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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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Exposing yourself to the cold in such a manner would more likely increase the risk factor for something like hypothermia (cannot catch a cold or similar by just exposing oneself to cold air for prolonged amounts of time - must actually be a host close enough to transmit the illness or the like, though it may weaken the immune system temporarily if only due to reduced circulation). As long as you don't do that often chances are you'll be fine anyways unless your body's not that resilient against the elements (for any number of reasons).

I'm a magnet to that type of things. I can't even remember the number of times I've been exposed to rain when I was wearing shorts or a dress. Most of the times it only gets cold when it starts raining. I never felt sick because of it just diferent degrees of annoyed. My body is very resilient against the elements and sickness and whatever. When I say I don't get sick it's because I don't in any situation. Wich is a pity because I would love to have a reason to skip school.

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Too strong for its own good.

And not a very good judge of character, either; it thinks every little thing is trying to kill me.

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I don't get sick often, but when I do it's often to the extent where it almost feels like I'm about to die orz

Not sure on how good my immune system is if it's like that

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I don't get sick often, but when I do it's often to the extent where it almost feels like I'm about to die orz

Not sure on how good my immune system is if it's like that

Buy you've never died. So maybe what it really feels like is that u r about to live.

(Live a Live)

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I'm the last person in a group to get a bug if I get it at all

shoutout to m e

but also knock on wood since everyone in my family is getting sick lmao

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I get sick once a year and it lasts for about 2 to 3 days and I get back to normal after that

I can stand in the rain with a t-shirt and shorts for an hour and I don't get sick.

this is pretty much me. There was 3 major downpours recently (there were actually more, but I was at home during those others) and I was too impatient to wait for it to calm down and walked back home (45 mins and 30 mins on the other two) and I didn't get sick after.

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Just a cold around January-February, but when it hits (which is every year btw), it hits hard. Not fun.

My voice gets ridiculously deep, I cough 5-7 times every 15 seconds, my nose is all plugged up. It's not great.

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Absolute shit

When I get a cold, my blood sugar levels rise up and then might I have to get admitted to some doctor or hospital. It hits me like a truck. And plus I get sick really easily due to my illnesses so that's definitely not fun.

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Above average. I actually work pretty hard to keep my immune system up and eat right. I hardly get full on sick anymore, but when i do, its once a year maybe. And i am down for the count. This early spring was the first time i got a full on headcold in like, two years.

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I don't get sick often, but when I do it's often to the extent where it almost feels like I'm about to die orz

Not sure on how good my immune system is if it's like that

Yah I'm about the same with this.

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My immune system is good for the most part. But I'm weak to seasonal allergies.

This but like since the year fucking started, idk why that's happened.

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