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Serenes Arena Cup II (QUINT WINS)


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Congrats! Here's what we all learned here.

Speed is important.

Braves, Spd+5 weapons, and the occasional Superior weapon or two are the most useful skills.

Chrom is uberhax.

Luna, Vengeance, and some random Astras are hax.

We all like making General jokes when using general Robins.

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Congrats! Here's what we all learned here.

Speed is important.

Braves, Spd+5 weapons, and the occasional Superior weapon or two are the most useful skills.

Chrom is uberhax.

Luna, Vengeance, and some random Astras are hax.

We all like making General jokes when using general Robins.

Add to that Sumia and Olivia are haxqueens.

Comeback is most of the times possible unless RNG screws you or you get stressed and make mistakes. (basically what happened against Quint, the safest move I could have had was to use the Brave Axe on Chrom with Cordelia to not only regen most of my HPs, but also get the ORKO and not get killed by Frederick -she had AXEBREAKER-)

And yes, General Jokes > All.

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Yay Quint. I feel proud to have lost to the champion.

I had Espinosa as the winner in my, horribly, horribly inaccurate bracket. Like, the only things I got right were the winners of 4 of the Round 1 games and Quint being in the finals.

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Yay Quint. I feel proud to have lost to the champion.

I had Espinosa as the winner in my, horribly, horribly inaccurate bracket. Like, the only things I got right were the winners of 4 of the Round 1 games and Quint being in the finals.

Maybe you'd do better at horse betting :P:

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Haha thanks guys! The tourney was really fun. BUT I STILL NEED MAH CRIT GIFS :sob:

Experimenting here was trully enriching. The fe13 meta is definately, imo, unstable (volatile as Baldo once said), it is really hard to be guaranteed a victory. It just depends on whether you have accurate predictions of your opponent's team/moves and make your team solid; and by solid I mean a unit that defends another unit's weakness. Making a team is more complex in this meta than any other so far, the combinations of units and strategies are limitless (does this word even exist @_@).

I'd like to detail my teams, strats and reasoning:

Vs Carmine

Basically a trial and error team, having a PagGis Supportbot Robin. It helped Vaike when Wrath mode because Solidarity and Anathema is a +20 Crt. A quite unreliable strat but it worked.

Vs Horace

I still wanted more Crits, and brought up a SM Robin with Sol Katti and Swordfaire, it failed horribly. This kinda proofed me that Crt-oriented teams/units are just for fun and not for serious matches.

Vs Nintales 1

Gimmicky match. Only one Vengeance user, the rest was other offensive skills. I must admit both games against Nintales were close, the difference is that I made things harder for me for not playing wisely and Celica's Gale'ing her thwompette. But basically until there, I had the sorcerer idea, the assassin unit, Robin was kind of trial and error and some one rounds with Ignis+CGale, and Say'ri was for some shits and giggles.

Vs Dan

I studied Dan's matches carefully, I must admit it. I was 99% sure I would see an assassin there and just drawed a new THOMP, based on Nin. I somewhat perceived that I would see the Sorcerer, Assassin and Berserker archtype, so I just made pretty much a counter to each.

Vs Nintales 2

Was 100% sure Gen Robin would make an appearance, and I just thought Sniper Chrom was the most indicated to kill her. Confronting thwomp at direct combat is like a 50/50 situation where you live or die, and I wasn't going to take such risks. Chrom had 59% Luna chance and quad Brave was basically wrecking her; I wasn't worried about Bowbreaker since Chrom had 200 base hit (wirh brave) and thwomp has low avoid, apart that thwomps aren't the dodgy type. But the rest of his team was terrific, 4 vengeance users, all with Lifetaker and mixed breakers. I just took advantage of Chrom being alive and sniped Cordelia and Gangrel. Tharja dead was just a matter of rng and Aversa round was really tricky. I would've preferred Robin to not hit her with Forseti; my plan was dodge double forseti and then initiate my Superior Jolt hit, eat a Vengeance hit and then voila! Vantage Vengeance death!

And yes, robin had Pavise, Speed+2, Tomefaire, Vengeance and Vantage.

I think Sage Robin has more potential than Thwomp Robin, because you csn either make him/her a glass canon with Vantage Vengeance (maybe switch Sp+2 for Hit+20) or just pull some dodges with Dancebreakers and Vengeance/Luna/Ignis.

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Vs Nintales 2

Was 100% sure Gen Robin would make an appearance, and I just thought Sniper Chrom was the most indicated to kill her. Confronting thwomp at direct combat is like a 50/50 situation where you live or die, and I wasn't going to take such risks. Chrom had 59% Luna chance and quad Brave was basically wrecking her; I wasn't worried about Bowbreaker since Chrom had 200 base hit (wirh brave) and thwomp has low avoid, apart that thwomps aren't the dodgy type. But the rest of his team was terrific, 4 vengeance users, all with Lifetaker and mixed breakers. I just took advantage of Chrom being alive and sniped Cordelia and Gangrel. Tharja dead was just a matter of rng and Aversa round was really tricky. I would've preferred Robin to not hit her with Forseti; my plan was dodge double forseti and then initiate my Superior Jolt hit, eat a Vengeance hit and then voila! Vantage Vengeance death!

And yes, robin had Pavise, Speed+2, Tomefaire, Vengeance and Vantage.

I think Sage Robin has more potential than Thwomp Robin, because you csn either make him/her a glass canon with Vantage Vengeance (maybe switch Sp+2 for Hit+20) or just pull some dodges with Dancebreakers and Vengeance/Luna/Ignis.

I think though that the MU with the most potential would have been Assassin MU with VengTage and other stuff.

I'd tried that against Baldrick if we didn't have the one vengeance rule.

Yeah, letting Chrom alive was my biggest mistake with Cordelia. If I had attacked him with the Brave Axe, I might have had won. But lol, past is past.

And I'm certainly not gonna complain about 82% miss when I won against Baldy with a 48% hit. :D

I made a few mistakes in that match that cost me the game, like not giving Robin Bowbreaker for fooling you into a breaker mindgame (aka 100% hitrate on sniper chrom, and you'd had been like "oh noes, he has Bowbreaker!", but it just failed :D) and giving Gangrel Anathema for this purpose. =(

As for my team, it was basically the strongest team I could make for I knew I'd be RNG-screwed. As I know Anna hates me (last time I checked was that 3% crit on one of my units making me restart a chapter when I was already at the middle of it in a LONG map. I hated Tharja in my prepromos no-duos run as she'd always get crit screwed TT ), I always favorised breakers over pavise or aegis.

I always love to have the 5 breakers available, along with all the weapons. Hence why my team was so varied. This allows me to get the upper hand most of the times.

And I love Vengeance + Lifetaker as it can allow surprising comebacks. =)

All in all, it was a really good game. I hope I'll get to get my revenge in an upcoming tournament, because I'd really like to. I am a pure sore-loser. ;)

The funny thing would have been a miss of your vengeance proc, because Aversa would have simply survived the hit from your MU. :D

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Congrats to the king of Hax, who has clearly become too powerful by absorbing all of his opponent's lovely quintessence!

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Gonna run this by here too.

Would anyone be interested in trying a second FE9 tourney?

Also I see Sumia raised in the tier list, good to see that went somewhere.

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Yay Quint. I feel proud to have lost to the champion.

I'm very disappointed in you, Nin.

Still, congratulations to Quint. You're the new LA tourney champion! Though I don't like to admit it.

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I'm very disappointed in you, Nin.

Still, congratulations to Quint. You're the new LA tourney champion! Though I don't like to admit it.

If only you found the Nasir equivalent :P:

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In an alternate universe, Sage!Glaceon hit that crucial 77 displayed hit on Quint's Vaike and I would be the one who would end up winning the match.

Quint, how does it feel to be a ganador?

Edited by Carmine Sword
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I'm very disappointed in you, Nin.

Still, congratulations to Quint. You're the new LA tourney champion! Though I don't like to admit it.

I'm sorry master Baldo, I failed. But I'll do better the next time! And I'll wreck him!


Meanwhile, I'll be readying FE9 teams. Quint, if you don't go in this I'm gonna cry. In a silent room. In a corner. Thinking I'll never get VENGEANCE.

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