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Games that broke your heart?


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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers. I cried pretty hard at Hidden Land with

Grovyle's sacrifice, oh my god.

I cried at the ending. And with Explorers of the Sky. . .

I cried at the end of the final extra episode

Played Suikoden V, cried a bit at the ending, too. But I didn't bawl my eyes out like PMD.

Oh, and a certain NieR ending, as well. . .

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Final battle in EarthBound ripped me up due to its sheer badassery and shattering of the Fourth Wall. I still get emotional thinking about it.

Super Mario Galaxy. I just got two words: Rosalina's Storybook. *sniff*

Super Paper Mario has a particularly impactful ending.

Xenogears. Most of it, actually.

The Cat Lady. Just...The Cat Lady.

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No video game has ever made me cry. However, Crusader Kings 2 can get rather emotional. Mostly I break my own heart, like when I find out aim capable of castrating a child just to have his dynasty no longer threaten my own.

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Ugh, Xenoblade Chonicles. Reason being that, when I first saw it I expected it to be an alright game for a modern JRPG.. turns out it's one of the worst games I ever played. 70 Euros to waste, it's truely heartbreaking in a way. (Might sell it soon, though.)

If you're asking what games made me come close to shedding a tear, there are very few ones that managed to do this.

Mother 3, Bioshock 2 and Infinite, Terranigma.

Edited by Ragnar
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Super Mario Galaxy. I just got two words: Rosalina's Storybook. *sniff*

That was sad and I agree, but I thought there was a sadder moment later in the game's ending.

When Luma and Mario get separated and the universe gets rebooted. Mario makes this "No, don't gooo" gesture that feels so unexpected from a Mario game that ends like a true emotional gut punch.

Emmeryn's death in FE13 feels really sad the first time around, mostly because of the chapter that follows with the really sad music. It's too bad the Spotpass maps later ruin it.

I agree with the Mother 3 mentions.

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The whole friggin ending just screams "why did I have to be the Chosen One" in an otherwise optimistic game. I can't even listen to the first village theme without crying like a baby after knowing what is destined to happen to it.

Mother 3

Oh god the whole game probably counts as a sad moment, especially on the second playthrough. Between Hinawa's death and Flint's subsequent breakdown, Salsa being abused, the townspeople becoming less friendly to Lucas, Flint abandoning Lucas to search for Claus, the sunflower field, the final battle, and the ambiguous ending itself, it's hard to choose just one part that's the most depressing.

Kingdom Hearts: 358 Days Over 2

Only this kind of game could make the phrase "Who else will I have ice cream with" one of the most heartbreaking in anything. There's a little hope for Xion after 3D but otherwise vanishing without anyone remembering you is one of the saddest things that could happen to any character. It doesn't help that they built up the friendship between her, Roxas and Axel so well by the clock tower conversations only for it to be torn apart by stuff beyond their control.

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I'll echo that PMD mentions. I never cried as much while playing games except for playing them.

And honestly a LARGE part of it, is exactly because of how cute the games are. Like.... I can't really be sad with games like FE4 or something. When I saw SOMEONESOMEONESPOILER being killed, I feel kinda angry because its a war or something like that.

When I saw sad scenes in PMD, it just feels much harder since its like.... your having a really nice time with it, and suddenly they dropped the brick in your face.

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Professor Layton and the Lost Future..... The ending. Thinking about it now makes me tear up.

Professor Layton and the Spectre's Call..... The ending.

Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask.... The ending.

Haven't played the 6th Layton yet, but I'm prepared.

Radiant Historia.... Pretty much all of it. Especially the ending.

Xenoblade Chronicles.... Where do I start...?

Last Story.... One word. Dagran.

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Haven't played the 6th Layton yet, but I'm prepared.

It doesn't matter if you're prepared or not. I thought I was prepared but I sure was wrong.

The game will tear your heart out, tear it to pieces and stomp on it. Repeatedly. And then to proceed to throw it against a wall. And laugh at it.

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I'll echo that PMD mentions. I never cried as much while playing games except for playing them.

And honestly a LARGE part of it, is exactly because of how cute the games are. Like.... I can't really be sad with games like FE4 or something. When I saw SOMEONESOMEONESPOILER being killed, I feel kinda angry because its a war or something like that.

When I saw sad scenes in PMD, it just feels much harder since its like.... your having a really nice time with it, and suddenly they dropped the brick in your face.

Here's why I made a special mention to the Explorers series:

[spoiler=I hope you finished the game first]Memory's sorta foggy, so here's the best I can do.

The partner you choose starts out as a coward and a weakling. But as the two of you go on missions, get into trouble together, and help out around the base, your partner slowly changes for the better. He has something to believe in, thanks to you. The two of you uncover the truth behind the distortions, which includes an unexpected trip into the future. You and your partner go into the last dungeon, knowing full well that changing the future will mean your death. And as Dialga is defeated, the character you chose finally says something. . .and then you slowly fade out, your existence overwritten because you changed the past.

Life does go on, for your partner, but it's not the same. He's learned a lot from you, but the two of you will no longer share those small, stupid moments that make friendship so special. And as he goes back to the beach where you first met, with the Krabbies blowing bubbles in the sunset. . .he reverts back to his clumsy, past self, as he trips and cries on that beach.

Then sane!Dialga fucks it up.

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Shadow of the Colossus

Agro... much tears of sadness...

Oh yay, she comes back. Much tears of joy!

I seem to have gotten more emotionally involved with games and shows recently, I cry a lot more often than I did before, dunno why. I wouldn't say any of those actually crushed my heart.

Edited by Knight
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Sad made me cry games... hmm...

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

When you have to kill The Boss


Leo's death scene because of how he reacted to dying. He wasn't afraid, he was happy to finally feel emotion.

Also the epilogue after defeating the final boss where the protagonist's consciousness is slowly dissolved within the Moon Cell and in the final moments their Servant comes back to keep them company until the end.

Jak 3

Damas' death. Veger you bastard.

Also the end of the Legend of Spyro trilogy if only because it was the end of the Spyro games and no more would be made, or so I thought at the time. Then Skylanders came out and I started crying for a totally different reason.

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Honestly, I tear up whenever I complete a game I got REALLY into. Less so if there's a lot to do in the aftergame but yeah. Specific examples include

[spoiler=Shovel Knight]

I cried my eyes out when Shield Knight curls up beside Shovel Knight in the ending. Tears of joy, but all the things before it made it seem like she wasn't coming back.

[spoiler=Persona 3 (info dump, seriously spoilers)]

DEAR GOD SO MANY THINGS. Highlights include Shinjiro's fate, Akihiko's reaction to that fate (i.e. also crying), Aigis in the bad ending, and the deep, and your main character dying with a smile as they sit in Aigis' lap, with Aigis oblivious to his passing and solumnly swearing to protect him forever. AND THEN THE CREDITS SONG. It sounds cheery, but the actual lyrics (in japanese) translate out to be a song about moving on after the death of a loved one...It kinda broke me for the rest of the day. Not to mention Akinari, aka the Sun Social link.

[spoiler=Persona 4(srs spoilers)]

Nanako's (temporary, but that doesn't lessen the impact) death. Also, before that, Nanako's dungeon, Heaven, is quite possibly the saddest one in the game, backed by the saddest dungeon theme in the game And the sad departure from Inaba at the end is pretty heartwrenching, what with all the friends youve met over the year chasing after your train to say goodbyes, but at least we know because of Persona 4 Arena that they meet again. Any scene involving Mystery Food X

These three stick out for sure.

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