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TheMoniker struggles through GhebFE


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Whaaaaat. Seriously? How would anyone know that?

Whatever. We still get the member card no matter what, so he's not getting recruited. Sorry guys!

There you are


Also, do you know that McCartney can promote right? And you are going to be surprised by the secret characters if you continue after the last chapter. Last thing is that i think your Ewan is not going to promote to 3 tier, because druids can not promote, at least i weren´t able to promote druids, so i always turn him into a summoner.

You assume too much of this hack's creator.

Well, everything that he wrote on the Readme or in GameFaqs were right and tested by myself, at least everything in Glass´s route and after that, because I finished the game and Valni Tower and Lagdou Ruins.

Despite all of that, I had some issues, for example, I promoted Gerik to Ranger and I couldn´t get him to 3 Tier, and the same with Novala and Summoner, don´t know if that is going to happend with Moniker´s Amelia too. Despite of this, all the other units got their 3 tier.

Also, there was a issue with Renault and Caellach promotion, they couldn´t had Rank S in any weapon, don´t know why.

PS: Sorry for my bad english.

Edited by The Exaccus
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Moniker Sanity Index: Very happy, for he got a promotion item windfall. PSA: Kids, the Warp staff is not in Tellius, Someone here must have cast Rescue to drag Ike over here, and glitch him up to boot.

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A text-to-speech program? Hmmm... I might mess around with it, now that you've mentioned it. I'll tell you all if I think it's amazing enough for any sort of permanent thing.

I was moreover suggesting this for the viewers at home, but if you really want to you can try. I wouldn't say it's worth the time, though, as there aren't a ton of well-workable TTS services. It would just add more time to update production. However, if enough people are interested I am willing to put something out.

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Sorry to make you all wait so long. Hectic IRL schedule and all that. Let's finish what could be described as "Act 2" of this LP!

There you are

Also, do you know that McCartney can promote right? And you are going to be surprised by the secret characters if you continue after the last chapter. Last thing is that i think your Ewan is not going to promote to 3 tier, because druids can not promote, at least i weren´t able to promote druids, so i always turn him into a summoner.

Well, everything that he wrote on the Readme or in GameFaqs were right and tested by myself, at least everything in Glass´s route and after that, because I finished the game and Valni Tower and Lagdou Ruins.

Despite all of that, I had some issues, for example, I promoted Gerik to Ranger and I couldn´t get him to 3 Tier, and the same with Novala and Summoner, don´t know if that is going to happend with Moniker´s Amelia too. Despite of this, all the other units got their 3 tier.

Also, there was a issue with Renault and Caellach promotion, they couldn´t had Rank S in any weapon, don´t know why.

PS: Sorry for my bad english.

McCartney can promote? Good to know. And yes, I do plan on doing the Tower of Valni and Lagdou Ruins much later on. And I seriously hope you're wrong about promotion and the others saying that Tier 3s are given to all classes are right.

I was moreover suggesting this for the viewers at home, but if you really want to you can try. I wouldn't say it's worth the time, though, as there aren't a ton of well-workable TTS services. It would just add more time to update production. However, if enough people are interested I am willing to put something out.

Yeah, I'm already short enough on time as it is... All you viewers out there! Tell Forceman here, would you be interested in a voice-acting automated system thing for the LP?

Time to cringe in...

Gheb's Route Conclusion!


This is what happened last time.


And now, we join Ismaire and Joshua down below!


Joshua: Nice seeing you.

Ephraim: Before we do that… where’s the Sacred Stone.

Ismaire: What? What do you need my stone for? Why do you want to kill me?


Ismaire: Why!?


Joshua: Lady, I’m not your son, you see. And, Gleb changed his mind about you. Eh, no, Ephy here changed his mind.

Ephraim: That I did, yes.

Ismaire: You people are… HELP!

Joshua: Come now, lady, no screaming. Lemme help you here.


Joshua slaps Ismaire. It doesn't even come close to killing her.


Joshua: Ain’t that ironic though.

Ephraim: What is it?


Sacred Stone! Gleb's power is now slightly less inhibited, apparently.


Joshua: And she’s a crazy bitch too. Claiming to be my mother, pfeeh. Cougar bitch…

Come on, Joshua!


And then we cut away.


Suddenly, Batta is relevant again! And he asks a very good question!


Gheb: we embarked on a route to kill Valta, right? Along the way, we found more and more info about the crap-walkers and the dope. We thought this was their HQ.

We got maybe just a LITTLE BIT sidetracked on the whole "killing Valter" deal.

Batta: I see no dope here.

Gheb: That is quite true.

Batta: This place does seem fucking familiar though…

Gheb: Nevermind that crap… PROSTITUTE!


L’arachel: cuz if you were… I will…

Gheb: WHORE! No talking! Answer this though. Isn’t this the place that had the dope?

L’arachel: Ack, uh, um… You see that throne over there? Beautiful Ismaire was supposed to be there. Where is she?

Gheb: How the douche am I supposed to know? What does she do anyway?

L’arachel: Um,


The white one? Is that Gleb? But why would Joshua and Ephraim kill her if she was contacting Gleb?


Oh, so the White One is the leader of the drug dealing operation? I kind of doubt their alignment is anything better than neutral, then.

Gheb: Ah… Why are we not looking for her then? Let’s go!

L’arachel: Aiee! Ok…



The others exit, when Lyon tps in as an enemy unit!


Gheb: Zuh!? Lyon! I almost crapped myself! What is it?

Lyon: I just wanted to ask of you… remember why you started this… and, thank you.

Gheb: Huh?


Lyon: anyway, let’s keep looking for this dope. I feel…


Dope = answer many questions I have about myself...


Gheb: Lyon, you’re making no sense now.



Lyon: Hehe, I’ll just leave now. It’s just been a while since we talked.

Gheb: So you do want buttsecks. Later, later.


And once again, the story is made worse by FE8 eventing workarounds.


Gheb: Oh, yeah. I will, move along, ho.


Come on! That hit from Joshua did like 10 damage, tops!

Gheb: Whah…

Ismaire: Who… Who is it?

L’arachel: Ismaire, it’s me, L’arachel.

Ismaire: Oh, of the Circus… yes…

L’arachel: Teehee, yes. Now, who did this?

Ismaire: Joshua and Ephraim… it hurts so much…


Ismaire: Yes… he was…

L’arachel: Oh my.

Gheb: What are you whores talking about?

L’arachel: Shh, wait. Why did they do this?

Ismaire: I… have no idea…

L’arachel: You just need some rest, milady. Teehee.

Ismaire: Now, who are the rest of these people.

L’arachel: Oh, I’m with them now.

Ismaire: Are they here to hurt me?

L’arachel: No, no. They just wanted to ask you something.


GHEB! You're ruining this sad moment!

Oh who am I kidding. This hack can't put on any type of moment but forced not-actually-funny hilarity while Gheb's around.

Gheb: You don’t look too good. Anyway… There’s this dope that this Gleb douche uses to make some walking crap… Where can I get it?

Ismaire: Where did you get… ow… such… convulted information…?

Yeah, I wouldn't be at all surprised if Gheb's Route was useless because everything we learned was wrong somehow.

Gheb: You don’t understand me, whore?

Ismaire: I… I do… yes…


Gheb: Really…? Then we must follow him!

Ismaire: Not so loud please…

L’arachel: Will you be okay Lady Ismaire?


Is she REALLY going to be okay? The cutscene with Joshua and this one don't really not-contradict...

Ismaire: Now… fat one.

Gheb: I have a name, whore. It’s Gheb!

Ismaire: Oh, yes. Gheb one.


Oh, I almost forgot! Legendaries!

Gheb: Lol, huh? An axe and a book?

Ismaire: L’arachel… make sure those go to their rightful hands.

L’arachel: Sure.

Batta: Wait one fucking second! I’ve seen you before!

Ismaire: Hmm?


Batta: This was the place!

Wait, what? Was there some mention earlier of a portal that took all the FE7 characters here?

Ismaire: Oh?

Batta: Fuck. I knew it. What do you know of that portal?

Gheb: Wait, what?


Thank you, Batta!




Ismaire: I… know nothing. But Ephraim sure knows.

Batta: That fucker… fat turd! Let’s go, NAO! I gotta kill that motherfucka!

Gheb: Of course we will!

L’arachel: My… sometimes I feel


That's because they ARE so, so wrong!

Ismaire: I don’t doubt it. Take care please, and kill them all.

L’arachel: Yes, turn them into lovely deadlies, teehee!


Well... at least they're strong, right?


They get deposited in Batta's inventory, letting us see them both. They look relatively normal, except that Rexcalibur is awesome and the Sodomizer isn't that great. So not actually that normal.


The hacks misspelling is worse than usual.


Batta: I know. They all must die.

L’arachel: I don’t care one bit about all that. I just wanna turn them into cute, little deadlies for my collection, teehee!!

Kiwi: *text skip* of the earth, schmexyness. As long as there is no water for Kiwi to sink in,


Kiwi seems way too loyal.

Gheb: Fuck yeah!


I kind of always wondered how exactly a fire would consume a palace that seems to be made out of stone and brick. From the outside, it looks like an entirely inflammable egyptian temple! Maybe I'm being stupid, but it seems like it would be hard to damage this palace if you didn't spread oil everywhere first!

Gheb: Fuck! I’m not immune to fire!

His fat would burn!


The lack of Ismaire's departure tells me she is indeed dead.

Gheb: Not one scratch or burn. Everyone in my posse okay, right? About the fire, don’t even bother, we’re not coming back.

And we just totally forgot about her.


Gheb: Wut?

Messenger: They will be here in minus 40 minutes!

Gheb: Shit! Oh well, this is what I’m used to. TO WAR!


And on that here-we-go again note, we are finally, finally, finally, finally, FINALLY, FINALLY, FINALLY, FIN-AL-FRIGGIN-LY DONE with Gheb's route!


Do I even need to say anything about what I thought of that whole debacle? I don't think I do. We can only hope Glass's route is better, though I doubt it.

FINAL STATS(Gheb's Route):


Gheb himself. I maxed him early on, and by the end everyone else caught up and he wasn't that great. Still, as a giant meatshield he was never particularly fragile.


Colm! I was waiting on a master seal. Overall, he's not a bad thief, though with the enemy's stats as they are he doesn't have that much combat potential.


Lyon! He was almost ready for T3-age, though I'm not sure if that would have fixed him. He was never, at any point, useful for anything other than a constant stream of disposable Phantoms.


Moulder, due to his crazy fast leveling, took over as one of the best members of the team. I hope we'll get to see his T3 in the future.


Amelia became simply amazing as an all-around unit. She was good at all points of the game.


Gerik feels kind of like a worse Amelia, looking at him now. Still, I think he could be good with more training.


I feared Denning would become a master of none. Instead, he became a master of all. He has good EVERYTHING, with absolutely no weaknesses. I can't wait to see what he turns into as a T3.


Kiwi was always a dependable giant tank who could fight enemies if need be. Still, he ended up dying because I overestimated his survivability.


Ewan doesn't look that amazing, but keep in mind he's only 3-5 levels away from capping all stats. You guys already know my feelings of immense affection towards this beautiful, beautiful unit.


L'Arachel came late and at a low level. She's still in training, but I see real potential.


I'm using Lucius next run.


Glen got his promotion late, and I'm not sure if he has a future outside of flier utility. However, he isn't a bad unit in the slightest, at least right now.


Cormag was useful early on, but less so as time went by. I want him to be a paladin, but I never had time to get the promotion item he desperately needed to him.


Selena was a glass cannon, plain and simple. She won't be able to capitalize on it until I make her into a Sage, to take advantage of that speed, skill, and magic.


Batta badly needed promotion. Still, he was never particularly great at any point in the game. We'll have to wait and see his future...

I do look forward to not having to deal with Gheb, but I do NOT look forward to having to deal with all my units being massively de-powered. I expect the first few chapters to be difficult for me as I get re-adjusted to everyone being crappy and unable to beat an individual enemy on their own.

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Woohoo! We're finished with this crap- Wait, it isn't over? ...o-oh. Nevermind.

I wonder how much hell you'll find on Glass' route then. Hopefully it won't be too terrible. We can dream, right?

Edited by MidoriMage
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McCartney can promote? Good to know. And yes, I do plan on doing the Tower of Valni and Lagdou Ruins much later on. And I seriously hope you're wrong about promotion and the others saying that Tier 3s are given to all classes are right.

Yes, he can promote, at least one time but I don´t think that he can promote twice. There is his promotion if you want to see it.


Also, I´ve started to play again GhebFE and I´m on chapter 16 on Glass´s route and on chapter 11 on Gheb´s route and sorry, but I´ve confirmed that druids can´t promote, I´ve tried with Novala and Ephidel because i can´t promote Ewan because he is already 3 tier. If you try to promote druids with a guiding ring this happends:


Black screen and then....


You can continue with the game, even try to use the guiding ring again, but they won´t promote. (I got Novala images too, but he was equipped with a sacred weapon, so i didn´t put in here).

One more thing, I think that bishops and rangers can´t promote too, will have to check it.

If there is something more that you want from me to check, tell me, I´ve time to check these things.

Edited by The Exaccus
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Yes, he can promote, at least one time but I don´t think that he can promote twice. There is his promotion if you want to see it.

Also, I´ve started to play again GhebFE and I´m on chapter 16 on Glass´s route and on chapter 11 on Gheb´s route and sorry, but I´ve confirmed that druids can´t promote, at least with a guiding ring, I´ve tried with Novala and Ephidel because i can´t promote Ewan because he is already 3 tier. If you try to promote druids with a guiding ring this happends:

If there is something more that you want from me to check, tell me, I´ve time to check these things.

wow thats some professional hack coding...(sarcasm)

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Sorry again about all the waiting, guys. Man, my consistent update schedule is in absolute shreds. It should get better once I finish Bloodlines.

Woohoo! We're finished with this crap- Wait, it isn't over? ...o-oh. Nevermind.

I wonder how much hell you'll find on Glass' route then. Hopefully it won't be too terrible. We can dream, right?

We can indeed dream...

Yes, he can promote, at least one time but I don´t think that he can promote twice. There is his promotion if you want to see it.


Also, I´ve started to play again GhebFE and I´m on chapter 16 on Glass´s route and on chapter 11 on Gheb´s route and sorry, but I´ve confirmed that druids can´t promote, I´ve tried with Novala and Ephidel because i can´t promote Ewan because he is already 3 tier. If you try to promote druids with a guiding ring this happends:


Black screen and then....


You can continue with the game, even try to use the guiding ring again, but they won´t promote. (I got Novala images too, but he was equipped with a sacred weapon, so i didn´t put in here).

One more thing, I think that bishops and rangers can´t promote too, will have to check it.

If there is something more that you want from me to check, tell me, I´ve time to check these things.

McCartney's promotion is pretty cool, but Ewan's not-promotion kills my soul. WHY!? WHY DID I NOT MAKE HIM A SUMMONER? WHY CRUEL, CRUEL MAKER OF THIS HACK!?

Time to cringe in...



I don't understand! "Six change"?


Loading a very old savestate... what would have happened if we went with the other option?


We're certainly going to find out.


Glass: Loli!

Amelia: Gheb wants us to go with you. He’s taking Kiwi’s army.


Glass: Hehehe.

This could not possibly have gotten off to a worse start.


But, at least we're separated from Gheb!


Are we fighting Eghb again? Will ALL the bosses be the same?


Woohoo! I find Arena abuse easier, though. And more profitable.

Moving on!

N: Gheb heads east, taking Kiwi’s


Actually, he takes them to Jehanna. But we don't want to bother ourselves with that!

N: Glass decides to go en route to devastating Grado. with his peerless skillz.


The dialogue seems a fair bit shorter this time around, which is definitely a good thing.


Villain checkup! Thing is, it's the same as the one on Gheb's route, until...


Duessel: When is the next manly man meeting?

Ephraim: Why do you want to worry about that now? Just go fetch Glass. Go!

Duessel: Right away…

How meaningful.



Moniker's expectations of slight relief from the pain that was Gheb's route have disappeared!


Here we are, and it looks like McCartney again replaces Amelia! And is that... Kiwi?


Enemy: We found this douche spying outside!


Kiwi: Kiwi’s head…


What does that even MEAN?

Kiwi: Ack!!

Enemy: I’ll go lock him in a cell…


I honestly wonder if Kiwi is still going to be the "competent ally general person" he was in Gheb's route. I mean, he got himself captured right off the bat...


Glass: Heheh… I remember… Where the hell is Kiwi?


Glass: What? Damn… figures… Leave it to him to gospying on a fort with all that armor… But still. Kiwi’s damn tough…


Yeah, he was supposed to be good!

Renault: Probably…


Charge in!


Offscreen enemy: Commander Glass is here!

Enemy: Crap…


Enemy: Yes sir… He’s here.

Eghb: Blafergahst!! Arkanomaghest Gleb!!

I still can't understand what he's saying.

Enemy: Right away!


McCartney: Can I go now?



McCartney: I’ll take that as a yes… I better take my time…


McCartney: Egg has let me go…

Enemy: … I’m watching you…




Here we are! This chapter isn't THAT tough, mostly because we're pressing forward rather than getting swarmed on all sides, but it is NOT going to be an easy chapter to help me level my units back up to par. In fact, I doubt any of the chapters will be easy. I'll be shocked if we get ANY breaks from this nightmare.


The team! Since the promise of Lucius lies ahead, Riev is dropped forever. I think my character choices are going to be a lot better on Glass's route, honestly.


Positioning! Note that the maker kindly put McCartney right next to us.


Looks like the same screenshot? It's not. Focus your attention on the upper right!


Kiwi: Kiwi is in pain… is this how pain feels like? Za Warudo…? That really hurt Kiwi…


The map! This will not be a short or easy chapter, as I said.



McCartney and Kiwi are their normal selves, but Kiwi has no items, which is aggravating. It also means we get no Bob, so if you were looking for that as a source of 7.5k... too bad.


In normal FE8, we get a mage next to Tana. Here we get this. Yeah, Kiwi isn't gonna move.


As expected we have key drops, but a few interesting ones with it.




Once again, EGHB! I must eliminate him, and preserve this portion of the LP as a Gheb-free zone!

NEXT TIME: Trying to eliminate Eghb, and instead shoving myself through that one stupid friggin corridor in the center

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  • 2 weeks later...

Uh, really sorry for making you wait a week and a half... You're forgiving people, right?




ZA WARUDO Is from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and it's how the antagonist of part 3 pronounces "The World".

Weird... it doesn't even make sense! In GhebFE, that is.

It seems that your Riev has been screwed over harshly. Take a look at mine.


Judging by the growths I showed close to the beginning of this nightmare, it seems like yours is blessed amazingly. Or it would be, if the link wasn't broken.

What happened?

IRL stuff and scheduling conflicts, not to mention laziness. But hey! I'm getting things back on track!

GhebFE: Episode 17: Chapter 9: Part 1: Everyone is SO WEAK


I guess I'm a "piece".


Get on the team! We need you, Amelia replacement!


McCartney: Um…

Glass: McCartney the Brave!! Where the hell have you been?

McCartney: With family?

Glass: Well, there could’ve been no better time. Let’s go.


Okay, that's done.

...Am I proceeding too quickly? Okay, so, just a reminder of our situation: We're just starting Glass's route, Kiwi is trapped in a cell up top, all of our allies are de-powered back to Eirika-end levels, and the enemies are still super strong.


I'm interested in seeing if Glass can match up to Gheb as lord.


In FE8, it was a mage. Here, it's a Sage. We can move EVEN LESS.


This isn't a good start, Lyon.


What? ALREADY? Well, this is probably the safest place for him to be...

(He might have dodged it, I forget)


Man, we just started advancing into the fort and already have cavaliers headed our way!


Before moving forward, I'd like to give a big shout-out to Ewan here! He's the only unit in the army that's actually GOOD right now, so he basically did everything the entire chapter. He carried our team!


Basically, everyone did something helpful this chapter. It was horrible, and I'm remembering why I hate this hack.


The difficulty is INSANE, and kind of unfair. Were sleep staves here in the original game?


Stupid short bows! These archers are AGGRAVATING!


I let Selena go ahead with that attack. Bad decision.


Ewan realizes that despite his speed, enemies can still damage him. He sets out to fix that.


Mooving, a "Luna" that is a lance.


Selena has no time for this!


Shamans come to join the cavaliers I'm dealing with already! Agh! And we haven't even gotten to the hard part yet!


All-around good levels. I have no further comments.






Wha-MOULDER! In Gheb's route you had stats capped! Here, THERE IS NO EXCUSE!

(Then again, Moulder's luck growth is his lowest. Did his luck growth steal... all the luck?)




Great! We'll need it for...


...the hard part.


I make sure everything's ready before opening that terrible, terrible door.

Okay, let me explain why this part is hard. You have to advance through a long corridor, while smashing through physical enemies and being pelted with magic and arrows from both sides. Since we don't have many tanky units, getting people through alive will be VERY difficult.


I also accidentally do a support. Oh well.


Not helping, cavaliers!


This arguably helps even less!


Glass, please show them how it's done, instead of being just less terrible!


Did I mention the physical units in our way are getting healed? Because they are.


I'm already having problems, and I haven't started moving forward yet!


Okay, this Sage is a MASSIVE problem. He is quite capable of one-rounding a good portion of our units, and we have nobody who can deal good damage to him.


Ewan on the job! Seriously, these stats are the best it gets...


Didn't mean to let him get attacked, but at least he's safe.




Ewan maxes skill! As if there was any doubt about how skilled he is.


Oh come on! I was hoping that would miss...

*sigh* Reset!


Phew. Good job not dying, Amelia.


This is where things get difficult. The sage somehow managed to position himself in a side corridor. The physical units are mostly gone, but the magic and archers mean that NOWHERE IS SAFE.

But I'll find a way...!




This doesn't excuse your previous level.


Whenever I get an enemy's HP down, they just get healed! Agh! This is so FRUSTRATING! The corridor is too big to just charge through!


Ah hah... that could've been bad...



If our units are ever going to be strong again, I hope for better than this!


It's a miracle!


Ewan has actually been doing a BAD job with his growths. And he's still almost maxed out.


Well, we're having cavalier problems...


But at the very least, we've mostly forced our way through that hellish corridor! We just need to rescue Kiwi and kill the last few enemies.


I relied too much on the Lightning swords this chapter. Now I need to buy more.


Archers gone!


That just leaves you, Sage! And now you're cornered! The healer won't save you forever!


Okay, even with the bad levels, things are looking up!


Let's go grab Kiwi!


Man, Phantom was in a survivalist mood today!

(And then he got doubled and died anyway)


I gave you the Lightning S. SPECIFICALLY so you would dodge that!


Oh come ON!


Okay! Okay. The sage is cornered. Finally... I shall have my revenge... in the next update!

NEXT TIME: Will cavaliers come? Will they once again put me on the edge of insanity? What will the chests contain? WILL THEY HAVE BOB?

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