SIX HUNDRED AND THIRTY-NINE: What's the last thing you drank?

this one comes from the woman

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A peach juice.

Too bad this wasn't asked before or later, else I could've put this pineapple, spinach, orange, and purslane juice I've been drinking lately.

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