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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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My mom's milk

And I mean, like, milk that she poured me

not, like... w-well, y'know...

Edited by PixelmanFE
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dihydrogen monoxide

you could die if you drink enough of it so i like to think im that dangerous guy ur mum told u to stay away from

I must be some sort of alien, because dihydrogen monoxide is one of the few things I can drink without repercussions. HELP!

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someone kicked water into my mouth at the pool and i barfed out my lunch >8[


the last thing i drank was water

QUESTION SIX HUNDRED AND FORTY: What's the last thing you ate?

did you expect anything else?

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eggs and corn flat bread(?) with butter and cheese, with coffee as a drink.

sigh... i though i hit the edit button ;_;

Edited by SlayerX
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