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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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Except a lifetime ban/100 warn or something like that isn't exactly "creative" since said punishments already exist, lol. Not sure if actually serious or not - "hard" to tell nowadays.

thank you for pointing out the holes in my obviously 100% serious response, man with avatar i have to scroll past

I up the ante and drop a grenade at my feet. I have found a companion spirit. We will die together as heroes.

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you guys are mostly babies given as the correct answer is knife fight him back also you are bad are reading situations and acting appropriately given as i established you as competent in the scenario already ;~;

also sorry i missed qotd, slept in lol

QUESTION SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY: What's a work that you really "got" on the reread/watch?

you know, those things that you may or may not like the first time, but then you go at them again and you're like "ohhhhhhhhh"


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Gonna go with Animal Farm. When I first read it I just thought it was some animal story. It wasn't until I discovered my love for history and then retread it that I got all of the parallelism. I do disagree with Orwells opinion that Stalinist Russia was similar to Tsarist Russia, but what are you gonna do.

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question 651: have you ever done anything more nerdy than reading the silmarillion 5 times

combat LARP. Get at me.

as for today's question:

the film Only Lovers Left Alive is the most recent case. My first watch of that film was with my parents and i came in with expectations of something other than what i got. As a result, initially rather dull. However, when revisiting the film, i realized what it was really about and that my initial expectations were dumb. Because that film is fucking fabulous and so is its point. Not only that, but its main characters....i just get them.

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Well, while I always liked them, I'm gonna have to say the Sherlock Holmes books. And the J-dorama (read as: drama) MR. BRAIN.

you guys are mostly babies given as the correct answer is knife fight him back also you are bad are reading situations and acting appropriately given as i established you as competent in the scenario already ;~;

I am most terrible at reading situations and reacting to them.
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Well hey a qotd would be boring if everybody understood what you meant and answered the same, dear~


No books/movies/video games really stand out to me, any rereads that made me go "ohhh" were pretty minor I guess? But if we went with "which works have you reread/watched then went 'ohhhh' at them" that would be every single book I've read or movie I've watched because I miss out on details a lot or get lost/confused real easily

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To sound a bit basic, Julius Caeser. While I got the general gist of it, I didn't understand most of what happened til I took a second look at it.

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Nothing, since I tend to get what they are about on the first go.

100% "tend to" eh, aren't you a genius

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Romance of the Three Kingdoms

Ya this. The first time through I thought it was a love story because "romance" but the second time I realized there was a subtle war story lurking beneath the surface.

Seriously the second time I read three kingdoms I had different feelings about what went on and about some of the characters who are lionized or villainized.

The chronicles of Thomas covenant come to mind. Only the first chronicles, which I have read 3 times total. Someday will refinish last chrons and reread those and the second.

The series Severian comes from...to some extent. I think it's safe to say there much I don't get. Even though these books tend to be viewed as religious, I sometimes find myself wondering if those who claim to be those in direct service to the increate are actually the highest powere and that the increate is nonexistenr. This is unlikely since the author is a catholic, but I don't think gene wolfe is an author unable to generate a world that goes against or counters his own world view in certain ways.

Also, having read Vance and Borges improved my ability to recognize allusiveness in the text.

CJ Cherryh's Down Below Station bored me in middle school, but I now recognize it and some of her other books to be absolutely brilliant sci-fi. Only thing her books tend to lack is a sense of humor.

I read portrait of an artist twice while I was working on an essay on it. 2nd time was definitely helpful.

I read earthsea and the golden compass twice, the first time when I was still a bit too young for them. Rereading a wizard of earthsea and it's sequels is one of the best decisions I have ever made. Thank god I saw them on some bookshelf.

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probably half the fantasy novels I read in middle school

"wait they had sex? I don't remember that at all" *rereads* "oh wow how did I miss that"

or hell, parts of The Bible or things I read even earlier (not necessarily "wow did they have sex I had no idea")

alternatively - can't really think of much off the top of my head but "parts of Snow Crash and/or Anathem" took several rereads to *get*

not the entire thing but, parts

if games count then I would go with TWEWY

edit: the NARNIA BOOKS as well I can't believe I forgot

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Most games that have a sequence at the beginning where your characters are really strong or it's foreshadowing a future event.

Like, in Lunar: Silver Star Harmony, there's a sequence at the beginning where you fight a boss with 4-5 really strong characters with a rainbow of abilities. After beating the game, I went back to there to see how similar they were to the actual cast, battle wise.

if games count then I would go with TWEWY

Alternatively, this. Took me playing the game several times and collecting all the secret reports to understand everything that goes on.

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You don't have to not understand a book/video game to reread/replay it, you know.

That's not what the question is implying at all

Just saying when did rereading ever give you an "aha!" moment

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In a visual novel I read recently.

There was this old man at a takoyaki stand you talk to sometimes and he talks about the "higher-ups at his job, how stupid they are, and a bit about how humanity truly is" saying some things that make absolutely no sense, but when I went back and reread the encounters with him (visual novels, multiple endings, rereads are inevitable etc.) one line in each of the three encounters stood out to me; because he very, very subtly breaks the forth wall and tells the reader not to take any alternate paths, lest you run into bad ends.

Hell, in one of the bad ends you find his corpse and it tells you "Be careful kid, it's all down hill from here" (At this point you're already dying and hallucinating, so wasn't really out of place)

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bad qotd was bad, i guess

for me it was a listen: kalafina's first album was totally mediocre to me when i listened to it for the first time, then i put it on for spex in the car one day and was like "wait wtf this is amazing"

QUESTION SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY ONE: What's your cardio routine?

and how are you going to improve it?

BONUS QUESTION: have you preordered xcom 2 yet?

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