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FE11 H5 0% growths, with commentary (complete)

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Chapter 11 is completed in 3 turns, chapter 12 in 2 turns, and chapter 13 in 2 turns.

Chapter information

Chapter 11 notes
New characters
Whereas Merric is the steward of Excalibur, Linde is the stewardess of Aura. Aura is stronger than Excalibur but lacks vulnerable targets or a base crit, so its use is limited to doing chip damage. Linde is a lot like Jeorge if Jeorge had less mov, less hit, and no chance at surviving any attack.
It’s somewhat surprising that the first game in the series featured the ballistician class, which has not returned in any FE game since except for this remake and as DLC for FE14. Maybe it’s not so surprising - ballisticians are dedicated long-range attackers, which opens up a lot of potential for lameness because they attack with basically zero risk. Jake’s base stats leave much to be desired, but that’s nothing that can’t be fixed with an ample forge on his weapons.
Chapter 12 notes
New characters
argh these guys don’t even join with weapons to sell
Personal bases: 0 HP | 0 str | 1 mag | 5 skl | 6 spd | 4 luk | 2 def | 1 res | tomes 135, staves 45
Okay, an actual unit. Boah is essentially Wendell +/- stats. He can use both Warp and Excalibur and is slightly better at doing so because he can do both at the same time and his base mag is 1 point higher than Wendell’s. However, Boah’s base spd is 2 points lower, so he’s less useful in other classes.
Midia’s base stats are a tiny bit better than Jagen’s 11 chapters later in the game. They’re not nearly good enough to be significantly useful, and Jagen has A rank lances by now while Midia does not.
Chapter 13 notes
New characters
Beck is strictly better than Jake. That doesn’t really matter because it’s often beneficial to deploy both ballisticians at once. Beck is not quite the stud that Jake is, so Jake can potentially get more +hit supports with female units while Beck can only get +hit from Marth.
Astram is canonically the best mercenary in all of Archanea (or was that in FE12 again?). Actually, his base stats are almost identical to those of Ogma, with the only difference being their promotion tiers. As a promoted unit with a good sword rank, Astram is situationally useful.
Mechanics notes
Whoa! There are supports in the game! I bet that you wouldn’t know that if I didn’t tell you or if you didn’t read it somewhere else already. We’ve probably unconsciously utilized supports in this playthrough already, but this chapter is the first deliberate instance in which we arrange units to get support bonuses.
FE11 has supports but no support conversations. Its support system is like a cross between that of FE5 and of FE9: support bonuses are the same for every pair of units, and they grow based on the number of chapters of shared deployment. Supports may or may not be reciprocal in this game; for example, Marth and Caeda give support bonuses to each other, but Marth gives support bonuses to Jagen while Jagen does not give any to Marth. There is also no upper limit to the maximum number of a supports that a unit can have active.
Midia starts with an automatic C support from Astram. After 8 chapters of shared deployment, that will become an A support. With everyone else on this chart, Midia can only receive a maximum of a B support after 10 chapters of shared deployment since 35 points is impossible to reach.
There are 3 arbitrarily designated “levels” of support:
  • C level: +5 hit, +5 avo
  • B level: +10 hit, +10 avo
  • A level: +10 hit, +10 avo, +5 crit, +5 cev
Dodging enemy attacks is incredibly unreliable in this game aside from extraordinary circumstances, so typically we will employ supports to slightly boost hit rates and to increase the chances of success of certain strategies. It helps that Marth gives support bonuses to a ton of units in this game.
One final note: for some reason, the game doesn’t display support bonuses in a unit’s stat page. So unless you pay close attention to discrepancies in hit rates in the battle summary window, it’s really easy to remain oblivious to the existence of the support mechanic in this game.

Forge names courtesy of HutchMcDavish and Eastern-Eagle.
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So much for my predictions, I probably should have counted warp uses that would be neccessary on Chapter 11 before theorying 12.

Using Astram as a bosskiller to save warp uses is neat, it's been a while since I played this map so I didn't realise his starting position was in range of the boss.

Edited by Irysa
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Chapter 14 is completed in 6 turns.

Chapter information

New characters
Player unit base stats do not tend to get better as the game progresses, but the elder Whitewings sisters are an exception. Catria and Palla boast high base spd in conjunction with decent base HP and def, a combination that is rare among class set A units. Palla also has a great base lance rank on top of a decent base str.
Their only issue is that they start some levels away from promotion - Catria more so than Palla.

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When Palla attacked the Archer on the last turn you almost got my hopes up of her being trained to a promotion but then I realised you were probably doing it to anti-rig a crit on the boss. :(

I'm surprised you didn't comment on the Dragonpike she brings beacuse I would have thought that would be somewhat useful later on.

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Bridge Keys can also be used to lower bridges. Although, it's pretty easy to forget about them since they're only available at the chapter 10 vendor (and are kinda pricey at 900G). I actually like the drawbridge mechanic even if FE11 uses it badly.

According to my notes, the silver sword thief goes for the bullion chest, but generously leaves the silver card chest untouched. Meanwhile, the vulnerary thief wants to smash the thoron village even though he's like a million light years away. This game really has some questionable thief placement.

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I saw some of dondon's streams so I know who does or doesn't promote... but I can't talk about it due to a blood pact. In fact, I probably shouldn't have even mentioned the bl---

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Chapters 15 and 16 are completed in 2 and 5 turns, respectively.

Chapter information

Chapter 16 notes

New characters


Samson gets a lot of flak for being a L10 promoted unit with disproportionately awful base stats. However, he is a hero of this run in a way, because he is this game’s only axe user who is neither doubled by the chapter 21 boss nor doubled by chapter 18 horsemen.

Visiting the other village in this map will net the player Arran instead of Samson. Arran is a paladin with equally disappointing personal bases. Without the Boots, it takes Marth an extra turn to reach Arran’s village, so we kind of have to go with Samson by default.


Xane belongs to an interesting class that has not returned to the series outside of the Archanea games. Xane can imitate any ally to whom he is adjacent and assumes that unit’s form for 5 turns. He temporarily gains all of the abilities (e.g., class, stats, weapon ranks) of that character when transformed - with some exceptions; for example, Xane cannot seize when imitating Marth.

Xane’s problem is that he requires a turn to transform, but most chapters in the game from this point on can be cleared in 1 turn. However, in longer chapters, Xane finds utility in replicating an appropriate character to fulfill a particular task.

Forge name courtesy of HutchMcDavish.

Edited by dondon151
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i think he might have messed up with saying a word (because i do that sometimes) and it compounded with spotty audio quality from the skype call

but regardless even if i have no idea what he actually said

i know what he meant

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did you call samson samus

okay no you didn't but still


samson arran

also if fe11 had a dancer would xane be slightly more useful here

also seriously what did he say i

it sounded like


Edited by maybe
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If Xane!Marth could seize and visit villages (but not open chests, it's not like he has the Fire Emblem or anything), that would be the best. It wouldn't even break the game, it would just let Marth get EXP on his own without being railroaded everywhere and let you get inconveniently placed villages.

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i said "samson's" which sounds like "samus"

yeah i noticed after that

but then i realized samson arran samus aran woa

are they both secretly intergalactic bounty hunters

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The lack of Akaneian Metroids to siphon DNA from is clearly the reason why Arran isn't your recruited unit in this chapter

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