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[Battle FE13] Losers Round 2: Elieson vs Espinosa


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Well I posted the right stats before the match started, so it was all fair.

GG, thanks to Horace and Baldrick both for hosting. The outcome of the battle was more or less a coin flip, yet again.

I didn't expect I'd make a comeback after I lost two of my units so easily without doing much to Elieson's team, but I guess Vengeance/Lifetaker stuff matters a lot in the endgame and these turns often turn out decisive.

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Elie probably Forseti'd you the turn he did because if Tharja really did have 41 speed Aversa would have doubled and likely had killed her.

Regardless, I don't think it actually affected the match too much, although it was unfourtunate.

The -2 speed was precisely why I submitted Forseti

The Def/Res discrepensies also mattered as I tried to play against your Pavise and Vengeance, so numbers were all over the place with the original numbers

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I don't think Elie really had any better options at that point regardless, I wouldn't say it won you the game. He could have Yolo'd with Gangrel or something but that's pretty risky.

Edited by General Horace
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I looked here instead of here and miscalc'd.

Still was a very tight match. Any slip up, as you can see, can quickly turn an entire game around.

Had I hit with Forseti on the OP's stats, things might've been different as I'd have hit for 23*2 (46) and potentially had a Vengeance boost in there. If Vengeance had activated, it would've dealt well, KO damage. If vengeance didn't activate, then Tharja would've been stuck at 2/80, meaning a next turn Lifetaker would've healed for 40 and given him 42/80 instead of 58/80 HP. If Vengeance did activate, then game would've ended.

Aversa!Celica's Gale on the next turn would've had 9+37*2 of damage, or could've gone for another Micaiah's for 17+37 for a more reliable KO, only begging for a single vengeance proc.

Brave Axe Gangrel could hit for 24*2 at 74%, which would've of course had to get around Pavise, but had to dodge a smaller proc rate and true hit of whatever 74% is.

My chances were still shoddy but it was all I had at the time. It would've hinged on what Espi wanted to take a chance against (probably resulting in him still killing Aversa, but with me having the final *deciding play* instead of him.

Edited by Elieson
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I guess no one uses forged armorslayers... Though in Espinosa's case, gambling on a Luna Brave Bow was the better move even if he did have one.

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Well, I think twice about all my moves. Hammers are still probably the best way to deal with Generals, other than magic.

It's like nobody even needs Chrom anymore!

I don't use Chrom anymore, after realizing that I don't proc stuff very often.

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Chrom is harder to double, but any assassin with a positive speed modifier can quad him. Still, bow breaker and aegis make such things less reliable, but if you have a counter-breaker, he can suffer some severe damage he can't counter. And, again, you need to be lucky from Chrom to realize his full potential, and for some people, that just doesn't work. That's why I used Nin's anti-assassin strategy, it was very reliable.

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Yeah that's wjat I don't like about Chrom, he's an average unit with a good pack of offensive skills, he'll only kill if you proc some HAX, eitherway he's just meh. It is true that this may apply to many units, but we've seen one shots ultimately without skills.

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