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SFMafia's Greatest Hits - Day 6


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Since you play mafia elsewhere, pleading ignorance doesn't help. There's other tells 'sides that.

I know, never said I was good, I don't know how any of you play though, so I can't look and say that someone being cryptic is or isn't scummy.

My only concern is this bandwagon, which progressing faster than I thought it would.

##Unvote (Lord Gaius)

Just to make it easier for host, I put his name in.

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Their avatars are a tribute elsewhere. :P:

Anyway, airing what YOU think is cryptic/scummy is something that helps the entire game. I like looking at other people's logic.

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lol @ the thought of wagoning hannah and hannah ending up self hammering cuz of her role

@hannah when a player reaches l-2 (or they reach l-1 with your vote attached), would you mind staying off of that wagon so when said wagon inevitably reaches l-1 you can prove your role? i just wanna check all of our bases n shiz

My role? I'm a neighbor, I don't see what this has to do. Do you mean Lord Gaius the hammerer? Unless I've been thinking of 'neighbor' as wrong, I don't think I can self hammer from my role.

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holy shit @hannah @lord gaius one of you two are gonna have to change your avy's cuz im getting SERIOUSLY confused

Thought so lmao, sorry about that.

Hannah=Hanner=Hammer=Hammerer Totally legit.

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I already explained mancer so I'll skip over him.

@African, I really don't know what he's doing, so far he hasn't really addressed his jumping on the wagon. Ok never mind he posted, he seems to be going along with eclipse and putting more pressure on me.

@Weapons, I'm going to believe what eclipse has said about him about how that logic is cryptic. So I'm going to guess he's trying to put more pressure on me to reveal something?

@Dan, I'm pretty sure he's voting me because of my way too aggressive voting for him. I'll admit that my vote was definitely out of place then. Now I'm not too sure though with his I have never not been town, and how he still isn't saying much else still.

@Shinori, His logic is definitely much easier to follow. I do have to agree that the vote was forced and I should have just ended with either a no vote then. Honestly, I might have jumped on this wagon myself if it was someone else.

@Eclipse, You've got only a few to suspect as scum. Me, Dan, and Gaius. There was already a wagon on Dan so he'd probably be forced into saying something more. Gaius, I'm not too sure about why exactly you suspect him. I'll probably have to go back and look at the whole thread again too try and find out. That only leave me, who had recently went hyper aggressive with voting on Dan with a post that had little to go on. I was clearly the best choice for your vote and then it snowballed into a wagon as more people read through the thread.

Mancer is another person I suspect though.

Sorry about using suspect so much, I'm more used to Murder and TTT where we have suspects and murderers instead of scum.

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My role? I'm a neighbor, I don't see what this has to do. Do you mean Lord Gaius the hammerer? Unless I've been thinking of 'neighbor' as wrong, I don't think I can self hammer from my role.

el oh el

i got it now

@lord gaius when a player reaches l-2 (or they reach l-1 with your vote attached), would you mind staying off of that wagon so when said wagon inevitably reaches l-1 you can prove your role? i just wanna check all of our bases n shiz

and @zero since you seem to also think that dan is using his never having been town as a defense against his being scummy, maybe you can shed the light as far as how that is, like what i asked lord gaius to do last page :)

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- says the guy who had no hesitation about ending the phase early

I do what I do for my reads. Since I now have a better one for zero, it's on to the next on my list.

##Vote: Mancer

That was some pretty blatant wagon-hopping, and out of everyone, I think that was the worst vote on it.

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eclipse are you donning the first-wagon-so-probz-town robe or are you retracting your read on zero for actual legitimate reasons? if so plz do tell cuz his big post didnt help my read all that much.

or are you just applying pressure elsewhere while still maintaining a pseudo-position on zero's wagon?

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@African, It just kind of looks like a smokescreen only brought up to look like a defense. It feels forced, but that is probably because of how panicky he is.

I might unvote since the dandragon wagon doesn't seem like it will be going anywhere.

Also it's she not he.

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eclipse are you donning the first-wagon-so-probz-town robe or are you retracting your read on zero for actual legitimate reasons? if so plz do tell cuz his big post didnt help my read all that much.

or are you just applying pressure elsewhere while still maintaining a pseudo-position on zero's wagon?

I update my scumreads as the game goes on, and while I don't agree with every point zero has, it's better than the initial posts she had. I think Mancer's scummier at this point, which is why I moved my vote there. I like having interactions, so responses to what zero said, as well as how zero responds to people besides me will help my reads.

I also think there needs to be more people in here, but I can't force that!

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oh would you look at that genders are posted under avy's que interesante

"a smokescreen brought up only to look like a defense." i dont understand what this means in relation to his post or how it equates to scumminess, but id prefer to pursue this with gaius moreso than you atm.

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. . .but this is a reason why zero isn't completely off the scumdar:

@African, It just kind of looks like a smokescreen only brought up to look like a defense. It feels forced, but that is probably because of how panicky he is.

I might unvote since the dandragon wagon doesn't seem like it will be going anywhere.

zero's main focus is still on dandragon, and it took prodding to get something besides that (otherwise, I'd have a bunch of one-way associative reads). I also think unvoting just because the wagon's not going anywhere at this point is bad - there's still about 24 hours, and there's multiple people on that wagon, so it's not completely unviable.

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here is dandragon's post

the ONLY mention of his past experiences is in addition to his lack of wanting to claim. truth be told i dont understand why that needed to be added at all, but i dont understand how that's a defense in the case that he isnt scum. if youre seeing something that im not, please show me as if im six years old cuz its coming across as a hard reach atm.

you also failed to mention why his lack of confidence in calling somebody scummy makes him scummy, which seems like one of your points made in your #73

Sorry yo, no can do about the avatars.

I think he was being overly defensive, more so than just a townie would, and using an example of rolling town in past games as an attempt to prove himself being town in this game really stuck out to me. Also wrt the confidence shit, that in itself is more of a null tell, but he also says this right before claiming he found Zero scummy. They don't seem to coincide well.

Hannah imma get you started a bit. What do you think about Zero and Dandragon? Who would be the more likely scum of them.

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Hmmm, I have some reads, but I they would not bring about favorable lynch candidates for today's discussion. I am looking at lynching one of Zero/Dand because that would bring to fruition the most connections since nearly every player has had a thought on them in the game *Except Yolo/Omega who is MIA curently and I see you viewing*

Mancer lynch would yield little to no definite connections since the premise of it is "Inactivity+Sheepy vote" when honestly that whole Zero wagon could be attributed to sheep following Eclipse' "push" post.

@Eclipse: You have a wagon full of people who have followed you onto Zero, yet you switch the moment the lynch looks like a real deal to the inactive/back-up lynch. Why is that? Was Zero's post that good to take away your pressure? What exactly made her a "better read" for you to quote yourself?

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First, I got off the wagon when it hit L-2, because Gaius' role would auto-end the day phase, and someone throwing a careless vote/scum looking to end the phase could've done so right then and there.

I switched off because zero had reads, and those can be elaborated upon as the game goes. I don't like her logic, which I highlighted in a previous post. This was Mancer's one and only post:

My bad for not having posted at all, I wasn't aware that this game had started until I was prodded.

##Vote: zerosabers

Why are you more willing to vote an inactive player instead of trying to scum hunt in this game?

The first sentence has no bearing on my read, but the last one reads defensive, and the "trying to scum hunt in the game" also applies to Mancer. Since zero was already building, it also looks like bandwagoning (though whether that was Mancer's intent or not, I'll leave it up to him to explain). Hence the vote.

Also, irrelevant reads are better than no reads. I read backwards, and early reads build later cases.

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Wow, I'm as good as the guy whose role PM I got, when it comes to words.

"Later cases" can be something like "J suspected SB during D1, and thanks to some other role stuff, it makes more sense".

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I agree with the notion of early reads building later cases. But your reason for jumping off Zero is because she now posted reads? So let's say Mancer comes in and posts reads, that makes him okay in your book due to future profit?

I'm trying to figure out your game because I have quite a few theories regarding you.

@Gorf: Talk to me about Eclipse.

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What Mancer posts next will determine what I think of him.

While I'm waiting, other people will probably post (hopefully some of which will include zero), which in turn will help with my reads on everyone else. The more information I have, the better I can derive reads. Ideally, I'd have a giant network of comments where everyone's logic was paired with everyone else's logic, which in turn would tell me how they think, which would give me a very clear idea as to where to vote. Realistically, that isn't going to happen, so I'm trying to get as much out of people as possible. I can't do much with associative reads yet, but come D3 or so, it'll be a lot easier.

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@Elie: Probably it reads like forced effort without genuinely caring about the game because there wasn't anything for me to care about at that point. My post was indeed forced, but it was forced specifically because I wanted something to happen.

@eclipse: what's wrong with zerosabers being aggressive earlygame? Why is Mancer worse than Dand? You keep saying Dand is scummy but never really vote or pressure him because ____.

@African Amerigorf: pls post your entire reasons for voting zerosabers because I'm not seeing it at all, saying you agreed with eclipse is weird to me too because her attack on zerosabers seemed like a non-case to me.


##Vote: Dandragon

In his #46, he has more a reason to vote me than to vote Mancer but goes with the easy inactive vote instead. In #70 most of his post is spent being hyper-self-aware which is common play from newbscum finicky about being caught. ironically his assessment that he's being a follower is pretty on-point since both of his votes have been in places that already have backing from other voters

Not liking Weapons after his newer content; his posts have been WACKY but he's not really adding to the game. I don't see how Dandragon's overdefensiveness is town, at all, but Weapons isn't going to convince me otherwise since he's not actually trying to argue it! the eclipse vote is useless near deadline because a) nobody else was scumreading her b) his only case is meta in a game where most of the players aren't even familiar with eclipse's meta. Weapons if you're town I want actual content from you instead of the twitterposting because what you're posting is refuge in audacity shit that gets town to ignore you without you really pulling any weight in discussion (or, right now, votals).

We have about 24 hours left. dandragon's a good lynch. I'm not feeling the zerosabers wagon.

@J: What lynch are you leaning the most right now? If you prefer Zero/Dand lynches, who would you rather vote? Do you have a read on Weapons?

You keep poking at eclipse, but I can't tell if you actually suspect her or are just trying to get more out of her. If you think she's D1 SCUMMY and are comfortable elaborating at this point then a case would be cool (I don't see scum intent in her posts but I've found her priorities kind of wonky).

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I'm really feeling like more than half of African's posts are shit posts.

i guess my vote was more cryptic than i thought it came across as, but i very much support your reasoning behind voting zero:

i just kinda didnt have anything else to add on top of this, which is why i didnt have anything more to say. the pressure's deserved.

And this is kind of bad imo. You basically say you voted zero cause of Eclipse reasoning, which is fine and I can understand that. Going "I like this reasoning" And voting is generally pretty understandable. But the way you dropped your vote doesn't really imply anything at all. You just kind of vote. And after that I'm having a hard time deciphering what posts by yours even matter fucking reading. There's not much info or anything there at all nor is there really any semblance of scum hunting honestly. You haven't really been applying pressure or questioning people for the most part and as I stated earlier it seems the majority of these posts are shit posts. I really don't like Gorf at the moment.

I'm still not a fan of Zerosabers at the moment but I feel like Gorf is a bigger fish to fry personally.


##Vote: African

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