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Unnecessary Units

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[Obligatory Awakening SpotPass characters.]

Other than that, Gareth and Nasir abruptly showing up at the end of Radiant Dawn stands out, especially since they're both useless in the subsequent final levels.

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Other than that, Gareth and Nasir abruptly showing up at the end of Radiant Dawn stands out, especially since they're both useless in the subsequent final levels.

uhhh their aura abilities mean the difference between obliterating ashera's auras and gumming away at them

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Lyre, probably. Astrid/Fiona/Meg provide useful skills for others to use.

[Obligatory Awakening SpotPass characters.]

Other than that, Gareth and Nasir abruptly showing up at the end of Radiant Dawn stands out, especially since they're both useless in the subsequent final levels.

Gareth and Nasir are both very useful due to Blood Tide and White Pool.

What are some units that you think are unnecessary? For an example, I think Vaida should've just been a boss, it really makes no since to have her playable.

Vaida is an amazing prepromote and probably my favorite character in the whole of FE7.

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FE11 and FE12 casts. A lot of them are caught between not being able to catch up and not being able to contribute, so they become a glorified inventory filling figures

The Knights of FE6 was like hilariously pointless as well. Their base is shit, their growth is pretty shit, and they don't do anything cool. At least with Treck and Noah you can say they are a horsie with somewhat early jointime or something

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Any character split where one character is widely considered superior to the other.

The Shadow Dragon gaiden characters. For that matter, most low-level unpromoted units beyond the first three chapters.

Any Est character whose name isn't Tiltyu, Sara or Zeiss.

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I mean, given the nature of how Fire Emblem works (juggernaut > army), the vast majority of units in any given game are completely unnecessary. It is really up to the player to decide whether they want to actually use any given non-mandatory unit or not, or spare them from combat entirely.

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Leteena from Tear Ring Saga.

Leteena is a possible character in one of those situations were characters are mutually exclusive to each other. If you get her, you can't get Rebecca.

However, in a game were even the crappy Est character has abilities entirely unique to her, Leteena... does not. She does not really do anything better then Rebecca. If anything, she is worse since she doesn't start out with the rare Summon ability. She has Elite but since she is limited to staffs, it doesn't really help in improving her performance.

So why Is Leteena the one I consider unnecessary and not Rebecca despite their abilities being nearly identical? Well, Leteena has really crazy requirements, requirements who are both impossible to find out by yourself and really difficult to perform even if you actually know what you have to do. Not only that, but it's likely that she will actually leave shortly after getting her. And she might even take another character with her, a character who basically has to be one of your strongest units in order to meet the requirements to unlock her in the first place. Yeah, I'd rather just take Rebecca.

Edited by BrightBow
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The entirity of the FE8 cast other than Seth

Isadora. By the point when you get her, its already too late to make her useful and you most likely already have at least one paladin that's far better. At least she comes with an angelic robe.

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Probably Karla, she's really not worth the trouble of getting her. A lot of units in FE11 and 12, and a lot of the pre-premotes in FE6. Lyre, Kyza, Meg. I also stand by the fact that Cath is the only unit in Fire Emblem worth more dead than alive.

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vyland/biraku allen from fe 1/11

most est units

cath,niime,douglas,ward fe6

lyre,kyza,meg,fiona,astrid,leo,tormod,vika,gareth.ena. fe10

cant think of any more right now

Niime is one of the best units in fe6 though..

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Donnel, he's horrible. His only advantage is giving galeforce, except that he also gives that child meh mods.

Eliwood in Eliwood mode, half the time he can't even attack the final boss without dieing.

Hammer users in fe6.

Almost everyone in fe11.

Non prepromoted cavaliers in fe8.

All trainee units except Ross in fe8.

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I also stand by the fact that Cath is the only unit in Fire Emblem worth more dead than alive.

But like, have you seen Rickard?

I'm surprised no one's brought up Xavier at this point, you know you've screwed up when the most notable thing about you is how painful you are to recruit

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I'm surprised no one's brought up Xavier at this point, you know you've screwed up when the most notable thing about you is how painful you are to recruit

Ooh, I had half a mind to mention him. And seconded.

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But like, have you seen Rickard?

Leave Cath alive, she bugs you in the next chapter she appears in. She's a nuisance and I got OgmaDeke to kill her as soon as she appeared on the chapter she appears on in my latest FE6 run.

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I'm surprised no one's brought up Xavier at this point, you know you've screwed up when the most notable thing about you is how painful you are to recruit

I usually find him to be relatively useful. He has a huge defense base and a powerful offense thanks to the Brave Bow. And because he has a Leadership star, he improves the performance of the entire team simply by being deployed.

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I usually find him to be relatively useful. He has a huge defense base and a powerful offense thanks to the Brave Bow. And because he has a Leadership star, he improves the performance of the entire team simply by being deployed.

IMHO, that ain't enough to make up for being a pain in the [bLEEPS] to recruit.

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